Transatlantic Flights

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Rock Charogne
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Transatlantic Flights

Post by Rock Charogne »

We are told that nobody wants to fly after 9/11 and the ? is high against the $ yet when I look for flights to the US on the cheap websites, flights to NY look like ?400+ and to LA ?500+ - at least until November!!

Anyone know where to find really cheap flights - or perhaps these are cheap - I know I'm tight LOL


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Re: Transatlantic Flights

Post by Peter »

I presume thats cattle class prices you're referring to?

Always go business, myself. Very liitle chance of screaming kids and people in football shirts.
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Officer Dibble
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Re: Transatlantic Flights

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Always go business, myself. Very liitle chance of screaming kids and people in football shirts."

Could you perchance be refering to Chavs -

Officer Dibble
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Re: Transatlantic Flights

Post by Pervert »

Dibbs, you're obsessed with Chavs. Perhaps you and Bimmercat should combine your fixations, and take up Chav hunting.
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Officer Dibble
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Re: Transatlantic Flights

Post by Officer Dibble »

I know, I know, but since I stumbled onto the Chav website I've been seeing 'em everywhere. They're taking over music, TV, movies, mags, even porn! Shit, they're taking over the fucking counrty! I may even may a movie about it, working title - 'Day Of The Chavs'. Wadaya think?

Officer Dibble
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Re: Transatlantic Flights

Post by Fastbike »

All the airlines have cut back on a/c and numbers of flights , so supply and demand will keep prices about where they need them to be to have a business. Last time I went we we were stuffed as to exactly when and where we flew , and finished up paying about that much to guarantee it . Dunno if you can still get standby bargains if are able to take a punt .

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The Last Word
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Re: Chavscum

Post by The Last Word »

Oh dear. Vile little site dedicated to sneering at part of our social/cultural underbelly that's far too conveniently simplified to fully take seriously. The fact that much of the so-called 'chav culture' (gaudy affluence/materialism/narcissistic media) mirrors much of our middle class culture suggests a certain undermining going on, one that perhaps rankles those spitting down the ladder with such venom.

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Officer Dibble
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Re: Chavscum

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Vile"? Oh come on, that's a bit strong. I see the Chav site as keenly observed, amusing, and entertaining. The proprietor obviously has an issue with 'Chavs' one that I can fully empathise with, as, not to put to finer point on it, they're crap. But more seriously, Chavs and those promoting Chav culture are having a negative influence on British culture and society in general. As well as the culture issues that we've touched on there's a general apathy, lack of respect and the beginnings of a breakdown of society - for instance, drunken moronic Chavs beating up hospital staff who are trying to teat them - unimaginable when I was a lad. OAP's on council estates bolting the doors and cowering in fear as darkness descends and like in Charlton Heston's 'Omega Man' shrieking Chavs emerge from their hovels and take over the streets, the bus shelters, and urban shopping precincts. This has all come about over the past 40 years by middle class people who runs councils and the public media (and don?t live in Chav areas) saying we mustn?t disrespect Chavs, we mustn?t point the finger and say they are crap, deadbeats, wasters and morons. We must allow them free reign, to express themselves. Consequently, no standards of behaviour or academic attainment have been imposed upon them like used to be the case prior to the 60?s.

Sites like are doing something about it. They are not fiddling while Rome burns ? they are pointing out how crap Chavs and Chav culture are in a clever and entertaining way, maybe hoping to shake the rest off society out of their apathy and do something about it.

I see absolutely no correlation between middleclass culture (which also gets right up my nose, but that?s another issue) and Chav culture. They are like chalk and cheese, diametrically opposed. For instance, middleclass people might be affluent on the whole, but they don?t usually go in for the ?gaudy? trappings of affluence, as it would be considered vulgar and bad form - especially while there were so many starving in Africa. No, they would buy a boring sensible Volvo or Renault People carrier, where as those from the Chav side of town would, if they found themselves in those circumstances, treat themselves to the flashest, lairiest, car they could find. I?ve also come across middleclass people who appear to be impoverished and live in scruffy hovels surrounded by books. They may be poor but their culture and worldview is light years away from Chav culture, they have virtually nothing in common with Chavs, except financial circumstances.

If you?re suggesting that I may be one of those ?spitting DOWN the ladder? I can assure you I am not. I?m from Chav stock myself, I?m from a Chav estate, my widowed mum is one of those who lock the door at night and cower behind the curtains as the baseball cap wearing Chavs take over the street.

Officer Dibble
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Re: Transatlantic Flights

Post by janehamilton » is a site owned by a number of airlines including BA etc and you can see at a glance upcoming offers they may have. are also a good reliable company, the site lists a range of airlines when you search. Expedia is good also, they give you a range of airlines going to the destination on the date selected so you can then visit the airlines listed and see if they have any deals or offers.

I have just come back from New York and I paid about ?350 for mine direct with Continental which was the lowest fare I could find direct from Birmingham. Air France, Air Swiss, Aer Lingus often do go transatlantic deals to the West coast, I went last October for ?260 with Air Swiss. The lower the price though the more likely the flight will not be direct and take a lot longer.

There is a wine company doing a US promotion in Sainsburys, if you buy a case of their wine for about ?40 you get a free return flight to the US, covering LA, New York etc, which might be useful.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Transatlantic Flights

Post by Illinoisblue »

If you've got long legs and keen to have an aisle seat try booking with American Airlines; you get a seating plan of the plane and can choose your own seat.

Always found had pretty good deals, but that said, when scouring the various travel sites it was ALWAYS Air India who had the cheapest flights from UK to America.
