Sex und fun mit harry 2

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Sex und fun mit harry 2

Post by Tricky »

hi all,

Just wanted to pick a few brains from people that may have this film as to a rough / sdetailed description of what the film contains. Have had a look on the net for reviews and details but can find nothing other than vagueness.

Many thanks
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Re: Sex und fun mit harry 2

Post by Tricky »

No one has seen this film?????

Come on please help me out here :o)
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Re: Sex und fun mit harry 2

Post by slong »

I can help you out with 'Sex und Fun mit Harry: Swinging London'....but I guess thats a different film?
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Re: Sex und fun mit harry 2

Post by nachovx »

Yeah, most Harry movies are rubbish ... especially the ones they still dub. A boring fart interviewing "heet meisjes mit de groot titten" (that's Nederdeutsch for ya)
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Re: Sex und fun mit harry 2

Post by Bayleaf »

I assume you mean which I have. The brief description tells you who's in it and all the girls get shagged except Tracey, who isn't British, and gets groped by Harry only.

Personally I enjoy Harry's stuff being fascinated by the fact that the only bits I understand - his questions and the girls' answers - are then translated into one I can't understand for the German audience. Now if these tapes were used as aids to learning a foreign language the country may find a rush to learn a European language amongst young men.

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