< Manila May
from Ero: Extrem Magazin 8
Notes |
- German, red devil tattoo in pubic region, magazines: XXX 7 (Feb 1997), Dolly Buster 8 (VEF thread)
Pseudonyms |
- Beata Lund
- Malila Weinhold
- Manila
Films |
- Akademia Policyjna alternative title for Polizei Akademie (as Tanja Heinert, Alicia Salvatore, Karin Klose, Sabrina Sachse or uncredited)
- Angel of Death 1998, Dir. Andreas Bethmann
- Bizarre 7 - Pizza Calzone alternative title for Pizza Calzone (as Beata Lund, plays Blonde Frau)
- Deep Sensation 1997, Dir. SX Kowalski (as Manila)
- Disco Report 1997, Dir. none credited (as Manila)
- De Dokter alternative title for Frau Doktor, Ärztin aus Leidenschaft
(as Manila)
- Dr. F. Otze 5 alternative title for Dr. F. Otze 5 - Exzesse auf dem Gynakologen-Stuhl

- Dr. F. Otze 5 - Exzesse auf dem Gynakologen-Stuhl 1990s

- Dreiloch-Stuten 1997, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Malila Weinhold, plays 'junge Hure')
- È inutile nessuno mi resiste alternative title for Ero: Extrem Magazin 8
- Electra 24 - Electra Glide alternative title for Electra Glide
(as Manila)
- Electra Glide c. 1998, Dir. SX Kowalski
(as Manila)
- Ero alternative title for Ero: Extrem Magazin 1
- Ero Extrem Magazin: Twin-Shot alternative title for Ero: Extrem Magazin 13 (co-presenter)
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 1 1990s
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 10 1999
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 11 1999?
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 12 c. 1999, Dir. various, uncredited
(presenter, non-sex)
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 13 c. 2000 (co-presenter)
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 2 1990s, Dir. ?
(presenter and a scene)
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 3 (presenter and a scene)
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 4 (presenter)
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 5 1990s
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 6 1990s, Dir. ? (presenter)
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 7 1999 (presenter)
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 8 1999
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 9 1999
(presenter and a scene)
- Ero: Twin Shots alternative title for Ero: Extrem Magazin 13 (co-presenter)
- L'Estremo limite del sesso alternative title for Lack Huren
(as Elvira Vega or uncredited on cover)
- Extrem tief vorgebohrt alternative title for Deep Sensation (as Manila)
- Extremes Fickvergnügen c. 1997, Dir. Moli

- Familie Flodder 1997

- Frau Doktor, Ärztin aus Leidenschaft 1990s, Dir. Ferdinand Hillmann as Fernando H.
(as Manila)
- Gangster's Paradise c. 1997, Dir. SX Kowalski (as Manila)
- Geile Vögel am Königsee c. 2006 (as?)
- De Gynaecoloog alternative title for Dr. F. Otze 5 - Exzesse auf dem Gynakologen-Stuhl

- Harte Tatsachen alternative title for Gangster's Paradise (as Manila)
- Horny Thieves alternative title for Dreiloch-Stuten
(as Malila Weinhold, plays 'junge Hure')
- Illusion 1990s, Dir. SX Kowalski (as Manila)
- Illusione peccaminosa alternative title for Illusion (as Manila)
- Inside Out 1998, Dir. SX Kowalski
(as Manila)
- Lack Huren 1997, Dir. SX Kowalski
(as Elvira Vega or uncredited on cover)
- Lady Anita F. 44 - Lack Huren alternative title for Lack Huren
(as Elvira Vega or uncredited on cover)
- Mani dentro alternative title for Dreiloch-Stuten
(as Malila Weinhold, plays 'junge Hure')
- Nie den Arsch verwetten alternative title for Lack Huren
(as Elvira Vega or uncredited on cover)
- Pizza Calzone 1996, Dir. Harry S. Morgan (as Beata Lund, plays Blonde Frau)
- Pizza Calzone: Die Beichte der Rebecca S. alternative title for Pizza Calzone (as Beata Lund, plays Blonde Frau)
- Policjantka alternative title for Politesse - ein harter job!
(non-sex, probably uncredited)
- Die Politesse alternative title for Politesse - ein harter job!
(non-sex, probably uncredited)
- Politesse - ein harter job! 1998 (2001 for DVD), Dir. Fernando H.
(non-sex, probably uncredited)
- Politie academie alternative title for Polizei Akademie (as Tanja Heinert, Alicia Salvatore, Karin Klose, Sabrina Sachse or uncredited)
- Polizei Akademie (as Tanja Heinert, Alicia Salvatore, Karin Klose, Sabrina Sachse or uncredited)
- Prestazioni particolari di zoccole in divisa alternative title for Politesse - ein harter job!
(non-sex, probably uncredited)
- That's the Way c. 1996, Dir. SX Kowalski
(as Manila)
- Uniform Girls c. 1997, Dir. Kaito Remanoto as Kaito
(as Manila)
- Versaute Riesentitten
(scene 19)
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