Easy Moneyyyyyy

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Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by IdolDroog »

OK, heres the question. As some of you know im trying to save my earnings overr the next 12 months in order to take hopefully between 6 and 8000? to university next sept. saving from my day job shouldnt be a problem as ive got good self discipline and im well on track as it is.

My question is this....i would like to upgrade my car and to do so need to try and get a few grand together for the insurance and the cost of the car to buy....as stupid a question as this sounds - but does anyone have any suggestions ....no smartarse "get another job" or "psh, bloody kids looking for get rich quick schemes".....im not, im just wondering if anyone else have ever 'stumbled' upon some kinda supplimentary income or some other way of making a bit more money over the next 12 months.....any constructive/nice thoughts appreciated....maybe some of you know ways to work from home or online?

I dunno, its just a post really to see what you people think/know...and the subject title was meant to be tongue in cheek ;)
mmm Alex Kramer
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Re: Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by mart »

If you genuinely want to save some money, ask yourself if you do really need to upgrade your car.


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Re: Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by Illinoisblue »

Well, the adverts say you can make 1000 pounds a week 'simply by stuffing envelopes' and I for one believe them!

How about selling Tupperware or Avon? Could be a good way to meet some sex-starved housewives.

Rude Boy
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Re: Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by Rude Boy »

Oh hell, money is my favourite thing but I've not found an easy way of obtaining it yet. Crime seems the easiest route but I can't condone that obviously. I would suggest futures trading as the scope for "Easy" money is vast as is the scope for financial ruin unfortunately plus you need a fair wedge to start with as 40% overnight growth on a tenner isn't really that exciting. It sounds as though you REALLY need your ?8000 to remain secure so higher risk investments aren't a good bet.

Oh hell, the answer is.....there is no answer! Sorry!

Mind you, being more realistic, there is a massive lack of any form of tradesmen in my part of the world at the mo' which I suspect might be a national trend. I know you can't become a plumber or a brickie within a year but you might pick up some well-paid extra work doing some decorating or general odd-jobs. Good luck!
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Re: Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by rrankin »

A common piece of advice - if you plan to be a student you should start living & spending like a student.

When I was a student, and this is the truth, the sperm-bank was a popular side income. I think your first sample gets tested to make sure your boys are good swimmers, and you don't have the clap.

Jokes aside you get a modest payment for knocking one out and helping an infertile couple, so long as you can handle the fact that there may end up being your biological child out there somewhere.

For example http://www.lwclinic.co.uk/donor.htm pays ?15 + ?5 expenses, and you do it once or twice a week for three to six months. So that is potentially up to ?1040 (?20 * 2 times a week * 26 weeks).

Plus it is good practice for becoming a pro stud!

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Re: Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by mart »

Do they provide the reading matter?


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Re: Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by diplodocus »

yeah, people used to do that when I was at uni, but i'm not sure i'd want to now as I believe that any kids you father are entitled to know your identity. Not sure i'd want a pile of teenagers turning up on me doorstep saying 'hi dad'

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The Last Word
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Re: Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by The Last Word »

Go for it, ID.

After all, it's not uncommon for students to miss lectures because they're too busy having a wank.

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Re: Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by Ace »

I did sperm donation and stopped for the simple fact the new laws allow possible off-spring to track you down. Its a reason fewer donars are coming (fnarr fnarr) forward. As for reading material...NONE!! Just a beaker and a booth........not even trainee nurses to 'assist' you, just yer imagination.
EASY money?????No such thing, for the hours you spend stuffing envelopes for a pissy meagre income, you'd do much better getting a part time bar or waiter job. I did both of these as well on nights off when I chef-ed many years ago. Good supplementary income and tips and behind the bar, a great social side as well..............wish I could do it now with all that totty binge drinking, think how many phone numbers you will get!!
Bottom line is........as Mart says, 'do you REALLY need to upgrade the car? Get yerself a blacked out Nova!!!

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Re: Easy Moneyyyyyy

Post by IdolDroog »

Thanks for all your replies guys, as i hoped i got the point across im not lazy or anything was just wondering if anyone knew of nething to suppliment an income....

Im thinking i could get either some bar work in evenings or weekends and/or odd jobs, i love odd jobs gardening and stuff....

As for the sperm bank, id rather not having any biological kids out there, ive got a moral issue with all that but thanks again for the suggestion :D lol

Mart - i am definite about my saving hence i dont wanna take any of my day job money...which im aiming to save 8000? , im just trying to see if i can get a few more grand together because i want a VR6 instead of my 1.8 Driver, which i do love, but i reallllly want a VR6 whilst they are still newish and ive got a bit of money....+ babe magnet at uni ;)
mmm Alex Kramer