does anyone know of any non-UK suppliers of Seventeen tapes/magazines?
The only ones I can find (including seventeen themselves at fun.nl/shop) refuse to ship to the uk.
Any help gratefully received,
Re: Seventeen
Seventeen videos are sold by various people including Your Choice, NCV, etc. But obviously not the full range at any one time. Don't know about mags, sorry.
Re: Seventeen
I thought someone might know of a european sex shop or something who shipped to the uk.
thanks anyway
thanks anyway
Re: Seventeen
> I thought someone might know of a european sex shop or
> something who shipped to the uk.
That's what "Your Choice" is!
> something who shipped to the uk.
That's what "Your Choice" is!
Re: Seventeen
I'm a great fan of their "Excuse Me" series and they very rarely appear in the lists of UK suppliers. I ordered from 17 and they took my details and agreed to supply, but nothing arrived, they did not take my money. Any help appreciated.
Re: Seventeen
They did the same to me - they wont process orders to UK addresses, under any circumstances whatsoever.
Re: Seventeen
So why not just order from a UK supplier? I've noticed quite a few Seventeen films being offered in UK Supliers catalogues.
The Insider.
The Insider.
Re: Seventeen
I don't know why, but most Seventeen videos I've obtained from UK suppliers - even those whose picture quality is normally excllent - have had a very poor picture. Perhaps because Seventeen originals were poor and perhaps partly because Teen Town and similar are basically compilations with new linking scenes.
Re: Seventeen
I have a few original Seventeen video's that were brought into the country and their quality is OK. Must be the copying equipment being used.