All credits are fake and also constitute "transcriptions" of Greek slang vulgar words. The production company "Tsibouk Films", refers to "tsibouki" which means blowjob in Greek slang. The last name of the director "Angelo Travestopoulos" refers of course to transvestites.
The three female names in the credits must be transliterated as follows:
- Hannah Glyftouberg ["glyfo" meaning suck in Greek]
- Jeannette Pissokol ["pissokollito" signifies "fucking from behind" or "anal fucking" in Greek slang]
- Gene Vyziberg ["vyzi" means "tit"]
Males include Alexis Metaxas. Two other males are unidentified. One was "Lina's" boyfriend at the time. He is probably Greek and she is most certainly not. From lip reading she could even be English. "Lina Laringopoulou" is another fake last name - "laringi" in Greek means "throat".
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