Males -
- André Kay as Andre Vinoise
- Pjotr Stanislas as Pjotr Cielinski
- Peter Hoffmann
- Laury Davis
- Blake Palmer
- Frank Pitou
- Renato Tarantini
- Eric Dray as Eric Dravin
- Peter Maurer
1 Teresa Orlowski solo
2. Melissa Bonsarrdo is being sold a painting by Pjotr Stanislas. Thsi leads to sex. André Kay watches from the door, then joins in.
3. Julie Turner, Peter Hoffman and Laury Davis are wannabe porn performers taken to a shoot by Martina Becker. Foursome.
4. Keisha is roller-skating and meets blake Palmer in his sports car. Threesome with Frank Pitou.
5. Teresa Orlowski tests the performance of Eric Dray. Then a couple, Andrea and Peter Maurer, arrive. The wife is frustrated. Teresa drafts in Renato Tarantini and he and Eric give the wife what she needs while Teresa teaches the husband a few things. |