The BGAFD "Community"

A place to socialise and share opinions with other members of the BGAFD Community.
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by mart »

Its getting to the stage where I look at the posters name and can predict pretty much what they will be saying.

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

As they most likely do with you Mart

Maybe if posters spent more time attacking the arguments than each other
it would be a more harmonious community

Personal abuse is like water of a ducks back to me
The sort of thing you'd expect in primary school recess break not a forum for adults but thats Cyber Space for ya

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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by marcelolenza »

hey Arnold, I am from Rio, Brasil. I have just found this forum and it?s great. Iam looking for pics of British models, like Karen Mifflin. I put a request on the forum, but I got no answer till now. I agree with you about the questions you put there. bye.
greetings from Marcelo.
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Tequila_Woods »

I was having a conversation about this with some other performers and directors only 2 nights ago.

There are too many dicks on this site putting the girls down, complaining about uk porn and basically acting like school kids. Many of the girls in the UK dont even post on here because of this reason.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and constructive criticism is often helpful but usually its just someone who doesnt really know what they are talking about shouting off about something.

I thought this board was a good promotional tool and a way to keep in contact with our fans, not a moaning board!

If you dont like certain uk girls, dont buy their dvds, if you dont like british porn, why are you even registered in this site?

There are too many personal vendettas getting aired on here...If you have a problem with someone email them direct because im getting fed up if reading it.

Sort it out mods!

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Jacques »

Difficult if they are using ntl or AOL as they use one IP address for multiple users.
quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by randyandy »

I agree with what you say Tequila but remember constructive criticism isn't always going to give you a pat on the back.

I read one thread were a certain model when asked not to talk over the other girls replied with what was basically on the lines of I don't give a f**k what the fans think.

If you worked with the particular model on the programme in question people wanting to listen to what you had to say couldn't but if one of your fans made a complaint (constructive criticism) by suggesting the model in question talked a little less they couldn't because it wouldn't be deemed constructive.

The school kids or arsewipes (in my opinion) who insult the models call them ugly etc just for the sake of having a go should be kicked off but I am against stopping people from making comments just because it goes against what is someone else?s opinion.

The don't buy / don't watch if you don't like isn't the answer to constructive criticism but is the answer for someone who doesn't like a particular model.

Sorry for the long winded reply.


(By the way while I am here if you read this T can I say your fit as f**k and one very sexy hot and horny performer)

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

No disrespect but your comments have missed the point entirely Tequila

We're talking about non-porn related debates degenerating into personal abuse

Remember this is the o/t forum where Porn Talk is a rarity rather than the norm

As for there being too many DICKS putting the girls/uk porn down on BGAFD
that will always be the case because of;

dissatisfied customers/trolls/shit stirrers/anti-porn crusaders/burnt out porn users-They all exist in our midst make no mistake of that

So I suggest you grow some thick skin,although I would have thought this a pre-requisite for being in Porn

Take a leaf out of OEJ or Marinos book
Always happy with a comment or 2 but will always give as good as they get if someone has got the balls to confront them about something

NO Porn Forum is ever going to be a love in fest because of the anonymity of the internet IMHO

Arnold Layne
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Arnold Layne »

Oky Warreny
I lovy youy tooy ;-)

"This one's for my man "T"...
& it's called Wish you were here"