Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

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Snake Diamond
Posts: 1889
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Post by Snake Diamond »

Too damn right, it would be nice !wink! !grin!

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
Snake Diamond
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Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Post by Snake Diamond »

As some1 who is currently 30ish Lbs over my target weight, i find it embarising to be seen with my stomach on show, so how do the "Lard-Asses" with 300-450Lbs overweight not feel embarresed ?

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
Snake Diamond
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Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Post by Snake Diamond »

IdolDroog wrote:

> No one seems to have mentioned yet quite what a massive
> infringement on our freedom that could be. I hate the idea of
> things like this because its just another example of
> restrictions being placed on us.

Whether or not it is NOT liked or respectful to the community is NOT what I was after, I totally agree with you on that point, Idol.

If some1 wants to go topless, as long as the existing laws dont prevent it, which they DONT, then it should be the right of us to do that, if we so wish. It is also up to us to take care of the community's feelings, or not.

NOT some fucking Jumped-Up Wanna-Be Hitlerite imposing his OUTDATED STAUNCH PURITANICAL views on us as a Law.

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
Snake Diamond
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Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Post by Snake Diamond »

DAMN, only if that was a Naked Female, oh well. !laugh!

Snake Diamond,
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Snake Diamond
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Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Post by Snake Diamond »

Keith Rasputin wrote:

> ... or that sideburn which goes all the way down from the ear,
> follows the jaw-line in the direction of the chin. It looks like
> the bit that was too sensitive to shave, just looks horrible....

No, that is known as the "Teddy-Bear Handle-Bars, go look on Google for German Bear Porn !wink!

It is a reference to Gay porn, that facial hair thingy is a trademark for the gay guys, they have something to hang onto when they are Riding a Wild Boi.

Weird info I know, you would be surprised what you can learn in european chatrooms. !laugh!

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
Officer Dibble
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Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Post by Officer Dibble »

"all these shaven headed, tattooed babymen roaming the streets dressed the same as their 4 year old sons makes me puke quite frankley, along with android looking chicks with the same tats and ironwork all over their body etc!! trying to be men...."

You're preaching to the converted, Liz. My grumpiness has grown in direct proportion to the ever-increasing chaviness of today's society - and the chaviness of the female contingent in particular (since that?s the starkest, most obvious, and disappointing area of change). But there are also other issues that are winding me up as well - like political correctness, the nanny state, and rampant apathy. Never in the annals of human history can there have been a more fitting time to be 'a grumpy old git'.

Officer Dibble

Snake Diamond
Posts: 1889
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Post by Snake Diamond »

Officer Dibble wrote:

> ...the chaviness,
> ...political correctness,
> ...the nanny state,

EVERY fucking 1 of them makes my blood boil.

> ...'a grumpy old git'.

I feel like that at times, specially with them 3 items listed above, & I'm only 34 yrs young, LOL


Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!