< Leona Bojko
from Göttinen der Lust
Notes |
- Czech, tattoo right shoulder
Pseudonyms |
- Leona Blur
- Leona
- Maike
- Monika
Films |
- 6 demi-vierges alternative title for Die Töchter des Schmieds
(as Leona Blur, plays Monika, the girl hanging up the washing)
- The Blacksmith's Daughters alternative title for Die Töchter des Schmieds
(as Leona Blur, plays Monika, the girl hanging up the washing)
- Blacksmith's Dougthers alternative title for Die Töchter des Schmieds
(as Leona Blur, plays Monika, the girl hanging up the washing)
- Daughter of the Smith alternative title for Die Töchter des Schmieds
(as Leona Blur, plays Monika, the girl hanging up the washing)
- De Dochters van de smid alternative title for Die Töchter des Schmieds
(as Leona Blur, plays Monika, the girl hanging up the washing)
- Göttinen der Lust Dir. Backey Jakic (as Leona on back cover)
- Kovaceve kceri alternative title for Die Töchter des Schmieds
(as Leona Blur, plays Monika, the girl hanging up the washing)
- Liebestolle Töchter 2 alternative title for Die Töchter des Schmieds
(as Leona Blur, plays Monika, the girl hanging up the washing)
- Magdalene alternative title for Die Töchter des Schmieds 2
- Quickies! 3 (as Monika and as Maike (different scenes))
- Sperma bollente alternative title for Göttinen der Lust (as Leona on back cover)
- Lo Spirito di Clementine alternative title for Die Töchter des Schmieds
(as Leona Blur, plays Monika, the girl hanging up the washing)
- Die Töchter des Schmieds 2001, Dir. Backey Jakic
(as Leona Blur, plays Monika, the girl hanging up the washing)
- Die Töchter des Schmieds 2 2001, Dir. Backey Jakic
Links |
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