HIV/PCR test, why didn't it stop outbreak in USA

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Dan Dares
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Re: HIV/PCR test, why didn't it stop outbreak in USA

Post by Dan Dares »

Hi Katalin,

Your point is well made but my biggest concern is this...AIM in the states is an organisation, and as such it is fairly yes the introduction of new tests and so on is new, things take time and so on but where is the organisation in BAIHA. It seems almost random to the external users who havent had a chance to be involved.

At one point Alicia Rhodes was doing all the talking about the meeting, Phil McC chatting about BAIHA...JFT supposedly arranging the meeting. No one central repository of information to look at. Yes the website is coming, but in the mean time couldn't one person speak for all in one central place? Yes we could have all emailed JFT and a lot of us did with no reply...yes we could have contacted Sandie had we known she was part of organising it and yes we could have contacted Mike had I ever heard his name prior to the posting about the meeting details...but the point is that it is meant to be organised which means letting everyone know what is going on, not everyone having to chase up to see if they can find out the onformation that should be freely available and easily findable.

Dan (He Who Dares!)
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David Lever
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Re: HIV/PCR test, the moment of truth has arrived!

Post by David Lever »

I think the point that performers are going to have to face is this:

What ever test we do here, PCR/ antibody/ 30 day/90 days, it makes no difference, there is an occupational risk involved in performing. Quite simply, we all have to face the fact that we could, contract HIV and die/ HepB and have no liver/ Clamydia and become infertile / HepA / gonnorhea/ syphillis (and become mad) and God knows what else, I'm sure Professor Monkey will both check my spelling and come up with a few more nasties waiting for us.
Sure we can perhaps reduce rather than "minimise" the risk, but there will always be a risk. Its like the Prof said, "Its Russian Roulette".

ANOTHER POINT IS THAT YOU COULD CATCH ALL OF THE ABOVE FROM A ONE-NIGHT-STAND AT YOUR LOCAL CLUB!!!! In fact probably statistically more likely, since who in the outside world ever thinks or even knows about HIV or STD tests, until they contract something that gives them symptoms.How many thousands are carrying dormant HIV virus in the general population?

So in short, we are at a point in time where performers must decide all things taken into consideration, whether they want to take the risk or not. If they DO NOT then they should gracefully exit from the business.
As everybody knows, no one wants to see films with condoms being used.
Until there is a test, that can be used a moment before a scene and does not require any time between infection and detection, then we are at risk.
Policemen, military personnel, builders, electricians all face and accept their occupational risks and they are far more likely statistically to die in their jobs than we are in ours.(Am I correct Prof Monkey?)
The moment of truth has arrived, the choice is yours.

Now is the time to decide, the choice is yours.
Dan Dares
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Re: HIV/PCR test, why didn't it stop outbreak in USA

Post by Dan Dares »

Wey Hey...Darling!! NICE :) I'm tingling all over,

Everyone in the UK keeps saying nothing changes here cos no one complains...still as something is actually changing and for the positive I will wait to see how it goes...personally I don't think poor organisation of something so important is exactly trivial though.

Dan (He Who Dares!)
<> (My Photography Portfolio Site)
Phil mCc
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Re: Expensive for the girls....

Post by Phil mCc »

Dan as you were not at the meeting how the fuck do you know what I said,
If you are not on everyones list then get on it, its up to you.
You are not a newcomer so show a better example to others, if you want to know something just ask me. As for organisation it looks ok to me, getting everyone into a meeting in London with 5 professional health people including a doctor and 2 NHS advisors is not easy.
Everyone I work with has sorted this all out and changed over to 30day testing anyway so its about organisation. When we take the next step we will inform everyone who goes onto the BAIHA data-base. to do this send your details to JFT. If you can't stand him then send it to me and I will forward it to him. Personally appart from the fact he never buys a drink in the pub he ain't that bad.

Phil McC

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Re: HIV/PCR test, the moment of truth has arrived!

Post by MonkeyMonkey »

I agree with David.

There are riskier professions.

But if there is room for risk minimisation in the porn industry, why not take it? What I mean by risk minimisation (examples):

-Regular HIV/STD checks (Twice a month; 1x with BAIHA and 1x with NHS clap clinic?)
-Non of this DAP/un-natural sex stuff that hugely increases risks by tearing anal/vaginal/oral (mouth) tissue
-Use Plenty of lubrication, which reduces friction and thus human tissue tears will occur less. Certain lubricants have been shown to inhibit HIV transmission
-Actors/actresses note down all people they have worked with over the last two months to make mapping of any potential outbreak quicker

At some point, I will get round to composing a list of risk reducing factors taken from scientific publications.
Dan Dares
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Re: attn Dan Dares

Post by Dan Dares »

Monkey, you ARE the man!

A very good point and one which should be stressed to all those who keep stating there are other dangerous each and every one of these dangerous occupations they take absolutely every possible precaution to minimalise the risk to their lives, everyone (and I mean everyone) who it affects is made aware, any mistakes are carefully reviewed to try and ensure no repeats, and training is given on the safety measures. the point that is clear and BAIHA and others are working to correct is that many of the measures aren't there or aren't sufficient for our dangerous occupation.

Obviously not all of this can not necessarily be carried in to our industry directly but the more we can do the better.

Dan (He Who Dares!)
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Post by JackHorny »

This isn't just about making things easier for the individual- it's about making things such that the organisation (BAIHA) can operate as efficiently and effectively as possible.

If people are getting one test here and one test there - it isn't going to help ANYBODY...

It might be possible to get appointments on the same day - in my experience getting an appointmrent in the WEEK that you want it is bad enough - buyt I'll take your word for it - it WILL be possible to do everything on one day.

I have to say that your arguments are somewhat spoiiled by your condescending attitude... we've never met so the use of the word "darling" in repeated posts can only be taken as such.
I retired when I sadly realised nobody wanted me!
Dan Dares
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Re: Katalin...

Post by Dan Dares »

Don't knock it mate...its ages since a girl called me darling!

Mind you Katalin, if we are going to be on such personal terms maybe we should meet for a drink?

And no mate the rather superior and over bearing tone in the use of the word darling didn't escape me either.

Dan (He Who Dares!)
<> (My Photography Portfolio Site)
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