< Jeanny Bee
from Dr. Baxter's Schock Therapie
Notes |
- German, b. June 10, 1969, appendectomy scar, magazines: Maximum Perversum 23
Pseudonyms |
- Anett
- Anette
- Annett K.
- Annette Maybach
- Annette
- Annette Weber
- Carola Innert
- Daniela
- Denise Reno
- Gina B.
- Inga Lundgren
- Jeannie Bee
- Jeany Bee
- Ninett Cool
Films |
- 2 Schwanze in der Fut 1995
(as Gina B.)
- Abartig 1996, Dir. Julia Hart
- Abgangs-Prüfung 1994

- Abgangs-Prüfung - 4 Teenies im Orgasmus-Seminar alternative title for Abgangs-Prüfung

- Akte Anal c. 1996, Dir. none credited (as Gina B.)
- Anal - Rammler und Fotzenlutscher 2003
- Anal Karussell 1998
(as Jeany Bee)
- Das Anal Projekt alternative title for Das Anal-Projekt
(as Anett)
- Das Anal-Projekt Dir. Jean-Yves Lecastel as Jocelyn
(as Anett)
- Die Anmacherinnen 5 - Hochzeitsnacht im Himmelbett alternative title for Hochzeitsnacht im Himmelbett
(as Jeany Bee, plays the 'Gouvernante')
- Augenblick - geil verrückte Fickabenteuer aus aller Welt 1997, Dir. none credited

- Augenblick 1 alternative title for Augenblick - geil verrückte Fickabenteuer aus aller Welt

- Augenblick! alternative title for Augenblick - geil verrückte Fickabenteuer aus aller Welt

- Ausbruch der Geilheit 1996, Dir. Teo Cabris (as Anette)
- Die Bäuerin vom Pimmelhof 1994
(as Franziska Obermeier, Sylvie Stein or uncredited)
- Die Blasschule 1998, Dir. Danny White
(as Jeany Bee)
- Böse Mädchen 12 c. 2000
(as Anett)
- Böse Mädchen 3 1997, Dir. John Barrymoore
(as Anette)
- Böse Mädchen 7 c. 1998
(as Anette)
- Böse Mädchen 8 c. 1998
(masked, non-sex)
- Boulevard Flittchen
(as Jeany Bee)
- Busen Freaks alternative title for Twilight 22
(as Ninett Cool)
- The Call Girl alternative title for Die Luxusnutten
(as Jeany Bee)
- Callboy Report 1995, Dir. no data
(as Gina B.)
- Cascade 4: Total versaut - na und? c. 1995, Dir. Hadie (as Jeany Bee)
- Casting: Stars privat 5 1994, Dir. Danny White
- Con Natasha si fa tutto alternative title for Fantastic Lady

- Culo della Commercialista
- Deutsche Superstars - Annett K. (as Annett K.)
- Dirty Wifes - Die geile Verführung alternative title for Dirty Wives - Die geile Verführung

- Dirty Wives - Die geile Verführung 1995, Dir. Moli

- Disco Teenies 2 c. 1997, Dir. Lenroc

- Dolly Buster the Lady Publisher 1 - Junior X alternative title for Junior X.
(as Annette Maybach)
- Dolly Buster the Lady Publisher 9 - Vienna Connection alternative title for Vienna Connection
(as Jeany Bee, plays Angeline, the lover of Robert)
- Dott. Stranamore - Lezione no. 1 alternative title for Dr. F. Otze 2
(plays Schwester Hildegard, non-sex)
- Double Security c. 1998, Dir. SX Kowalski
(as Annette Maybach)
- Downtown 35 - Rent A Fuck alternative title for Rent A Fuck
(as Inga Lundgren)
- Dr. Baxter's Schock Therapie 1990s, Dir. John Barrymore
(plays the mother of the Jessica Magma character)
- Dr. F. Otze 1 1990s, Dir. Ferdinand Hillmann
(as Jeany Bee)
- Dr. F. Otze 2 1998, Dir. Fernando H.
(plays Schwester Hildegard, non-sex)
- Dr. F. Otze: Arzt aus Leidenschaft alternative title for Dr. F. Otze 1
(as Jeany Bee)
- Dr. F. Otze... und die Rosetten der Lernschwestern! alternative title for Dr. F. Otze 2
(plays Schwester Hildegard, non-sex)
- Dreams of Samba 1998, Dir. Jack Fleetwood (as Clair Browne, Helen Baxter, Janet Black, Sabrina York or Samantha Johnson)
- Electra 23 - Double Security alternative title for Double Security
(as Annette Maybach)
- Electra 25 - Push Back alternative title for Push Back (as Jeannie Bee)
- Electra 29 - Fit For Fun alternative title for Fit for Fun (as Jeannie Bee)
- Electra 31 - Heisse Hände alternative title for Heisse Hände (as Annette Maybach? (not credited on the box))
- Electra 39 - Hurricane Ellen alternative title for Hurricane Ellen

- European Cuntinent 1 alternative title for Böse Mädchen 3
(as Anette)
- Excess 5 1994
- Extra Stark 13 2003 (scene from Junior X)
- Extra Stark 21 2004 (scene from Vienna Connection)
- Extrem perverse Fickloch-Dehnung alternative title for Hurricane Ellen

- Familie Flodder 2 1997
- Familie Flodder 4 1997, Dir. Lenroc?
- Fantastic Lady 1996, Dir. Roy Hunter

- Faust auf Faust alternative title for Perversa (as Annette Maybach)
- Fetischgeil auf Orgasmustrip c. 1994, Dir. no data

- Fick Ahoi! 1998
(as Jeany Bee)
- Fickness Studio 1997
(as Jeany)
- Das Fickteam 1994, Dir. Julia Reaves (as Julia R.) (as Nena Hauser, Simone Richter or Vera Nöll (DVD cover))
- Der Ficktest 1990s
(as Jeany Bee)
- Fit for Fun c. 1998, Dir. SX Kowalski (as Jeannie Bee)
- For You Only 2 - Spritz mich voll! alternative title for Spritz mich voll!
- Forbidden Zone 1990s, Dir. SX Kowalski
- Frauenarzt Dr. Dose alternative title for Dr. Baxter's Schock Therapie
(plays the mother of the Jessica Magma character)
- Fuck Ahoy! alternative title for Fick Ahoi!
(as Jeany Bee)
- Der geile Pornodreh
(as Jeany Bee)
- Das gibt's doch garnicht 3 - Susann will die Faust c 1997, Dir. no data (as?)
- Der gierige Arschfick 1995
- Gierige Spermamösen c. 1996, Dir. Moli
- Girlies, mein erstes mal! c. 1997, Dir. no data
- Glockengeläut 2000
- Gnadenlos anal alternative title for Hohmann Nr. 33
- Heisse Hände c. 1998, Dir. Danny White (as Annette Maybach? (not credited on the box))
- Herz-Lust 1996
(as Gina B.)
- Hochzeitsnacht im Himmelbett 1997, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Jeany Bee, plays the 'Gouvernante')
- Hohmann 33: Gnadenlos anal alternative title for Hohmann Nr. 33
- Hohmann Nr. 33 1994
- Honig-Fotzen ...devot & begehbar

- Hotel Report 1995 (as Gina B.)
- Die Huren vom Straßenstrich 1990s, Dir. Roy Hunter
(as Daniela)
- Hurricane Ellen c. 1998, Dir. SX Kowalski

- Im Puff auf St. Pauli 1990s

- Im Puff auf St. Pauli 2 1990s

- Insaziabile con Natasha si fa tutto alternative title for Fantastic Lady

- Jeany's Salzburg Surprise alternative title for Jeanys Salzburg-Surprise (as Jeany Bee, the reporter)
- Jeanys Salzburg-Surprise c. 2000 (as Jeany Bee, the reporter)
- Joker 23: Faust Schlampen Dir. Dino
(scenes from Vienna Connection)
- Joker Super Edition 20: offen & geil (as Jeany Bee)
- Joker Vol. 20 alternative title for Joker Super Edition 20: offen & geil (as Jeany Bee)
- Junior X. 1999, Dir. Dolly Buster
(as Annette Maybach)
- Loch Exzesse alternative title for Forbidden Zone
- Die Luxusnutten 1990s, Dir. Mercury
(as Jeany Bee)
- Das Mädchen Internat 2 alternative title for Die Sekte

- Maximal versaut alternative title for Playgirls
(as Jeany Bee)
- Mein Schwager ist der Geilste alternative title for Die Blasschule
(as Jeany Bee)
- Mit Mama im Bett alternative title for Sweet XXL
(as Amanda Hill, Cloris Fulder or Diana Blaney)
- Models, Miezen und Moneten Dir. Jaques Pollux
(as Annette)
- MSS Wild Orchid alternative title for MSS. Wilde Orchidee

- MSS. Wilde Orchidee

- Nass und pervers c. 1994, Dir. Andy Castle (as Sabine, Marion or Irmgard)
- Nasse Fistlust 1996, Dir. Mike (as Annett)
- Obsession 42 - Playgirls alternative title for Playgirls
(as Jeany Bee)
- Offen & geil alternative title for Joker Super Edition 20: offen & geil (as Jeany Bee)
- Orgasmen-Inferno
(as Jeany Bee)
- Orgasmeninferno alternative title for Orgasmen-Inferno
(as Jeany Bee)
- Perversa c. 1998, Dir. SX Kowalski (as Annette Maybach)
- Perverse Gier 1994
(as Anita Steiner, Bianca Stahl, Frieda Pitschke or Katja Lange)
- Perverse Spiele c. 1998, Dir. no data
- Planet X c. 1995
- Playgirls c. 1998, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti
(as Jeany Bee)
- Pralle Titten Dir. Julia Reaves
(as Carola Innert)
- Pralle Titten
- Primo giorno di collegio 2 alternative title for Die Sekte

- Privat Club 40: Pralle Stander 1996, Dir. Jaques Polux
- Private Storys 1 1990s
- Provokativ: Nasse Fistlust alternative title for Nasse Fistlust (as Annett)
- Push Back c. 1998, Dir. Danny White (as Jeannie Bee)
- Reich, versaut und dicke Titten 1998, Dir. Ferdi (Ferdinand Hillman?)
(as Jeany Bee)
- Rent A Fuck 1995, Dir. P. Newman
(as Inga Lundgren)
- Ribu Casting 20 1997 (as Ginny)
- Schwanz geil 1996 (as Annett)
- Die Sekte Dir. ?

- Sextra 9 - Sweet XXL alternative title for Sweet XXL
(as Amanda Hill, Cloris Fulder or Diana Blaney)
- Signore il cazzo e servito alternative title for Junior X.
(as Annette Maybach)
- Sind die dick Mann 1990s
(as Jeany Bee)
- Spanner Studio c. 1996, Dir. Roy Hunter

- Spritz mich voll! 1998, Dir. Larry Goodman, 'Lollo Sugar' (cover)
- Stopf' mir meinen Teeniearsch! c. 1995, Dir. no data
(scene from Nass und Pervers)
- Strassen Flirt alternative title for Straßen-Flirt
(as Anette)
- Straßen-Flirt 1995, Dir. Roy Hunter
(as Anette)
- Stutenpisse 1995
(as Gina B.)
- Sweet XXL c. 1995, Dir. Rose Webster
(as Amanda Hill, Cloris Fulder or Diana Blaney)
- Takeover c. 1995

- Team Fuckers - Anal and Fisting, all Night alternative title for Das Fickteam (as Nena Hauser, Simone Richter or Vera Nöll (DVD cover))
- Troiaaa! Leccamela mentre mi scopa! alternative title for Perverse Spiele
- Türkischer Honig 1990s
(as Jeany Bee)
- Twilight 14 1994, Dir. Julia Reaves
(as Denise Reno)
- Twilight 22 1994, Dir. Julia Reaves
(as Ninett Cool)
- Urlaub auf dem Pimmelhof 1994
(as Annette Weber)
- Versaute Riesentitten
(scene 18, from Gierige Spermamösen)
- Verwöhnte Vötzchen 1995, Dir. none credited
- Vienna Connection c. 2000, Dir. Dolly Buster
(as Jeany Bee, plays Angeline, the lover of Robert)
- Viper 4 - Planet X alternative title for Planet X
- Viper 9 - Takeover alternative title for Takeover

- Voll eingeschenkt alternative title for Twilight 14
(as Denise Reno)
- Vorsicht! Nicht für die öffentlichkeit! alternative title for Akte Anal (as Gina B.)
- Wet Panties Euro Style alternative title for Twilight 22
(as Ninett Cool)
- wild versaut pervers alternative title for Junior X.
(as Annette Maybach)
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