< Laura Gemser
from Emanuelle nera
Notes |
- Dutch/Indonesian/Italian, b. October 5, 1950, no convincing evidence she ever did any h/c, but appeared in films which included h/c or had h/c inserts added later
Films |
- 11 Days 11 Nights Part 2: 'The Sequel' alternative title for Top Model (plays the boss of the Papillon escort agency)
- 11 Days, 11 Nights 2 alternative title for Undici giorni, undici notti 2 (plays publisher Jackie Forrest)
- 11 giorni, 11 notti 2 alternative title for Undici giorni, undici notti 2 (plays publisher Jackie Forrest)
- Black Emanuelle alternative title for Emanuelle nera
(body doubled h/c inserts in some versions, plays Mae Jordan / Emanuelle)
- Black Emanuelle en Afrique alternative title for Emanuelle nera
(body doubled h/c inserts in some versions, plays Mae Jordan / Emanuelle)
- Black Emanuelle in the Country alternative title for Messo comunale praticamente spione
(plays Dr. Barbara Anselmi)
- Black Emmanouella alternative title for Mavri Emmanouella (plays Emmanuella Brindisi)
- Blade Violent alternative title for Emanuelle fuga dall'inferno (plays Emanuelle)
- Brutal Nights alternative title for Emanuelle in America
(s/c, plays Emanuelle/'Laura Rogers')
- Caged Women alternative title for Violenza in un carcere femminile
- Caligola: La storia mai raccontata 1981, Dir. Joe d'Amato as David Hills (in reality Carl Davinson, credited only in the English version)
(plays Miriam, softcore performance)
- Caligula II: The Forbidden Story alternative title for Caligola: La storia mai raccontata
(plays Miriam, softcore performance)
- Caligula II: The Untold Story alternative title for Caligola: La storia mai raccontata
(plays Miriam, softcore performance)
- Caligula: The Untold Story alternative title for Caligola: La storia mai raccontata
(plays Miriam, softcore performance)
- Chevauchées érotiques alternative title for Voglia di donna
(plays Principessa)
- Chicks in Chains alternative title for Violenza in un carcere femminile
- Confessions of Emanuelle alternative title for Emanuelle - perché violenza alle donne?
(plays Emanuelle)
- Les Déchaînements pervers de Manuela 1983, Dir. Joe d'Amato as John Bird
- The Degradation of Emanuelle alternative title for Emanuelle - perché violenza alle donne?
(plays Emanuelle)
- Divine Emanuelle alternative title for Die Todesgöttin des Liebescamps (plays The Divine One)
- Dos super-policias alternative title for I Due superpiedi quasi piatti (plays Suzy Lee)
- I Due superpiedi quasi piatti 1977, Dir. E.B.Clucher (aka Enzo Barboni) (plays Suzy Lee)
- Eleven Days, Eleven Nights, Part 2: The Sequel alternative title for Top Model (plays the boss of the Papillon escort agency)
- Emanuela Alle Lüste Dieser Welt alternative title for Emanuelle - perché violenza alle donne?
(plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle - perché violenza alle donne? 1977, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals alternative title for Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali (plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle Around the World alternative title for Emanuelle - perché violenza alle donne?
(plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali 1977, Dir. Joe d'Amato (plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle Escapes From Hell alternative title for Emanuelle fuga dall'inferno (plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle fuga dall'inferno 1983, Dir. Bruno Mattei as Gilbert Roussel (plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle i Nonneklostrel alternative title for Suor Emanuelle (non h/c, plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle in America 1977, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(s/c, plays Emanuelle/'Laura Rogers')
- Emanuelle In Prison alternative title for Emanuelle fuga dall'inferno (plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle in Tahiti post 1976, Dir. Enzo D'Ambrosio, Humberto Morales, Joe d'Amato ?
- Emanuelle in the Country alternative title for Messo comunale praticamente spione
(plays Dr. Barbara Anselmi)
- Emanuelle negra alternative title for Emanuelle nera
(body doubled h/c inserts in some versions, plays Mae Jordan / Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle nera 1975, Dir. Bitto Albertini as Albert Thomas
(body doubled h/c inserts in some versions, plays Mae Jordan / Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle nera in America alternative title for Emanuelle in America
(s/c, plays Emanuelle/'Laura Rogers')
- Emanuelle Queen Bitch alternative title for Mavri Emmanouella (plays Emmanuella Brindisi)
- Emanuelle Queen of Sados alternative title for Mavri Emmanouella (plays Emmanuella Brindisi)
- Emanuelle reportage da un carcere femminile alternative title for Violenza in un carcere femminile
- Emanuelle Reports from a Women's Prison alternative title for Violenza in un carcere femminile
- Emanuelle the Seductress alternative title for Mavri Emmanouella (plays Emmanuella Brindisi)
- Emanuelle Versus Violence to Women alternative title for Emanuelle - perché violenza alle donne?
(plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle y los ultimos canibales alternative title for Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali (plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle's Amazon Adventure alternative title for Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali (plays Emanuelle)
- Emanuelle's Perverse Outburst alternative title for Les Déchaînements pervers de Manuela
- I Emmanouella sto nisi tis Afroditis alternative title for Mavri Emmanouella (plays Emmanuella Brindisi)
- Emmanuelle 2 1975, Dir. Francis Giacobetti and Francis Leroi (plays a masseuse)
- Emmanuelle à Tahiti alternative title for Porno Esotic Love
(non h/c, plays Eva)
- Emmanuelle in Africa alternative title for Emanuelle nera
(body doubled h/c inserts in some versions, plays Mae Jordan / Emanuelle)
- Emmanuelle in Hell alternative title for Violenza in un carcere femminile
- Emmanuelle Queen of Sados alternative title for Mavri Emmanouella (plays Emmanuella Brindisi)
- Emperor Caligula alternative title for Caligola: La storia mai raccontata
(plays Miriam, softcore performance)
- Emperor Caligula: The Garden of Taboo alternative title for Caligola: La storia mai raccontata
(plays Miriam, softcore performance)
- The Emperor Caligula: The Untold Story alternative title for Caligola: La storia mai raccontata
(plays Miriam, softcore performance)
- Erotic Nights of the Living Dead alternative title for Le Notti erotiche dei morti viventi
(no h/c, plays Luna)
- L'Imperatore Caligula alternative title for Caligola: La storia mai raccontata
(plays Miriam, softcore performance)
- In Der Gewalt der Zombies alternative title for Le Notti erotiche dei morti viventi
(no h/c, plays Luna)
- L'Infermiera di campagna alternative title for Messo comunale praticamente spione
(plays Dr. Barbara Anselmi)
- Joe D'Amato Totally Uncut 2: The Horror Experience 1999, Dir. Roger A. Fratter (brief glimpses in archive footage)
- Love Camp alternative title for Die Todesgöttin des Liebescamps (plays The Divine One)
- Love Cult alternative title for Die Todesgöttin des Liebescamps (plays The Divine One)
- Mavri Emmanouella 1979, Dir. Ilias Milonakos (plays Emmanuella Brindisi)
- Messo comunale alternative title for Messo comunale praticamente spione
(plays Dr. Barbara Anselmi)
- Messo comunale praticamente spione 1982, Dir. Mario Bianchi as Alan W. Cools and Luigi Petroni
(plays Dr. Barbara Anselmi)
- Nackt unter Kannibalen alternative title for Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali (plays Emanuelle)
- Nite of the Zombies alternative title for Le Notti erotiche dei morti viventi
(no h/c, plays Luna)
- La Notte degli zombies alternative title for Le Notti erotiche dei morti viventi
(no h/c, plays Luna)
- Le Notti erotiche alternative title for Le Notti erotiche dei morti viventi
(no h/c, plays Luna)
- Le Notti erotiche dei morti viventi 1980, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(no h/c, plays Luna)
- Onze jours, onze nuits 2 alternative title for Undici giorni, undici notti 2 (plays publisher Jackie Forrest)
- Porno amore esotico alternative title for Porno Esotic Love
(non h/c, plays Eva)
- Porno Esotic Love 1980, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(non h/c, plays Eva)
- Révolte au pénitencier de filles alternative title for Emanuelle fuga dall'inferno (plays Emanuelle)
- Sexy Erotic Love alternative title for Porno Esotic Love
(non h/c, plays Eva)
- Sexy Nights of the Living Dead alternative title for Le Notti erotiche dei morti viventi
(no h/c, plays Luna)
- Sister Emanuelle alternative title for Suor Emanuelle (non h/c, plays Emanuelle)
- Suor Emanuelle 1978, Dir. Giuseppe Vari as Joseph Warren (non h/c, plays Emanuelle)
- Das Testament alternative title for Undici giorni, undici notti 2 (plays publisher Jackie Forrest)
- Das Testament der Begierde alternative title for Undici giorni, undici notti 2 (plays publisher Jackie Forrest)
- Die Todesgöttin des Liebescamps 1981, Dir. Christian Anders and Elia Milonakos (plays The Divine One)
- Top Model 1987, Dir. Joe d'Amato (plays the boss of the Papillon escort agency)
- Trap Them and Kill Them alternative title for Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali (plays Emanuelle)
- Undici giorni, undici notti 2 1990, Dir. Joe d'Amato (plays publisher Jackie Forrest)
- Unleashed Perversions of Emanuelle alternative title for Les Déchaînements pervers de Manuela
- Le Vice dans la peau alternative title for Emanuelle - perché violenza alle donne?
(plays Emanuelle)
- Viol sous les tropiques alternative title for Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali (plays Emanuelle)
- Violence in a Womans Prison alternative title for Violenza in un carcere femminile
- I Violenti alternative title for Emanuelle fuga dall'inferno (plays Emanuelle)
- Violenza in un carcere femminile 1982, Dir. Bruno Mattei as Vincent Dawn
- Voglia di donna 1978, Dir. Franco Bottari
(plays Principessa)
- Women's Penitentiary 4 alternative title for Violenza in un carcere femminile
- Women's Prison Massacre alternative title for Emanuelle fuga dall'inferno (plays Emanuelle)
- Zwei ausser Rand und Band alternative title for I Due superpiedi quasi piatti (plays Suzy Lee)
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