New Channel's Launched Today

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
Paul Tavener
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Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Post by Paul Tavener »

Best of luck, I do like the idea of 3 channels giving extra choice hopefully, but ?3 per night is a lot if you are a regular viewer ? can you buy a months or years subscription?

"We started the process by asking all our customers what was wrong with the current television offering ? 5 main points came out of that research, and Climax3 has tacked all of them." - What were the 5 points? and how did you tackle them?

Surely one of the points raised was that the absence of hardcore content? If so then what action did you propose to address this issue?

Some suggestions for you: how about linking to my site, which is a non-commercial site campaigning on behalf of adult service viewer?s interests? Or perhaps Playboy might take part in Ofcom?s consultation over broadcasting standards in June/July? Or at the very least perhaps inform your viewers when it starts by advertising it so that viewers know who to write to when it counts and Ofcom gets the message about what the viewers want to see.

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Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Post by washy »

Never posted before but had to reply to this.

Thought I would register and see what they were like, after all it's only ?10.

Did not register. I have an Adult Channel subscription and was told that to get the Climax3 subscription I would have to upgrade to TAC, Spice & Playboy, but I would get the Climax3 subscription free!

I would end up paying over ?100 more when I wanted to pay ?10....

Seems like a winner to me!
Ben Dover
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Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Post by Ben Dover »

And well done for knobbing up any chance that Ofcom were going to think about going hardcore for these subscription only channels! Fantasy Channel got a right good slagging off when everyone else [apparantly, - I stand to be corrected, my info comes from this forum] started slipping the odd hardcore scene into the schedules. This of course as any fule kno is illegal. Did anyone really think this would go unnoticed? Now of course it's slapped wrists all round [I've seen the letter] and the chance of imminent access to subscription hardcore has been blown for the time being. As I know to my cost, if you fuck with the authorities, they come and fuck you back - usually in the metaphorical arse!! Well done. Perhaps instead of all the fancy titles you give yourselves [Marketing Media Management Policy Director New BMW Strategy For Having Any Title That Doesn't Sound
Like It's Anything To Do With Porn So The Golf Club Think I Work For Rothschilds - I saw the doco] you might want to employ someone who is Policy Director [UK] of Common Fucking Sense. Might be an idea to find someone who can spell 'discreet' as well.

Caveat: As I say this is the information as I have received it. If I've got completely the wrong end of the stick I apologise in advance. Plus it's late , I've been editing Nichola Holt for 8 hours, and a dram or two of the Scottish wine has been partaken. Don't know whether to post this now. Yeah, fuck it!!!!!!!!

Ben Dover
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Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Post by vila »

Presumably it was getting all that off the ground that caused you to forget to switch on Spice Platinum for the past three days?

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Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Post by merity11 »

as i understand the restraints of the law,there is still no reason to show such rubbish.watched virtual sex,are they having a laugh.the quality is dire.i know you make good h/c bendover is the best,but as for the programmes made for television,apart from a very rare few,the rest are a joke.the less said about the american trash the better.all those adverts,it is all very 70,s,and very david sullivan.
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I can't help myself

Post by PKAY »

Are you interested in buying in content?

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Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Post by Richard »

Dear Mr Dover

What a fantastic laugh you have supplied me with this morning - and what fun to have my title ripped by someone called Ben Dover (someone must see the irony in that surely).

We put the details at the bottom of our emails, not because we like fancy titles (and I drive a Golf, not a BMW) - but because it ensures that everyone on the forum knows that we are members of staff of one of the channels - it ensures that our comments can be read in light of this information.

In relation to your comments about the recent programming policy by all the adult channels - I think your caveat is correct, by reading your comments you dont have all the information by any stretch of the imagination.

Perhaps seeing as you think so badly of our channels we should pull all the advertising that we currently put in your magazines?


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Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Post by Richard »


You are of course right - by far the biggest concern from our users was the lack of hardcore content. There was also wide spread realisation from the user base that this was not our fault, and was due to government regulations.

As you know there is no way that we could tackle this issue through our broadcast programming at the moment - so it was decided to provide 1.5hours of hardcore content for free on the website every week. I know that this is not the same, but - it does mean that you get XXX content.

I think your ideas on how we could help your site are very interesting, please feel free to email me off list to see how we could take this further.


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