Patient Name: IV

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Dr. I.M. Cracked-Up

Patient Name: IV

Post by Dr. I.M. Cracked-Up »

Gentlemen and some ladies, I Speak as a councillor and confidant of the mentally disturbed, with many years experience in dealing with those very sad cases of people who feel they have to either impose their will on society, or to dictate the way others should live their lives.
Through my studies and hands on care I have learnt that the best treatment for these people is to ignore them whilst they are still in the early stages of their delusion. As provoked as one may feel, and I as much as IV Hunter, tend to want to defend my rights of freedom, It has been proved that if one pays attention to the ranting of the troubled minds, or patients as I call them, then they gain the impression that their views are of some importance to society as a whole or to a particular grouping.
There have throughout history been many classic cases, which make up the casebooks so assiduously studied by those in my profession. Attila, Mussolini, Hitler, Thatcher, and to a lesser degree the now morally discredited National Viewers and listeners grouping led by that well known proprietor of sleazy magazines Mary Whitehouse, all of whom, had we ignored them would just have over run a country or two and simply faded into the mists of time or to that particular hole usually occupied by news of the world journalists and certain Tory prime ministers. Damn! I am letting my own prejudice show through again. Must have some corner time!

Now, as to the symptoms. The classic place for spotting those with this type of delusional dysfunction is to look at the English attitude towards sex. The sickness tends to manifest itself in those who believe that the way to control the minds of the masses and to run this great and glorious country of ours is to control the Englishman?s access to sex.
British sex, and I give the term the widest possible meaning, not using it in the strictly sociological way one would expect from one in my profession, British sex and the British attitude towards sex, has always been acknowledged by the rest of the world to have been influenced very heavily by those who, as members of the privileged classes, had the good fortune to be sent to expensive schools where they were encouraged to indulge in games such as ?masturbating my best friend under the bedclothes? ?bending over the apple barrel? ?cold shower find the soap? and flogging each other on a daily basis. I have no problem with these activities but do feel that they should be made available in all state schools and not simply as the preserve of the wealthy and privileged
It is necessary to look at some background; those who already know it all can skip the next paragraph.
Successive governments, made up to a large degree by those from this type of back ground, used the knowledge gained in these places of learning, as a means of controlling the masses, imposing views, locking people up and, in these modern times, as a way of extracting money from those who wish to go about there lawful business.
?Let us certificate a video program and say that it is no longer true that, to view this program will put you in great moral and physical danger, then let us impose some totally meaningless restriction, on where it can be purchased or better still let us try and fleece those who wish to sell this entirely legal product, of as much money as we can. This is the new Labour, New English way of giving freedom to the masses; do not forget we are now Europeans.
Now, I do not usually discuss individual cases but?
IV comes within the lose grouping of sad people, or organisations we know not which, I have attempted to identify above. Unfortunately not being very bright he has fallen into the classical trap set by those from this background as a means to catch out the interloper. He is not in a position of power or influence, his ranting will have no effect on society, indeed, if his treatment is to be successful we should not even be discussing his sad case in this public forum. In effect he is not one of them! And here is the irony: He is not one of us either.
So let?s end this discussion with a few words of comfort to IV. Let us as more enlightened members of society extend the hand of friendship and compassion, don?t kick him in the testicles when he identifies himself, oh yes, he will do this eventually as his need for more power and recognition grows. Don?t ridicule him, or send him to the pillory of our derision. Remember, he is only seeking to become a useful member of society.
For those who wish to give more practical help can I suggest that they write to their local authority and ascertain the requirements for opening a sex shop in their area, ask government why they restrict the lawful trade of a legal product, and get copies of the appropriate documentation and start to raise questions of their authority based on what they will assuredly find.
I am available for private consultations at the usual fee.

Re: Patient Name: IV

Post by IV »





Phil K

Re: Patient Name: IV

Post by Phil K »

If your intrusion in this group wasn't unwelcome enough, you could at least have the decency to turn the bloody caps locks key off before preaching your claptrap!
Dr. I.M. Cracked-Up

Re: Patient Name: IV

Post by Dr. I.M. Cracked-Up »

Phil, that is not the way to speak to a sick person. I sugest you attend one of my correctional therapy could you bring your wife as well.

Re: Patient Name: IV

Post by alec »

Caps must be the cyber equivalent of green ink.
IV Hunter

Re: Patient Name: IV

Post by IV Hunter »

You mean you have friends!
If you put your time to better use like tracking Child porn sites and finding the sick bastards on the net you would be a very popular and important person.....

Re: Patient Name: IV

Post by alec »

Also gives a whole new meaning to the term IV drip.
Ex Policeman

Re: Patient Name: IV

Post by Ex Policeman »

You have this thing about THE LAW....
Did you try to be a policeman? and get refused.....

Re: Patient Name: IV

Post by Stew »

The problem with comparing IV (is that Internet Vigilante?) and his friend gradgrind with the Nazis is that Hitler's Germany is too remote. Bring it closer to home, like South Africa up until 1990. People like these two prats kept the Nationalist Government in power for over forty years, and introduced laws that made sex across the colour line a criminal offence. Bikinis on the cinema screen were taboo, and serious attempts were made to prohibit mixed bathing (thats male and female, by the way, not black and white.) And who wee the people most frequently prosecuted under the Immorality Act? The very people who introduced the legislation.
Using Upper Case as IV (is that Ivy as in creepr?) does indicates that he is incapable of communicating in anything quiter thatn a shout, which is the case with all fanatics. These are sad people, and gradgrind suggests tht we think he is a dinosaur. No, we are aware that dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years, and we are also aware that we are stuck with idots like you as long as cousins coninue to fornicate.
Now, back to business - what's happening with Charmaine Sinclair?

Re: Patient Name: IV

Post by Caractacus »

You've probably hit the nail on the head, Ex-policeman. I suspect he was turned down due to being six inches too short, but compensates by being a security man at a shopping centre and has as his main hobby attempting to grow a moustache. What IV Hunter said was right as well, why can't these people target the real threat: paedophiles who use the net to gain access to children.
Incidentally, is it a coincidence that the only support IV has received here is from someone whose pen name (Gradgrind) belongs to the soulless, loveless Victorian tyrant from a Dickens novel?