London Video XXX Outlets?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
david j

Re: London Video XXX Outlets?

Post by david j »

hi, simon, thanks for your comments. you can email me at if you like.

david j

Simon wrote:
> I'm not sure what kind of thing you are looking for.
> Soho is pretty much pot luck.
> The licensed shops rarely offer view before buy and what is
> on the tape usually bears little relationship to what is on
> the box - stills, running time if any etc. About he only
> exceptions to this are the very new 18R releases.
> For the other places, the problem is quality control. They
> tend to be operated by the day. So if you have a problem
> with a tape there is not much point going back to complain a
> day or two later. Chances are the guy you see will be
> totally different from who you bought from.
> I know reliable places which have good copies of most of the
> Ben Dovers, Anabolic World Tours with British girls etc but
> publicising the shops here is asking for trouble. Please
> supply your email if you want details sent.

Re: London Video XXX Outlets?

Post by Benny »

I work in Soho and have visited a lot of the shops, by far the best, as previously mentioned is Maxim's in Frith street. I have been using this shop for about five years and have had no probs at all.

The only thing is that you can only get what he has in stock at the time so do not go looking for specific titles. Saying that he has a wide spread of good hardcore titles so you will probaly get what you want eventually.

I went last month and the price is still ?20 a title and ?10 back when returned, if you become a regular he has even been known to sometime chuck in a feebee! Not bad for a porn peddeler!

Re: London Video XXX Outlets?

Post by cheekymonkey »

please can you send me a list too
