< Laura Angel
from Sex Shot
Notes |
- Czech, b. October 16, 1974
Pseudonyms |
- Ivana
- Laura Angels
- Laura
- Laura Dark
- Laura Arnolds
- Lenka Luv
- Lenka
- Lora Angel
- Patricia McNail
- Penelope
Films |
- 0.0.Sex - Het is nooit te laat alternative title for 00Sex - Agentin in intimer Mission (as Lenka Luv)
- 0.0.Sex - Het is nooit te laat alternative title for 00Sex, Es ist niemals zu spät! (as Lenka Luv)
- 00 Sex alternative title for 00Sex - Agentin in intimer Mission (as Lenka Luv)
- 00Sex alternative title for 00Sex, Es ist niemals zu spät! (as Lenka Luv)
- 00Sex - Agentin in intimer Mission Dir. Fernando H. (as Lenka Luv)
- 00Sex 1, Es ist niemals zu spät! alternative title for 00Sex, Es ist niemals zu spät! (as Lenka Luv)
- 00Sex, Es ist niemals zu spät! 1998, Dir. Fernando H. (as Lenka Luv)
- 00Sex, es ist niemals zu spät! alternative title for 00Sex - Agentin in intimer Mission (as Lenka Luv)
- 7ème Ciel alternative title for Il Settimo paradiso
- 80mm en enfer alternative title for Out of Control
- 9 mandamento alternative title for Impulse
(as Laura Angels)
- A escrava de todos os prazeres alternative title for La Schiava del piacere
(plays the gift woman on bed)
- Abartige Rituale Dir. D'Salvo
- Abartige Rituale alternative title for Gioco perverso (Rituals of Love)

- Affari di famiglia 2000, Dir. Giancarlo Bini

- Affari in Famiglia alternative title for Affari di famiglia

- Alexia & Cie 2000, Dir. Marc Dorcel

- Alexia & Co. alternative title for Alexia & Cie

- All Sex 5 2004
- All Sex 7 2004
- L'Allumeuse alternative title for Perfide provocazioni
- Amnesia 2001, Dir. D'Salvo
- L'Amour forcé alternative title for Cronaca di un omicidio
(as Lora Angel, plays Samanta)
- Anal Anthology alternative title for Anal Deluxe Anthology
- Anal Deluxe Anthology
- Anal Party Girls alternative title for Sexy Model 2
(as Laura Angels)
- Analisi sessuale 2003, Dir. Andrea Lucci

- L'Ange pervers alternative title for Lola e il professore
(as Lora Angel, plays Lola's aunt)
- Angelmania 2 Dir. Laura Angel
- Angels of Sin alternative title for Private XXX 20: Angels of Sin
(in extra scene taken from The Private Life of Laura Angel)
- L'Appel du sexe alternative title for Affari di famiglia

- Arabic Connection c. 1998, Dir. Manfred Gusmer
(as Laura Arnolds)
- Arsenio Lupin 2000, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano

- Atraco Sexual alternative title for La Banda del sabato sera

- Attetszö selymek alternative title for Lingerie per feticisti

- Babewatch - Het Geile reddingsteam alternative title for Babewatch 3
- Babewatch 3
- Ball Buster alternative title for L'Emmerdeuse
- Bambola 2000, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli
(plays Marta Lagrange)
- La Bambola dei sogni c. 2000, Dir. Fabio Pasolni
- La Banda del sabato sera 2000, Dir. Giancarlo Bini

- Belles garces de l'ouest alternative title for La Carovana della violenza

- The Best of La Venere Bianca 2

- Best of Lenka ?

- Best of Lenka 2

- Best of Lenka 3

- Best of Rocco 5
- Best of the Decade 2011
- Bi-Sexuelle Engel alternative title for Perfidia: Pretty Lady
(as Lenka)
- Big Spender's heisse Affären alternative title for Impulse
(as Laura Angels)
- Bizarre Visionen Dir. Harry S. Morgan
- Black Cocks & White Asses 2009
- Blue Angel alternative title for Lola e il professore
(as Lora Angel, plays Lola's aunt)
- Bologna una serata libidinosa alternative title for Night Sex
- Bombones bañados de leche c. 2000, Dir. Alex Romero

- Bon chic le jour pute la nuit alternative title for La Regina della notte

- The Border alternative title for Il Confine
- Böse Mädchen 14
(as Lenka)
- Böse Mädchen 15
(as Ivana)
- Bounty Hunter alternative title for Cacciatori di Taglie

- Die Braut 1998, Dir. Fernando H (Ferdinand Hillman)
- The Bride with the White Bush alternative title for Die Braut
- Brivido Caldo alternative title for Verfickte Kurzgeschichten Teil 3
- De Bruid alternative title for Die Braut
- Cacciatori di Taglie 1999, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri

- Café Haus Hure alternative title for Harcelement au féminin

- Call Girls de Luxe 2003, Dir. Alain Payet

- Call Girls Deluxe alternative title for Call Girls de Luxe

- Call Girls Service alternative title for Net Meeting
- Car Napping alternative title for Die Rivalin
- Carovana alternative title for La Carovana della violenza

- La Carovana della violenza 1999, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri

- Casanova alternative title for Der junge Casanova (as Lenka)
- Cat Girls alternative title for Donne Gatto - Ladre di sesso (as Lenka)
- The Challenge 2000, Dir. Jörgen Woolf

- Chaud-business alternative title for Festival!
(plays Laura Angel, singer)
- Les Chiennes aboient alternative title for La Carovana della violenza

- Les Chiennes aboient... la caravane passe ! alternative title for La Carovana della violenza

- Chiennes de Rêves 1 Dir. Alex Romero

- Chiennes de Rêves 2 Dir. Alex Romero

- China Box 2002, Dir. Antonio Adamo

- Ciao Italia
- Cleopatra 2003, Dir. Antonio Adamo
- Cleopatra 2 - The Legend of Eros 2003, Dir. Antonio Adamo

- Cocksucking Valentines 2012
- Collezione privata 1998, Dir. Max Bellocchio (short scene probably from another film)
- Colmax The Best Dir. Payet, Mourthé, Cognito, Leroi, etc.
- Colon Encounters alternative title for Millennium Sex

- Les Complices alternative title for Trevi Voyeur

- Il Confine 1999, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli
- Contacts alternative title for Sacro e profano
- Cosce chiuse spalancate 1999, Dir. Enzo Gallo as Steve Morelli (plays donna Nazista (Nazi woman))
- Cream alternative title for Zapping

- Cronaca di un omicidio 1999, Dir. Max Bellocchio
(as Lora Angel, plays Samanta)
- Cuisses ouvertes alternative title for Cosce chiuse spalancate (plays donna Nazista (Nazi woman))
- Culetti morbidi di ragazze arrapate Dir. Chris Austin (as Lenka (same Lenka?))
- Cum Suckers 2004

- Cumshot de Luxe 2 - Creme de la Creme 2000

- De hombre a mujer alternative title for Out of Control
- Desiderando Laura 2001, Dir. Ricky Grimaldi
- Désir charnel 2003, Dir. D'Salvo
- Devilish Family alternative title for Diabolische Geschwister
(as Lenka)
- Diabolische Geschwister 1999, Dir. Fernando H.
(as Lenka)
- La Directrice est une nympho alternative title for Die versaute Chefin
(as Patricia McNail)
- Dirty Deals alternative title for Alexia & Cie

- Dockan alternative title for Bambola
(plays Marta Lagrange)
- Docteur pervers alternative title for Infamia
(as Laura Angels)
- Donne Gatto - Ladre di sesso Dir. Patrick Deauville (as Lenka)
- Donne sull'orlo di una crisi di cazzo alternative title for Sexo en el Diván

- Doom Fighter 2: Apoteosi Finale 2000, Dir. J. F. Romagnoli
- Doom Fighter: Trip to Zolt's World 2000, Dir. J.F. Romagnoli
- Dr. F. Otze 4 alternative title for Dr. F. Otze 4 - Das Viagra-Protokoll

- Dr. F. Otze 4 - Das Viagra-Protokoll 1998, Dir. ?

- Dr. F. Otze 6 1990s

- Duivelse zusjes alternative title for Diabolische Geschwister
(as Lenka)
- Ekstase 2 Dir. Backey Jakic
(as Lenka)
- L'Emmerdeuse 1999, Dir. Fred Coppula
- Emotion alternative title for Infamia
(as Laura Angels)
- En la playa sin toalla alternative title for Diabolische Geschwister
(as Lenka)
- L'Enfer de Mario Salieri alternative title for Inferno

- L'Enfer X alternative title for Inferno

- Der Engel von Afrika 1999, Dir. Basil Sandford
- Enigma 2001, Dir. D'Salvo
- Entrapment of Mind alternative title for Amnesia
- Ero: Extrem Magazin 7 1999
- L'Espionne au sexe d'or 2 alternative title for Mafia's Revenge
(plays a bordello girl)
- Euro Angels 12: Probing Prague 1998, Dir. Christophe Clark
- Euro Angels 13: Fun Funnels 1999, Dir. Christophe Clark
- Euro Angels Hardball 3: Anal Therapy 1999, Dir. Christophe Clark
- Euro Ass Sluts alternative title for Regina di cuori
(as Lenka (Laura Angel on the DVD cover))
- Excitant Eye Shot alternative title for Enigma
- Exhibitions alternative title for Il Confine
- Extrem Anal
- Fada Feroz! alternative title for La Schiava del piacere
(plays the gift woman on bed)
- The Female James Bond in Action alternative title for 00Sex - Agentin in intimer Mission (as Lenka Luv)
- The Female James Bond in Action alternative title for 00Sex, Es ist niemals zu spät! (as Lenka Luv)
- Femme Fatale alternative title for Top Models à louer

- Ferkel! 2 2000, Dir. Jean-Yves LeCastel (as Lenka)
- Festival der Stars ?, Dir. Moli
- Festival! 2002, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli
(plays Laura Angel, singer)
- Fetichisme alternative title for Feticismo

- Feticismo 2000, Dir. Melissa Barth

- Fetisch - Das Geheimnis der Lust alternative title for Feticismo

- La Fièvre au corps 1999, Dir. Helen Duval and Roy Alexandre

- Filles à Foutre alternative title for Bombones bañados de leche

- Filles sous clef alternative title for Collezione privata (short scene probably from another film)
- Il Flauto magico 2001, Dir. Bruno Olivieri
- Frisches Fleisch 17
- G-Man, tempesta perfetta 2002, Dir. Axel Braun
- German Whorefare 2 alternative title for Weltklasse Ärsche 1
- Gierige Engel Dir. Patrick Deauville
- Gioco perverso (Rituals of Love) 2001, Dir. D'Salvo

- Gothi'X alternative title for Gothix

- Gothix 2001, Dir. José M. Ponce as J. M. Ponce

- Gradisca alternative title for Böse Mädchen 14
(as Lenka)
- Die Grenze alternative title for Il Confine
- Les Grilles de l'enfer 2001, Dir. ?

- Grosso e duro nel mio culo 2000, Dir. Mario Steno
(as Lenka on screen)
- Hannebal Dir. Morris Magli
- Harcelement au féminin 2000, Dir. Alain Payet

- Hardissimo alternative title for Lussuria

- Heiße Girls & Heiße Öfen alternative title for Heiße Girls und Heiße Öfen
(as Lenka)
- Heiße Girls und Heiße Öfen 1998, Dir. Ferdinand Hillman as Fernando H.
(as Lenka)
- Heisse Girls, Heisse Öfen alternative title for Heiße Girls und Heiße Öfen
(as Lenka)
- Heisse Nächte im Spermarausch alternative title for Desiderando Laura
- Heisses Blut c. 1998, Dir. Backey Jakic
(as Patricia McNail)
- Heisses Blut - Geschichte einer verbotenen Liebe alternative title for Heisses Blut
(as Patricia McNail)
- Helen Does Prague 1999, Dir. Roy Alexandre

- Helen Duval's Nightlife in Prague alternative title for Helen Does Prague

- Hells Belles alternative title for Pirate 12 - Hells Belles

- Hete meiden & harde jongens alternative title for Heiße Girls und Heiße Öfen
(as Lenka)
- Heute gibt's was in den Arsch alternative title for Seducida y abandonada
- High Light 2007
- Hongrie interdite 12 alternative title for Euro Angels 12: Probing Prague
- Hongrie interdite 13 alternative title for Euro Angels 13: Fun Funnels
- Hôtesses soumises alternative title for Mafia's Revenge
(plays a bordello girl)
- Humiliée alternative title for Il Tiranno
(her scene is drastically cut in the French version)
- Huren von Paris alternative title for Le Puttane di Parigi
- Hypnotic Game - La Follia c. 2003, Dir. D'Salvo
(as Laura Angels)
- I syndens tecken alternative title for Gioco perverso (Rituals of Love)

- I Want to Fuck You in the Toilet 2004

- Impulse 2000, Dir. Giò Ferrari
(as Laura Angels)
- In der Hölle der Lust alternative title for Das Superweib!
- In the Name of Love 2002, Dir. Jörgen Woolf

- Infamia 2002, Dir. D'Salvo
(as Laura Angels)
- Inferno 1999, Dir. Mario Salieri

- Inferno (Teufelsmacht) alternative title for Inferno

- L'Infirmière lubrique alternative title for La Schiava del piacere
(plays the gift woman on bed)
- Ins Hirn Gefickt alternative title for Hypnotic Game - La Follia
(as Laura Angels)
- Insaziabili Troie alternative title for Machos

- Into the Mouth of Hell alternative title for Les Grilles de l'enfer

- Intrigo a Cortina Dir. Julian March

- Irrwege der lust alternative title for Gioco perverso (Rituals of Love)

- Italian Flair 2001, Dir. Antonio Adamo

- Italian Flair: The Sex Renaissance alternative title for Italian Flair

- Italiensk mesterværk 3
- Italienska Mästerverk 4
- J'Adore c. 2003

- Jeannie 1 1998, Dir. Paul Rusch
(as Lenka; plays Carmen)
- Der junge Casanova 1997, Dir. Bakey Jackic? (as Lenka)
- Kelly 1998, Dir. Paul Rusch (Nicholas Moore) (as Lenka)
- Kelly's Perversion in Paris 2003, Dir. Rocco Siffredi
- KKK - Storie violente dell' America di ieri 2000, Dir. Mario Bianchi as Nicholas Moore
- KKK - The Story of Violence in America alternative title for KKK - Storie violente dell' America di ieri
- Das kleine Arschloch 2 Dir. Jean Yves Le Castel

- Königin der Nacht alternative title for La Regina della notte

- Labyrint alternative title for Scrupoli (plays the callgirl)
- Labyrinth of the Senses alternative title for Scrupoli (plays the callgirl)
- Le Labyrinthe des plaisirs alternative title for Scrupoli (plays the callgirl)
- The Lady... zur Lust verdammt alternative title for Chiennes de Rêves 1

- Laura Angel
- Laura Angel Infinity alternative title for Very Best of Laura Angel
- Laura, angelo del vizio c. 2002, Dir. Simon d’Onofrio
- Leichte Mädchen
- Lenka la moglie che scotta 2000, Dir. Mario Steno
(as Lenka)
- Libidine Veneziana 2000, Dir. Axel de Sisti, Ricky Grimaldi

- Liebesgrüße aus Mallorca! c. 2000, Dir. none credited

- Lingerie alternative title for Lingerie per feticisti

- Lingerie a Go-Go 2004

- Lingerie per feticisti 1999, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano

- Lingeries alternative title for Lingerie per feticisti

- Lola e il professore 2001, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
(as Lora Angel, plays Lola's aunt)
- Lost in Sex alternative title for Out of Control
- Lussuria 1999, Dir. Joe d'Amato

- Lustful Desire alternative title for Traviata a luci rosse

- Luxus Huren ?, Dir. Moli

- Machos 1999, Dir. Fred Coppula

- Mafia's Revenge 2000, Dir. Jürgen Woolf (aka Michael d'Angelo)
(plays a bordello girl)
- The Magician and the Lost Wife alternative title for Traviata a luci rosse

- Malavita alternative title for Die Rivalin
- Manuela 2000, Dir. Patrick Deauville (as Lenka)
- Manuela il mistero della perversione alternative title for Manuela (as Lenka)
- Marc Dorcel 30th Anniversary Vol. 2 2009
- La Mariée n'a pas de culotte alternative title for Die Braut
- Der Marquese alternative title for Un Weekend molto libidinoso

- Max 2 2001, Dir. Fred Coppula and Ian Scott
(archive footage from part 1)
- Max: Mettilo nel culo alternative title for Max: Portrait d'un serial-niqueur
('la touriste')
- Max: Portrait d'un serial-niqueur 2000, Dir. Fred Coppula
('la touriste')
- Maximal Sex ?, Dir. Fred Coppula
- La Mia Prima Voglia 2006, Dir. Renzo Reggi
- Millennium Sex 2000, Dir. Morris Magli

- MMV All Stars 2005
- MMV Mega Stars 2007

- Moda y Sexo en Paris alternative title for Top Models à louer

- Musik liegt in den Schamlippen alternative title for Festival!
(plays Laura Angel, singer)
- Die Nacht der versauten Fotzen alternative title for Night Sex
- Naples Interdite alternative title for Napoli

- Napoli 2001, Dir. Mario Salieri

- Negerbande schändet deutsche Hausfrauen
- Net Meeting 1998, Dir. Manfred Güsman
- Net Surfers alternative title for Net Meeting
- Night Life in Prague alternative title for Helen Does Prague

- Night Sex 1999, Dir. Andrea Lucci
- Night Shock alternative title for Desiderando Laura
- Une Nuit Choc! alternative title for Desiderando Laura
- Nuits chaudes alternative title for Night Sex
- Les Nuits de Prague alternative title for Helen Does Prague

- Nurses in Heat 2003

- Obsession 52 - Safari Park alternative title for Safari Park

- Onora il padre 2000, Dir. Monica Timperi as Frank Simon
- Oral Deluxe Anthology
- Out of Control c. 2000, Dir. no data
- Over Anal-yzed alternative title for Sexo en el Diván

- Papa, der ist aber alternative title for Affari di famiglia

- Paparazzi Scandal alternative title for Scandale

- Il Patrigno alternative title for Heisses Blut
(as Patricia McNail)
- A Perfect Murder alternative title for Cronaca di un omicidio
(as Lora Angel, plays Samanta)
- Ein Perfekter Mord alternative title for Cronaca di un omicidio
(as Lora Angel, plays Samanta)
- Perfide provocazioni 1999, Dir. Anita Rinaldi
- Perfidia: Pretty Lady 2001, Dir. Giancarlo Bini
(as Lenka)
- Perverzna šefica alternative title for Die versaute Chefin
(as Patricia McNail)
- Pirate 12 - Hells Belles 1998 (2000 for DVD), Dir. Frank Thring

- Pirate Deluxe 1: Xtreme Desires alternative title for Xtreme Desires

- Le Plein des sens alternative title for Serena la camionista

- Polar X alternative title for Il Confine
- Police des Moeurs alternative title for La Polizia Ringrazia
- La Polizia Ringrazia 2001, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli as Frank Simon
- Prêtes à travailler alternative title for Cosce chiuse spalancate (plays donna Nazista (Nazi woman))
- Private Backstage 2002, Dir. Antonio Adamo and others
- Private Gold 52 alternative title for China Box

- Private Gold 61 alternative title for Cleopatra
- Private Gold 64 alternative title for Cleopatra 2 - The Legend of Eros

- The Private Life of Kate More 2004

- The Private Life of Laura Angel 2003, Dir. Antonio Adamo, Frank Thring, Tanya Hyde

- The Private Life of Sandy Style 2005

- The Private Life of Silvia Saint 2001
- Private Millennium 1999

- Private Triple X Files 11: Jennifer alternative title for Triple X Files 11 - Enjoy Jennifer

- Private XXX 20: Angels of Sin 2005, Dir. Tom Herold, Frank Thring, Andrea di Angelo, Gianfranco Romagnoli, Rene Fieron, Little Al
(in extra scene taken from The Private Life of Laura Angel)
- Private-Penthouse Greatest Moments 2 2005
- La Professoressa di lingue 2000, Dir. Enzo Gallo as Steve Morelli (uncredited, appears in orgy scene)
- Project Lingerie: anal edition alternative title for Lingerie per feticisti

- La Provocacion alternative title for Perfide provocazioni
- Pulp 1997 / 2000?, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli

- Putains sur le divan alternative title for Sexo en el Diván

- Le Puttane di Parigi Dir. Jack Crawler
- Raptadas e Violadas alternative title for La Banda del sabato sera

- La Regina dell notte - Queen of the Night alternative title for La Regina della notte

- La Regina della notte 2001, Dir. J. F. Romagnoli

- Regina di cuori 2000?
(as Lenka (Laura Angel on the DVD cover))
- Rio Lust alternative title for Lussuria

- Il Rito alternative title for Gothix

- Rituals of Love alternative title for Gioco perverso (Rituals of Love)

- De Rivale alternative title for Die Rivalin
- Die Rivalin 2001
- Rocco & Kelly's Perversion in Paris alternative title for Kelly's Perversion in Paris
- Rocco e Nacho - la grande sfida Dir. Rocco Siffredi
- Rocco Fickt Kelly In Paris alternative title for Kelly's Perversion in Paris
- Rocco's True Anal Stories 5 1999, Dir. Rocco Siffredi (as Laura (opening credits))
- Roma 2000, Dir. D'Salvo (credited in some countries to Antonio Adamo?)
- Roma, ciudad del amor alternative title for Roma
- La Rose et le fouet 2001, Dir. Patrick Deauville

- Rosetten Festival
- S.I.V. Sexe internet virus alternative title for Millennium Sex

- Sacrée famille alternative title for Affari di famiglia

- Sacro & profano alternative title for Sacro e profano
- Sacro e profano 2003, Dir. Salvatore Di Liberto as D'Salvo
- Safari Park 1999, Dir. Basil Sandford

- Saluti da... Maiorca alternative title for Liebesgrüße aus Mallorca!

- Saturday Night Band alternative title for La Banda del sabato sera

- Les Sauvageonnes alternative title for Cacciatori di Taglie

- Scandale 2003, Dir. Fred Coppula

- La Schiava del piacere 1999, Dir. Giancarlo Bini
(plays the gift woman on bed)
- Schizzi a parte 1999, Dir. Enzo Lago

- Scrupoli 2001, Dir. Antonio Adamo as D'Salvo (plays the callgirl)
- Sedotta alternative title for Seducida y abandonada
- Seduced and Abandoned alternative title for Seducida y abandonada
- Seducida y abandonada 2003, Dir. Pete Catman
- Selvaggio West alternative title for Cacciatori di Taglie

- Serena la camionera alternative title for Serena la camionista

- Serena la camionista 2000, Dir. Giancarlo Bini (in Germany Jack Crawler)

- Il Settimo paradiso Dir. D'Salvo
- The Seventh Heaven alternative title for Il Settimo paradiso
- Sex Agentur - Alexia & Co alternative title for Alexia & Cie

- Sex Appeal alternative title for Roma
- Sex Appeal - sie wollen mehr alternative title for Roma
- Sex at Work 2001

- A Sex filled Night in Bologna alternative title for Night Sex
- Sex Shot 1999, Dir. Antonio Adamo

- Sexe à la Carte alternative title for Un Weekend molto libidinoso

- Sexo en el Diván 2001, Dir. Dani Rodríguez

- Sexo Puro e Duro no Oeste alternative title for Cacciatori di Taglie

- Sexsüchtig
- Sexual Analysis alternative title for Analisi sessuale

- Sexy folies du Samedi soir 2000, Dir. Giancarlo Bini
- Sexy folies du Samedi soir alternative title for La Banda del sabato sera

- Sexy Gang alternative title for Heiße Girls und Heiße Öfen
(as Lenka)
- Sexy Model 2 1999, Dir. Andrea Lucci
(as Laura Angels)
- Sexy Model 3 1999, Dir. Andrea Lucci

- Showbizz interdit alternative title for Festival!
(plays Laura Angel, singer)
- Silvia's Spell 1998, Dir. Frank Thring
(as Lenka)
- Silvia's Spell 2 1998, Dir. Frank Thring

- Silvia's Spell 3 1998, Dir. Frank Thring
- Slampan I Lampan alternative title for Jeannie 1
(as Lenka; plays Carmen)
- Les Soeurs indignes 2002, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli
- Sorelle perverse alternative title for Diabolische Geschwister
(as Lenka)
- La Sporcacciona alternative title for L'Emmerdeuse
- Stavros 2 1999, Dir. Mario Salieri
(plays the girl in the bus)
- Stavros 2: Das Geständnis alternative title for Stavros 2
(plays the girl in the bus)
- Stavros II alternative title for Stavros 2
(plays the girl in the bus)
- Storie Italiane Libidinose c. 2000, Dir. Andrea Lucci
- Straathoeren alternative title for La Regina della notte

- De Superslet alternative title for Das Superweib!
- Superstition 1999, Dir. Anita Rinaldi
- Das Superweib! Dir. Backey Jakic
- Született Szajha alternative title for Regina di cuori
(as Lenka (Laura Angel on the DVD cover))
- Tease alternative title for Perfide provocazioni
- Tessie 2001, Dir. Giancarlo Bini

- Therapie par le Sexe alternative title for Analisi sessuale

- Thighs Wide Shut alternative title for Cosce chiuse spalancate (plays donna Nazista (Nazi woman))
- Il Tiranno 1999, Dir. Jack Crawler
(her scene is drastically cut in the French version)
- Top Models à louer 2002, Dir. Philippe Dean

- Toute une vie de plaisirs alternative title for Una Vita in Vendita
(clip from Desiderando Laura (Night Shock))
- Traviata a luci rosse 1998, Dir. Andrea Lucci

- La Traviata del Sexo alternative title for Traviata a luci rosse

- Trevi Voyeur Dir. Marco Trevi

- Triple X Files 11 - Enjoy Jennifer 1998

- Trucker Frauen alternative title for Serena la camionista

- Der Tyrann alternative title for Il Tiranno
(her scene is drastically cut in the French version)
- La Vedova alternative title for Die Witwe (as Lenka)
- Vendetta di Mafia alternative title for Mafia's Revenge
(plays a bordello girl)
- Il Vendicatore alternative title for Out of Control
- La Venere Bianca
- Venere in Pelliccia Dir. Marzio Tangeri
- La Verdadera historia de un semental alternative title for Max: Portrait d'un serial-niqueur
('la touriste')
- Verdammt zur Sünde Dir. Backey Jakic
- Verfickte Kurzgeschichten Teil 2 Dir. 'Jack Crawler'
- Verfickte Kurzgeschichten Teil 3
- Verfickte Kurzgeschichten Teil 5: Lasterleben Dir. 'Jack Crawler'
- Ein Verhängsvolles rendezvous alternative title for Harcelement au féminin

- Vermisst, verführt, verheiratet alternative title for Amnesia
- Die versaute Chefin 1999, Dir. Backey Jakic
(as Patricia McNail)
- Very Best of Laura Angel 2006
- La Veuve sans pudeur alternative title for Libidine Veneziana

- Vince van Loch 2 c. 2000, Dir. Moli
(as Lenka)
- Vince Van Loch: Die Farben der Geilheit alternative title for Vince van Loch 2
(as Lenka)
- Violences du Samedi soir alternative title for La Banda del sabato sera

- Virginie 2003, Dir. Martin Cognito
(plays Véronique, #6)
- Una Vita in Vendita 2002, Dir. Andrea Nobili
(clip from Desiderando Laura (Night Shock))
- La Viuda alternative title for Die Witwe (as Lenka)
- Voyeurs et complices alternative title for Trevi Voyeur

- Vurige Volbloed alternative title for Heisses Blut
(as Patricia McNail)
- Was Frauen wollen! alternative title for Machos

- Un Weekend molto libidinoso 2000, Dir. Francesco Avon

- Weltklasse Ärsche 1 1999, Dir. Jean-Yves le Castel
- Weltklasse Ärsche 11 Dir. Jean-Yves le Castel
- Weltklasse Ärsche 2 c. 2000, Dir. Jean-Yves le Castel as Dr. S-Joy
(as L. Engel?)
- Weltklasse Ärsche 6 alternative title for Liebesgrüße aus Mallorca!

- Weltklasse Ärsche 8 alternative title for Ferkel! 2 (as Lenka)
- Wild 'n' Wet 1998, Dir. Helen Duval & Roy Alexandre

- Wild Bitches alternative title for Cacciatori di Taglie

- Wild West alternative title for Cacciatori di Taglie

- Die Witwe 2001, Dir. Lesly Sweet (Ferdinand Hillman?) (as Lenka)
- Xtreme Desires 1999, Dir. Tanya Hyde

- Zapping Dir. Narcis Bosch

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