Michelle Thorne
Michelle Thorne
Can anyone tell me if any of Michelle's Videos are hardcore and if they are worth buying
Re: Michelle Thorne
Peepshow Special is hard core - a good video, though in my view number 4 is the best of this series. Some of the others may be too. With the exception of Adult channel and TVX programmes and a few dozen other borderline videos we only list hard core videos, not 18 certificate ones. Howver, hardcore can include solo girl and girl/girl as well as boy/girl.
Re: Michelle Thorne
Check out www.bobsvideos.com there's some fetish videos of her RUBBING herself!!
Re: Michelle Thorne
Many thanks to Eric & PJ for the info on Michelle, but does anyone know where I can buy her video Peepshow Special 4. I've tried a lot of sites but no luck.