TVX Shutdown.

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
one eyed jack
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by one eyed jack »

Why would anyone who doesnt like softcore subscribe to a softcore channel and complain about it!?

Is it because they are showing the same content all the time or what?

From what I've heard TVX have commissioned a bunch of new programmes.

No matter how hard they say their programmes are you must know that anything outside of tits and arses and a flash of fanny will never make it past regulations...but technically it can be contrued as hard legally...If you compare it to say... teletubbies
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by WoodWhacker »

Teletubbies is on a par with TVX, Tel - except they all have dildos on their heads!!

I still worry that those ladies appearing on these channels (those just having had babies aside!) who also like to shoot a few adult movies as well don't have the time anymore to do so - working all night on TV then sleeping all day!!!
gorgeous gee
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by gorgeous gee »

if the people who come on to these forums really had any measure of insight to the business on which they comment, they would realise the level of injustice they do to companys like tvx.
tvx, playboy, xplicit et al are stringently regulated by ofcon within one of the most heavily censored countries in the "modern" world.
guys like richard desmond and david sullivan...and the worthy group of producers who supply their content, dont actually wish to broadcast hours and hours of heavily cut programmes...they simply have no choice!!!!
high street retailers may not sell 18r dvd. licensed shops may not sell uncertificated product and uk tv may not show explicit adult material! its as fucking simple as that!!
please leave these people alone . you're just fucking with the wrong guys.
its crass and pointless!
in reality, the opposite is the truth. the big sat.chans. supply a very serious raison d'etre for most middle range uk production houses and without their commission payments most of us would be out of business. the uk dvd market is absolutely on its fucking knees and begging for life as its raped in the arse by the punitve nanny state establishment and the fucking legion of cunt blood pirates, of whom ,incidentally, no one seems to have a fucking bad word for on these boards!
thank fuck for tvx.
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by solihull »

Well now we have broadband,and can pick up European satellites (often easy to decode),well most people have a choice.Most people should be able to get both.I got a dish,skystar2,.cable etc,and all for under 50 quid.
I now get Hustler,Tequilla,Premiere Blue Movie,and sometimes the Multivision ones..and all free:)
Still TVX does give British pron,foreign pron can get boring after a time,but hey,why not join a British site? You can get plenty of stuff to keep you occupied,and often the same programmes available censored on TVX are uncut on a site.So spend the TVX budget more wisely is my advice.Only pay for SC if you like it..and some people actually do prefer it..just not me:)
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by A-C »

I guess the biggest absurdity of the whole UK regulation thing is that you can legally buy a sub in the UK to Private Spice, which is showing the hardcore versions of many of the shows which are broadcast on the UK adult channels like TVX. In fact, before it merged with Private, about 80% of that channel's output when it was Spice Platinum was hardcore versions of the UK adult channel shows ... now quite a bit less so since the merger.

The only reason for the discrepancy is that Private Spice is not a UK-based company with a UK uplink. So it's not the hardcore content that's broadcast via your TV that is proscribed by UK law ... you can legally buy a sub to such content and UK retailers can legally sell cards for it to UK customers. The prohibition is only on UK-based broadcasters from broadcasting hardcore content. A pretty ridiculous situation which, on the face of it, ought to be challengable in the courts by the UK-based broadcasters. The reason they haven't mounted a challenge to the European courts is, I guess, down to advice that they'd stand little chance of winning. Nation states appear to be allowed quite wide scope for divergence when it comes to so-called 'morality' issues like porn.

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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by harmonyluvver »

I have to agree with Gee !!!!!
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by JP »

DVD sales are on their knees beacuse why bother buying a dvd, just subscribe to one of a million sites and download the content. The Brit producers should ditch DVD and concentrate on the online market. By doing that and having a good level of content then they may survive, if not then it's curtains as consumers like myself just dont see the need for bought DVD anymore.

I also have to laugh at someone from the porn industry decrying pirates, if you knew anything about the porn industry you would realise the whole porn business was built on piracy.

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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by Grawth »

There is no injustice in complaining about channels that promise or hint or imply by their name that once you pay your money you will get full on hardcore action, which they of course cannot provide. This is a promise I have heard many times from many channels. Its a lie. That is the complaint.

And yes, people who have been burned before know that its a lie, but some people who are not so experienced may just believe the stories they read in their papers about this torrent of filth pouring onto our screens from the satellite channels. Then of course they're probably tied into a 12 month contract which finishes just in time for the next person to turn 18 and believe the ads.

The other gripe is that not one of these channels has the bottle to tell Ofcom to stick it where the sun don't shine and take them to court. It's very difficult to see how they would lose, given you can buy R18 DVDs, you can download porn all over the place, and the European TWF directive says that adult programming needs only to be made less accessible by means of the time it is shown, OR technological measures. We have both in place and we still can't watch porn, because none of the channels will do anything about it.

Hell, in some countries in Europe porn is available free to air. No subscription, no pin, just porn. Now I don't see all that many Spanish or Dutch violent sex offenders walking the streets.

Ofcom's own report into whether porn should be allowed concluded that yes it should, but it decided that credit card purchase and pin numbers were not enough protection. Clearly a load of todge easily challenged in court, but will they? Of course not. Hmmm, is a pin number on its own good enough for banking - yes, credit cards - yes, watching 16 and 18 rated movies at 11 in the morning - yes, but watching porn at night - no. Doesn't make sense really does it.

So, I agree its pointless complaining about watching softcore when you signed up to watch softcore, but not everyone knows it will be softcore, and some of us believe that, if they wanted to, there is a fairly clear route by which the adult channels could provide harder material - they just won't take it.

Oh, and by the way, telling us as consumers that we're complaining about the wrong people is just bullshit. We did work on Ofcom first, but as individuals we have no right to legally challenge their decisions. It is only broadcasters who can do that.
Johnnyboy 22
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by Johnnyboy 22 »

I couldnt agree more. I get all my porn from the net, you can download anything you like. The reason why i started this thread is that i had it on good authority that TVX figures were in decline, now if that is true or not i can not decide, but i tend to believe my mate who has close contacts in the Business. Putting it in plain english get rid of all the Satalite Channels, because they are all softcore utter shite.
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by pagangod_uk »

In response to Gorgeous Gee's comment;

''the uk dvd market is absolutely on its fucking knees and begging for life as its raped in the arse by the punitve nanny state establishment and the fucking legion of cunt blood pirates, of whom, incidentally, no one seems to have a fucking bad word for on these boards!''

The reason the ''uk dvd market is absolutely on its fucking knees'' is because of cynical, greedy, backwards-thinking UK producers who want to screw the punters for every last penny they can get.

Think about it - the average adult DVD costs between 20-25 quid each, but a normal hollywood blockbuster will set back around 12-15 quid on initial release (often cheaper) then dropping to a tenner or less a few months later.

Porn DVD's on the other hand, rarely drop in price after initial release - if at all.

U.S. adult budgets are lot higher than their cheapskate (in all senses of the word!) British counterparts, yet the average U.S. adult DVD costs between 20-25 DOLLARS - thats roughly half the price (at the current rate of exchange) of Brit titles.

The average Brit porn title costs a few thousand to make, the average hollywood blockbuster costs 80 MILLION plus - it doesn't take an Einstein to work out why British adult DVD's are going down the toilet...

In rip-off Britain, punters have always been taken for ride by those selling the product - nothing has changed.

Let's face it, almost ALL of Brit porn product is uber cheap, nothing wrong with that that in itself, but it's almost always gonzo (ie: costs bugger all!) with some ugly old twat filming himself shagging some hapless porn newbie.

As for an eye for foreign-market sales (ie: the U.S.) most U.K. producers can't see beyond the end of their noses...

I get really fed-up with all the whinging that goes on about the state of the UK adult industry - things could be changed if the people concerned weren't so bloody INSULAR.

If the so-called British adult 'professionals' consolidated, and lobbied Parliment as a unified whole, rather than just one or two companies, then perhaps the powers-that-be might just sit up and listen.

It happened in the U.S. it could happen here, if only the indigenous Adult Industry over here only bothered to really pull together - but no, they continue to protect their own self-interests whilst utterly failing to see the bigger picture.

Instead UK producers come on forums such as this and bemoan the sorry state of affairs - typical.

Stop being part of the problem and get off your fat, greedy, self-serving arses, give us decent product at fairer prices and DVD sales might just be pulled back from the shit-bin!

Sorry folks, I honestly didn't mean to go off on that little rant there, just couldn't help myself!!

Oh yeah, and as for TVX - well I couldn't really give a toss either way.

PG !wink!
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