Ben Dover

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
little juan
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by little juan »

This is just a money making scam, who the fuck is downloading bendover stuff anymore? His career finished with VHS didn't it? I heard his name on a radio broadcast yesterday coming from a car next to me in a jam yesterday and I thought that sad desperate old cunt is going to wreck the whole Brit porn industry all on his own. This is how

Loads of blokes will be hearing his name on all the news and reading about it in all the papers and they'll think, 'Whos this bendover dude, he must be great cos everyones nicking his stuff' So then you get thousands of blokes googling bendover and then they find his website, which is possibly the shittest website on line at the moment:

then this i what those blokes will say-
What a shit website
Who the fuck would want to download or nick this shit?
Yeah just as I suspected all Brit porn is shit just like this.

you lot should be livid because he has now made himslef the face of Brit porn and every person who looks up his stuff will just think all brit porn is as crap as his.

Born to be mild
harry stotle
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by harry stotle »

With the rubbish he has been churning out in the last couple of years he should be grateful that anyone is interested anymore, time to hang up the dick and borrow a few quid off the son!!!.
one eyed jack
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by one eyed jack »

I remember a time when Ben Dover was seen as the darling of UK porn. Did he just become so unpopular because he is fighting back with this anti piracy scheme?

Certainly looks that way to me

Little Juan, you say his stuff is shit but I htink thats really harsh given he was the one making the most money and became the face of UK porn simply because he put his face out there when the time was right when everyone else was burying theirs in the sand hiding because of the UK laws

It seems a lot of people forget that around these parts.

All you need to do is check the archives back in the day and everyone was on raving about him.

How times have changed. Theres no love in the game no more
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by m100 »

I may have said this before but Ben is sort of the Rolling Stones of the porn world. You're inclined to wonder why he's still doing it at his age, he has internal wrangles (ie "i want to be a proper actor"), the 'band' members have changed, the production has become a bit glossier and most of us would like a return to the rough around the edges early work but some of us still watch him (and BUY the dvd's if you're reading this Ben!)

A few thoughts on what i have of his recent titles

Yummy Mummies (BB - ok)
Busty Babes USA (BB - ok)
Motor Birds 1 (BB - I'd love to know how much he actually was involved in this because it appears not much)
Motor Birds 2 (BB - far better than number 1, although anything with tanya cox and elle brook in is bound to be good)
Assylum Seekers (BB - uneventful, the scenes appeared rushed)
Big Breaks (BB - things are loooking up, especially the kerry louise and hannah shaw scenes)
Bonking Barmaids (BB - the tanya cox scene is as good as the old days, the valentina cruz/hannah shaw nearly as good - the best of the BB bunch by a mile)

Ben's got talent (AC - good throughout, the scarlett and natasha scenes are great)
Loose Women (TVX - three great scenes, sasha, stacey lacey and roemie thompson - though she does look uncomfortable at times)
Cherry Poppers (AC - the best of recent titles, the lou lou and lissa love scenes are great, the caprice scene is up there with the old stuff)

The bluebird (i've said it)stuff is following a formula which is clearly intended to appeal to the bigger US marketwhere the pre-amble that most of us were used to where scenes could stretch to over 45 minutes is not going to appeal.

The chances of reaching the heights of the old days eg amanda dawkins, alex (two for marino there, you lucky, lucky sod,how you were still living after the latter is a mystery to me).

Whether it's now ben by numbers, ben lite, ben classic or whatever if you don't like don't watch. It's not like there isn't enough great stuff in
the back catalogue to keep you going.

As for the website, it looks old more than anything else but that's because he doesn't seem to have shot much of his own content recently. He's not going to be allowed to put the bluebird or adult channel or tvx stuff on there.
Maybe he just can't be arsed with distribution etc and therefore, like the stones you could argue, takes the money and runs.
one eyed jack
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by one eyed jack »

Because sales on DVD have declined dramatically in recent years no one has got a great distibution deal unless they own a chain of shops and even then I dont think the numbers are as good as they once were for anyone and this brings it squarely back to the point of this thread where revenues are lost.

If everyone thinks that they are merely alone in doing it but everyone is doing it then everything comes to a crashing halt. Not just porn and you can see evidence of this everywhere.

Even Apple and Microsoft are feeling the pinch with losses and this may well be just the beginning.

Copyright infringement does not exist exclusive to porn. I can see this extending to all manner of things in the future with names more prolific than Ben Dover
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by schist »

A net profit of $7.3 billion must be a bitch!

Apple Third Quarter Results.

little juan
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by little juan »

He's not fighting back the prirates, he's trying to scare people shitless into paying up some dosh to him so he doesnt take them to court. He doesn't even have to prove they've been looking at his crap, because they'll just pay up regardless because they are frightened. Why dont you read bendovers own wiki entry and go down to the bit that says even The House of Lords siaid its a scam, what are you saying even they are against bendover? lol! I know he's probably a pal of yours but unless your sharing the cash he's getting I don't know why you want to defend him so much.
Bendover want to be some kind of celebrity and wants fame do you really think he deserves to be the face of British Porn, I don't, I think he's a really bad image and people will just think all ofyou are just as scummy as he is.

Read this

Born to be mild
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by theverve »

Wgen they say O2 customers do they mean those with 02 broadband? I have another ISP provider does this mean I wont be written to?

Also does the action only apply to people that have downloaded movies using torrent sites?

I have never bothered with torrents I simply use tube sites like xhamster? Does this mean I am in the clear?
one eyed jack
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by one eyed jack »

I'm not defending him as much as I am counteracting your claims that he is out to frighten people into paying. Lets give that term the respect it deserves. You are implying he is virtually extorting money but as far as I can see he (or rather his representation) is fighting back against piracy by persuing it via perfectly legal means via a court of law being supervised b a judge.

You see this as wrong but I also say it is wrong that people are knowingly infringing copyright law by downloading it.

You seem to think this is ok and if he is that scummy and his product is that bad and he is a bad representation of UK porn then why are people even downloading it in the first place if that is the case?

I'm not so much as defending the guy than just highlighting the hypocrisy of your accusations of the man and if I appear to be defensive then I would also be for any other producer in the same situation whether he/ she be friend or foe.

If this is all about scaring people then I don't beleive anyone is scared at all because if they were they simply wouldnt download his or anyones elses files illegally.

This isnt about Ben Dover This is more about people like yourself trying to justify copyright infringement as a right because it is out there for the taking and you hate it because you feel it impinges on your civil liberty to do so.

Please find anywhere in my history of posts here or anywhere that I have always said there is no such thing as free. Someone somewhere is paying for it and while I don't agree with what ACS Law has done with speculative invoicing you are using that argument to accuse this party of the same thing.

I think your attack is not objective but personal when you have to attack the man for being a bad representative of the UK industry.

What do you really know about the UK industry to make such a claim? His actions do not represent the whole industry and you are wrong for`saying that
one eyed jack
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Re: Ben Dover

Post by one eyed jack »

I'm still waiting for a link from Mr Chapel who made a claim about reading

"... a case of some kid accused of piracy who counter sued and won claiming his reputation had been sullied. If a 14 year old can do it what`ll happen when someone who knows what they`re doing and has a family and reputation sues?"

Good question except I know not of this story.

I notice that everyone caught is always never guilty and is always some old widowed grandmother who cant pay her heating bills or some loving husband who has hung himself unaware his broadband was hijacked to download porn or some similar rubbish.

Substantiate your claims or don't say it at all

In fact, can anyone supply links to support these claims? Is it too much to ask for proof? If you read it then it should be able to be found right?
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