The only onscreen credit is Pamela Sandersin.
Trades shamelessly and irrelevantly on Vanessa's very slight resemblance to the almost-eponymous slow-mo lifeguardette....
- Vanessa (BJ), male (comically vain, with a silly goatee thing and hairdo that looks like a bad wig).
- Claudia - stripshow then anal, Alex Forte. The siliconized boobs and lips (presumably done with an eye to her live-show work) are de trop but she's still worth watching.
- Lolita (DP), Julius, male.
- Vanessa - nude shower, then les with Clara.
- Sarah (anal), male. Sarah is, as always, excellent.
- Vanessa, Susanne - anal for both with "you're so vain" male from scene 1.