Why is the UK so full of dicks!

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Post by mart »

I think I can recognize a Dickhead but its not you KR......lol

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Post by Mojo »

Nah, I wanted to drive trucks in order to save up to become a driving instructor. I've been told by all my old instructors (both motorcycle and car) that I'm a natural, driving through sheer instinct as well as knowing the highway code pretty much front to back. My old doctor just commented that he'd sign me fit for the Army if I wanted. This led me to believe that I was more than fit enough to drive an LGV, then move on to teaching people how to drive cars. And when I found out about the barring from LGV work I asked if I could get government training to do my main goal, that is driving instructor training, something they're supposedly crying out for. This is when they gave me the truly astonishing reply that the training "costs too much". !furious!

As for the Army, no chance in hell even if I wanted to join. I found out after my LGV medical failure that I'm barred from all the armed services, the emergency services (I thought about becoming a fireman (in order to get the LGV licence) or copper) and the train services for life.
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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by Mojo »

I must admit my medical ignorance but is PTSD, is that a trumatic stress disorder?
It stands for "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder", or what they used to call "Shell Shock" in WWII. Have you seen Fire Fox? He suffered from a form of PTSD, not necessarily brought on by explosions as the old WWII name suggests, but rather continuous large amounts of stress. It can make you a bit of a recluse as it does me, not wanting to go out of the front door and makes you nervous and jittery around other people (the more the worse).

I am genuinely sorry to hear that you are in such a bad way. I can only hope that thing improve soon. What type of business do you want to do?
Now? Driving instructor training. Nice confined space with only one person at a time with ME as boss giving all the orders. In this case the car will be my office. !happy!
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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by IdolDroog »

I'm gonna don't worry! lol.

If i say I've tried to look your company up online and said to you.....video games covers, van helsing and king arthur - would i be barking up the right tree without giving too much about yourself away?

If so, thats one of the areas I want to specialise in at some point - seriously working my fingers to the bone next year now.

Enough about me - sorry

Back to the argument - resolve - argument - resolve - return to original topic - argument - resolve
mmm Alex Kramer
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Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Post by fudgeflaps »

.............and hence you realise from bitter personal experience that health and wellbeing are more important than material possessions.

It's often asked of me: "What do you define as success?"

To which I reply, it's not money or acheivement but peace-of-mind and good health. Twee, maybe- but true nonetheless.

Sorry to hear what you went through- but it was part of the process which got you to your current (blissful?) state just now, so that would have been a valuable learning curve - an education in itself, no less- to make you a stronger and better person.

How do I know, you may ask? I've been through similar, though not as extreme.

I maintain that stress and depression are current epidemics that are beseiging a nation- another indictment of why the UK is not too great- as the speed of life is spiralling out of control and going off the gauge.

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Post by jimmy068 »

Seems he's up for some, Keith. Bit of a hypocrite though having accused the country of being full of thugs an all with his first post. Go and have a few pints, lads. Then if you still can't stand the sight of each other, at least you'll be too pissed to do any permanent damage to each other!

Personally I agree, the country is full of dickheads but so is every other country in the fucking world. Patronising, condescending, sanctimonious ones at that.
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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by Mojo »

No offence Marty, but Keith is right in a few areas. I don't know if he's right about you personally, but he is right about some of the great minds and successes in the world. Albert Einstein, for example, was never any good academically. Nor was George Lucas and several others. I myself have an IQ of 118 (graduate level!), but have sod all qualifications wise, simply because maths and all that stuff isn't my thing, depite seemingly being good at it. It just sends me to sleep and makes my mind wander, as does learning Shakespeare. I'd also like to point out that I have an IQ of 118 even though I went to an ultra dire special school after being bullied at normal school, hence I wasn't even schooled to Secondary level on leaving. Go figure! For me, all it takes are a few pointers at the most complicated subjects and I can then take it from there if my heart's in it. My IQ test said that I'm a brain stormer, someone who can think up new and dynamic ideas; that I'm someone who can see incredible things in my mind's eye. And funnily enough, I can do just that, see incredible visions inside my head, ones that would be mind boggling to anyone if they only saw them come to fruition! But it still doesn't show in my academic record.
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Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Post by fudgeflaps »

Hey, Mojo, when I read "spirited" there it came out "bitter"!! !wink!

Christ, the three of us are forming a right proper mutual appreciation society now, eh?? !grin!

To reiterate- sorry to hear of your woes, guys, but as this is a porn forum (with quite a few circling vultures), it's in your best interests to say as little as possible about your personal lives. A few twisted souls will hold it against you and may use said info as a very cheap trump card in any future confrontation.

It's never applied to me, touch wood, but daft, pointless flaming does ensue here, despite self-proclamations of high intellect.

Right back to the argument, gloves off, claws out.................
