< Laetitia Bisset
from La Dolce Vita Hotel
Notes |
- Swiss, b. June 8, 1974, tattoo right hip/buttock of two intertwined snakes
Pseudonyms |
- Caterina Altieri (?)
- Cheyenne
- Laethitia Swiss
- Laethitia
- Laetitia Swiss
- Laetitia Zappa
- Lela
- Lethitia Swiss
- Letizia
- Letizia Shalimar
- Letizia Bizzet
- Letizia Bisset
- Porno-Heidi (so known in Switzerland)
- Shalima Bella
- Shalima
- Shalimar
Films |
- 120 Days of Anal alternative title for 120 Giornate di sodoma
- 120 Days of Sodom alternative title for 120 Giornate di sodoma
- 120 Giornate di sodoma 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
- Amadeus Mozart 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Cheyenne)
- Amleto - per amore di Ofelia 1995, Dir. Franco Lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
(as Shalimar)
- Amleto - per amore di Ofelia 2 1995, Dir. Franco Lo Casciao as Luca Damiano
(as Shalimar, brief, non-sex appearance)
- Anal Palace alternative title for 120 Giornate di sodoma
- Anal Paprika alternative title for Paprika
(as Cheyenne)
- Le Bambole del Führer alternative title for Le Ragazze del Führer
(as Shalima)
- Barone von Masoch 1994, Dir. Joe d'Amato (credited) with Luca Damiano (uncredited)
(as Shalimar)
- Il Barone von Masoch alternative title for Barone von Masoch
(as Shalimar)
- The Barone von Masoch alternative title for Barone von Masoch
(as Shalimar)
- Berlin 1944 alternative title for Le Ragazze del Führer
(as Shalima)
- Best of Rocco
- Best of Rocco 2
- Best of Rocco 3
- Decameron Tales 1 alternative title for Decameron X

- Decameron Tales 2 alternative title for Decameron X - 2
(uncredited, non-sex)
- Decameron X 1995, Dir. Franco Lo Cascio as Luca Damiano

- Decameron X - 1 alternative title for Decameron X

- Decameron X - 2 1995, Dir. Franco Lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
(uncredited, non-sex)
- Decameron X - 4 1996, Dir. Franco Lo Cascio as Luca Damiano (as Shalimar)
- Decamerone alternative title for Decameron X

- Decamerone 2 alternative title for Decameron X - 2
(uncredited, non-sex)
- Dirty Family Part 2 1995, Dir. Ralf Scott
(as Lethitia Swiss)
- Dirty Sisters alternative title for Wild Reptil's
(as Laethitia)
- La Dolce Vita Hotel 1995, Dir. Frank Thring
(as Shalimar, plays Maria Castellini)
- Une Famille de salopes alternative title for Wild Reptil's
(as Laethitia)
- Faust Fucker - Die Faust im Arsch alternative title for Faust Fucker 6: Die Faust im Arsch
(as Lela)
- Faust Fucker 6: Die Faust im Arsch 1994, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Lela)
- Das Frauengefängnis alternative title for Fuga di mezzanotte
(as Letizia Shalimar)
- Das Frauengefängnis - Skandal hinter Gittern alternative title for Fuga di mezzanotte
(as Letizia Shalimar)
- Fuga di mezzanotte 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Letizia Shalimar)
- Fuhrer's Dolls alternative title for Le Ragazze del Führer
(as Shalima)
- Giulietta & Romeo 1996, Dir. Joe d'Amato (as Caterina Altieri?)
- Il Guardone 4 Dir. Joe d'Amato (as Cheyenne)
- Hamlet - per amore di Ophelia 1 alternative title for Amleto - per amore di Ofelia
(as Shalimar)
- Hamlet - per amore di Ophelia 2 alternative title for Amleto - per amore di Ofelia 2
(as Shalimar, brief, non-sex appearance)
- Hamlet 2 alternative title for Amleto - per amore di Ofelia 2
(as Shalimar, brief, non-sex appearance)
- Hamlet For the Love of Ophelia alternative title for Amleto - per amore di Ofelia
(as Shalimar)
- Hamlet For the Love of Ophelia 2 alternative title for Amleto - per amore di Ofelia 2
(as Shalimar, brief, non-sex appearance)
- Hamlet X 1995, Dir. Luca Damiano

- Hamlet, pour l'amour d'Ophélie alternative title for Amleto - per amore di Ofelia
(as Shalimar)
- The Joy Club alternative title for Le Ragazze del Führer
(as Shalima)
- Juliet & Romeo alternative title for Giulietta & Romeo (as Caterina Altieri?)
- The Last Italian Whore alternative title for Paprika
(as Cheyenne)
- La Légende de Robin des Bois alternative title for Robin Hood: Thief of Wives (as Caterina Altieri?)
- Mai dire mai a Rocco 1995, Dir. Rocco Siffredi

- Mai dire mai a Rocco Siffredi 1995, Dir. Rocco Siffredi
(as Letizia Bisset)
- Mai dire mai a Rocco Siffredi - parte finale 1995, Dir. Rocco Siffredi
(as Laethitia Swiss)
- Il Marchese de Sade 1994, Dir. Franco Lo Cascio (as Luca Damiano) and Joe d'Amato
(uncredited in version viewed)
- Marchette anali alternative title for Paprika
(as Cheyenne)
- Le Markies De Sade alternative title for Il Marchese de Sade
(uncredited in version viewed)
- Marquis de Sade alternative title for Il Marchese de Sade
(uncredited in version viewed)
- Midnight Obsession alternative title for Fuga di mezzanotte
(as Letizia Shalimar)
- I Misteri dell’Eros alternative title for Piaceri d'altri tempi (as Shalimar)
- Mozart alternative title for Amadeus Mozart
(as Cheyenne)
- Never Say Never to Rocco alternative title for Mai dire mai a Rocco

- Nicht für eine Million alternative title for Dirty Family Part 2
(as Lethitia Swiss)
- Not For a Million alternative title for Dirty Family Part 2
(as Lethitia Swiss)
- Novelle Maliziose (Di Bernarde Assai Vogliose) alternative title for Decameron X - 2
(uncredited, non-sex)
- Operation Sex alternative title for Saloon Kiss (Le Troie del III Reich)
(as Cheyenne)
- Orgias de Amadeus Mozart alternative title for Amadeus Mozart
(as Cheyenne)
- Paprika 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Cheyenne)
- Paprika: the Last Italian Whore alternative title for Paprika
(as Cheyenne)
- Penitenziario femminile 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato (as Shalima)
- Die Pflicht des Gentleman alternative title for Mai dire mai a Rocco Siffredi - parte finale
(as Laethitia Swiss)
- Phantom alternative title for Piaceri d'altri tempi (as Shalimar)
- Piaceri d'altri tempi 1997, Dir. Joe d'Amato (as Shalimar)
- Private Video Magazine 19 1995

- Racconti arguti..... .... di mogli puttane e mariti cornuti alternative title for Decameron X

- Le Ragazze del Führer 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Shalima)
- Robin Hood - König der Triebe alternative title for Robin Hood: Thief of Wives (as Caterina Altieri?)
- Robin Hood - The Sex Legend alternative title for Robin Hood: Thief of Wives (as Caterina Altieri?)
- Robin Hood: Thief of Wives 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato (as Caterina Altieri?)
- Robin Thief of Wives alternative title for Robin Hood: Thief of Wives (as Caterina Altieri?)
- Rocco - Die Pflicht des Gentleman alternative title for Mai dire mai a Rocco Siffredi - parte finale
(as Laethitia Swiss)
- Rocco - Exzesse im Kloster Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano (as Laetitia Zappa)
- Rocco au moyen age alternative title for Piaceri d'altri tempi (as Shalimar)
- Rocco's Ghosts alternative title for Piaceri d'altri tempi (as Shalimar)
- Roméo & Juliette alternative title for Giulietta & Romeo (as Caterina Altieri?)
- Saloon Kiss (Le Troie del III Reich) 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Cheyenne)
- Les Secretaires mouillent leur culotte Dir. Marc Paris
- Les Secretaires mouillent leurs culottes alternative title for Les Secretaires mouillent leur culotte
- Sex Penitentiary alternative title for Penitenziario femminile (as Shalima)
- Sexy caccia al tesoro 1997, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano (as Shalimar)
- Sexy Treasure Chase Show alternative title for Sexy caccia al tesoro (as Shalimar)
- Trappola perversa alternative title for Fuga di mezzanotte
(as Letizia Shalimar)
- Trésors cachés alternative title for Sexy caccia al tesoro (as Shalimar)
- Und ewig lockt der Leib 1996, Dir. Ralf Scott
- The Very Best of Läthitia ?, Dir. ?
- Wild Reptil's 1998, Dir. Ralf Scott
(as Laethitia)
- X Hamlet alternative title for Hamlet X

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