Sexy meaning of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

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Officer Dibble
Posts: 2372
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Sexy meaning of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Post by Officer Dibble »

Yes, the 1940?s were a far more enlightened and liberated age than today?s world of dour political correctness. I just perusing The Sunday Times yesterday when I chanced upon an article that told of how earnest, middleclass, silly cow, Tessa Jowell, was urging premiership footballers and fans in Germany not to avail themselves of the top class European totty expected to be playing their beef smoking services at this summers? world cup event in Germany. Jeez, what a miserable meddling fucker she is. What?s it coming to eh, when a well-minted footy star can?t spend his wad on a bit of R & R with some tasty blonde babes without fucking Guardian readers tut, tutting, and wagging their morally superior fingers at us? What?s it coming to when British footy fans can?t sample the delights of classy non-chav birds when they take a break from these down at heel isles? Set of twats. I trust everyone will join me in tellin? the PC mob to, unequivocally - FUCK OFF! I mean, friggin? ?ell, they?ll be tellin? us we can?t have a ciggy next, mark my words.

Officer Dibble

Posts: 673
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Re: Sexy meaning of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Post by chatterji »

But were they truly scrumptious, P-O-S-H girls, and would they suck your Toot Sweet?

A chit is still a chit in the army.
Porn crackers
Posts: 1056
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Sexy meaning of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Post by Porn crackers »

Yes strange subject for last Sundays countryfile......

I only watch it for the week ahead weather forcast, and found Ben telling us the tru meaning of Chitty.....


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Re: Sexy meaning of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Post by MisterC »

There were actually 2 classes of brothel in WW1, those with a red light outside were for the ranks and those with a blue light were reserved for officers.

Warning - Don't go into an establishment in the UK with a blue light outside asking for such services. They have an attempt at dungeons, but not a lot else going.