Fiona Cooper

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Fiona Cooper

Post by IainT »

I would urge you guys who buy their DVD's not to, those who accept their advertising revenue not to and would absolutely advise any model not to work with them.
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Re: Fiona Cooper

Post by socatoa »

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Re: Fiona Cooper

Post by socatoa »

Couldn't download your site at first, but after reading, have dropped them. Scary situation, and totally not safe.
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Re: Fiona Cooper

Post by cockneygeezer2009 »

"and would absolutely advise any model not to work with them".

Unfortunately the money for some models is too good to turn down. As you say in your blog forewarned is forearmed.

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Re: Fiona Cooper

Post by MarkE »

I?m really sorry Iain, but I have to disagree with you on this. You?re on a really stiff wicket here.

I?m no fan of Sutcliffe, at all, but he?s been going a fuck of a long time, everyone knows about him (and his antics) and models of all types (experienced, inexperienced, informed, ill-informed) shoot with him regardless ? they like the money!

That?s it buddy, I can link here to a zillion models who?s Purestorm accounts testify to their levels and specific male interaction ?limitations? but, lo and behold, Sutcliffe comes along and he can do more or less what he wants... cos of the cash. Hello... models are interested in cash (and not a lot else), well how di do da! Tell us something we didn?t know.

You have to assess the evidence. You have to assess the witnesses and their credibility. You know, as well as I do, that any model will say what she thinks you want to hear.

Will the witnesses you mention provide statements? Will the ?models? you mention provide statements? I?ll leave it at that.

I know, you know, that you can only rely on fact, hearsay is irrelevant.

I understand what you?re doing, where you?re coming from. I don?t necessarily disagree with the sentiment. One friend to another, I think this forum in particular and to a lesser extent the other (photography) forums are not appropriate forums to raise this matter.

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Re: Fiona Cooper

Post by IainT »


I think you are trying to protect me from myself and I appreciate that, but this and other forums are entirely the appropriate forums to raise this matter and I'll be doing so at every opportunity. The man is a convicted sexual offender for crimes involving minors, he is a filthy sexual preditor and its abhorent that the industry still allows him to operate.

I note your points about evidence and witness credibility and in particular about how certain individuals are prepared to compromise themselves as long as the right amount of money is on the table.

I accept people tell you what you want to hear in certain circumstances, as you point out I know this as well as you do, but I also know what questions not to ask. The account on my blog was entirely unsolicited, it actually came up randomly whilst talking to the model. At the time, as it was her first experience in the industry, she really thought that was what happened at shoots and what she would have to put up with if she wanted to make a living.

In my view she was deliberately set up by an agent as fresh meat for this guy, the agent sent her there without warning, knowing exactly what would happen. The same agent did exactly the same with another girl in the last few weeks, and she had exactly the same experience.

The very existance of these individuals and the fact that they continue to operate is an affront to the Industry and all their appologists should be ashamed of themselves.
andy at handiwork
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Re: Fiona Cooper

Post by andy at handiwork »

I think it is worth bearing in mind that a lot of FC's material is now shot, I understand, by a woman photographer, I wont name her here but I'm sure many here know her, who is totally beyond reproach and highly trustworthy.

As for why '...the industry still allows him (FC) to operate...' how could 'the industry' do anything to stop him?
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Re: Fiona Cooper

Post by IainT »

Yes, models who have enough sense not go to near him, go to the lady in question, whom I know well and like, she is , as you say, beyond reproach other than the fact she works for this individual.

This is unfortunate and one of the reasons he continues to survive. If people would simply grow some balls, stop thinking about money for a second...and this includes advertisers... and boycott him, then ythe industry could effectively put him out of business.

Of course the problem is, that money motivates people to be appologists for his behaviour and blame the girls...etc, etc...but its all bullshit...he's a sleazeball, end off.
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Re: Fiona Cooper

Post by Leaky »

I agree with Iain, if a girl is sent to the premises on the understanding thyat she is doing a specific kind of work only to be told she isnt through no fault of her own. Firslty this agent needs to be sorted out for allowing this, and secondly sutcliffe himself for taking part in the act. I think if you can get the model to give a witness statement of what happened judging by sutcliffes past conviction i think there is every chance this could go somewhere. Whilst i understand that the majority of models dont have a problem with him does that mean we are to ignore the others. Ive just done a quick search on google and found this address where his studio is. Like Iain said this sutcliffe guy is one sleazy animal.
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Re: Fiona Cooper

Post by derrick76 »

It's the same way (big) money motivates some models to give their exclusive high levels to some companies/producers/photographers. Money, money, money. Who can splash the most cash wins, as I'm sure you're well aware.

The fact of life is 'money' is what models and producers alike need to survive. Most times the other fluff doesn't pay the bills, put food on the table nor ensure shelter.
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