World Cup porn

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: World Cup porn

Post by spunkie »

!pleased! One very happy Chairboy! Will keep an eye out for that fixture! Please let us know when you make the pilgrimage! xx
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Re: World Cup porn

Post by farmerjohn »

"For us a visit to the so called "smaller clubs" are just as important as a trip to massive clubs..."

Is that why Jemstone visited the no-hopers at Maine Road....oops sorry that's gone now.... I should have said The Sh***y of Manchester S(t)adium.

Seriously though, good luck with the site and I hope it's a winner (unlike some teams we could mention).

Regards, John
MUFC forever!

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Re: World Cup porn

Post by mart »

I don't think anyone would describe the lovely Lucy as being of the Burberry wearing persuasion

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Re: World Cup porn

Post by goldenballs »

I always thought there would be potential for 'footballers wives' themed pornos. Afterall there's nothing sexy about football itself, but footballers you're talking.
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Re: World Cup porn

Post by belmondouk »

I have to disagree... I saw that DDF Sex Worldcup Site and I thought it was dreadful, because all the girls look the same - boring brunettes, boring blondes, all utterly caucasian. It's just stupid and silly, having them apparently representign all the countries of the world. An organisation of the size of DDF should have been able to find a Brazilian girl, a Spanish girl, an Italian girl, a Mexican girl... even, I dare say, an English girl! Now that would have been interesting.
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Re: World Cup porn

Post by SimonD »

One of the best things about the world cup is the totty in the pubs in footy shirts!

I shot 3 sets this time round of different girls but I couldn't resist shooting an avid Brazil fan (and yes she is really Brazilian) in an England top !innocent!

Though she complained there was only 1 Star on the shirt! !doh!

[img] ... G_7526.jpg[/img]

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Officer Dibble
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Re: World Cup porn

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Sorry, but I forget being asked my opinion. Perhaps I am not "most chaps", but then who is?"

Apologies for not consulting you before making my post, Warren. How presumptuous of me. But in my defence I might point out that I have had many years in porno retail and this has given me a rare insight into the likes and dislikes of British porn punters in general. With this in mind I felt well qualified to offer an informed opinion. Now, with regard to who ?most chaps? might be ? they would be the mainstream, the majority of blokes who preferences cluster round certain types of female and their sartorial traits. It?s quite clear to see what these preferences are if you have the data.

?If I am allwed one, I vote for pretty girls in a footie top, ideally a Chelsea top, as this would justify a sound spanking...?

Of course you are allowed an opinion, warren. Why shouldn?t you be? And, may I say, your pretty girl Chelsea top and sound spanking scenario seems a capital idea. Who could disagree?

?Btw,let's keep the social criticism out of harmless porn posts, it's just not new, funny, relevant or clever."

Now, here I beg to differ. Social observations and criticisms are relevant here. If you have spent some time reading the more serious posts on these forums you might be aware that there are many who view contemporary porn as total cack. The underlying reasons for this are much to do with what is happening, and has happened, in western society over the past 15 years. Porn does not exist in isolation; in many ways it reflects the zeitgeist of the wider popular culture and the society around it.

As to whether my ramblings are funny, well, I do have my fans, and, on occasion, they have been kind enough to openly express both their amusement and approval.

Officer Dibble

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