Major Explosion on the underground

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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Jayr »

Aside from all this arguing, what I am more mad at is the current media frenzy that has started since the bombings took place. All sorts of statements are being said that are simply not true and many so called journos are now asking "are we safe?" well we are no more safe then when we where during the past TWENTY YEARS from the IRA!
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Pretty_Joe »

With all my dislike for Blair and Bush and their governments we cannot blame every terrorist attack on them!

We are fighting against an enemy with no demands, they live on death. All the current bombings and killings in Iraq are now done by 'insurgents' most of whom are not even Iraqi.

People may think these people who do these bombings are psychotic nutcases on the contrary these people are sane, but sinister, calculated sets intent on gaining attention.

Yes Blair has abused his position by raging wars for oil but these people are immune to compassion, immune to empathy and immune to argument.

Sorry to sound like a Labour spokesperson but these people do not need excuses to cause chaos, Kenya Mombassa bombs, Trade Centre 93' etc, were all done by terrorist before anyone knew who George W Bush or Tony Blair was.

My sympathy's with all deaths yesterday.
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by steve56 »

cant trust blair though i caught him grinning a lot unless it was a grimace?
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by SteveR »

The spanish prime minister lost credibility because of the way he carried himself after the incidents of 2004 - i.e. with very little compassion and sympathy. Didn't he use it as an oportunity to blame Basque separatists?

Whilst I trust Blair less than the distance I can spit, he has carried himself well (regardless of insincerity).

Why the need for a scapegoat (Blair) anyway? As has been said, let's focus resources into finding the perpetrators rather than a tiresome campaign to get Brown in office.

With regards to immigration - I fail to see its implications with terrorism (the foiled shoe bomber was English wasnt he?). You reap what you sow; I think over the course of history, Britain can be accused on one or two occasions for going to other people's countries unwanted.

The dignity and poise with which the country has carried itself through this should be praised - that's our biggest weapon at the moment.

If Windows is the answer, you didn't understand the question.

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Those Responsible = The Bombers,nobody else

Sleeper Cells are extremely hard to counter but to say theres been a lapse is foolhardy,given that almost 40 of these have been dismantled since 9/11

In the real world,all sorts of crime is never solved so why would you expect all terrorism to be stopped in its tracks

A good example in Australia at the minute is some assholes trying to extort
money from companies by threatening to poison products and even to Shoot Crane Operators.This has been ongoing for 10 years and to this day their still unsolved crimes

Thats life
