Terrorism in Madrid...again...lets face it...

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Re: Terrorism in Madrid...again...lets face it...

Post by mart »

Ok Bimmercat what are you suggesting? Should we nuke every country that has mosques. Round up everyone with a brown skin and a beard.
What is your agenda?
How much does the US State Department pay you?


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Are you really sure?

Post by ichabod_crane »

Just who are you planning on fighting though? And how? The invasion of Afghanistan, although partly retribution, could certainly be seen to be a strike against terrorists and the state that harboured them but do you **really** believe that the invasion of Iraq was motivated by the idea of a reduction in terrorism .

You seem to fall into the trap of thinking that there is a simplistic resolution to terrorism - the general application of force against a larger target than is necessary. Time and again this kind of approach, has failed. Look at Northern Ireland, Israel, The Philippines, Russia and all the other areas of the world where this approach has just made things more - more people are killed, more lives are ruined.

Do we appease? No.

Do we hunt down terrorists using the means we have available to us and put them in jail. Yes, of course we do.

Bu we should not alienate the many who get tarred with the brush of terrorism because we "must get tough on the suicide bombers". Terrorism needs supporters, if we are thick-witted enough to turn ourselves into the perceived enemy of a large proportion of the world then that does not make for a better world or a safer future for any of us.

Marblehead Johnson
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Re: Terrorism in Madrid...again...lets face it...

Post by Marblehead Johnson »

Blair put the UK in the firing line by kowtowing to Bush. The Americans didn't seem to show any real interest in dealing with "terrorists" until they got attacked.

I still don't understand how a country with some of the most sophisticated technology in the world can fail to notice those airplanes were going massively off course and then fail to take any action to prevent 9/11, but that's another debate.

Call me cynical, but I'm sure that the US will capture Bin Laden just before the Americans go to the polling booths.

And by the way, Bimmercat, I'm not anti-US I just believe that all politicians are lying cocksuckers (to quote Bill Hicks)

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Re: Terrorism in Madrid...again...lets face it...

Post by steve56 »

thats the only reason blair met with gaddafi he wants his oil.