< Iris von Braun
from Perversitaten Parade magazine
Notes |
- German, magazines: Perversitaten Parade 3
Films |
- Aerobic-Sex im Fickness Center 1988, Dir. Moli
('special guest star')
- Anal Power - Geschäfte durch die Hintertür Dir. Ralf Scott
- Baby Pimperloss 1 alternative title for Tour de sex
- Bizarre Hausfrauen alternative title for Privat Club 3: Bizarre Hausfrauen

- Canarienvogelei 1: Die Orgasmusinsel alternative title for Orgasmus Insel
- Canarienvogelei 2: Die Inselhure alternative title for Inselhure
- Darstellar: Superlatives of Sex alternative title for Sex-Superlativ!
- Happy Video Privat 19: Paar sucht Paar... ! 1988, Dir. Harry S. Morgan (as Iris)
- Happy Video Privat 29: Rudelbums & geiles Stöhnen 1990, Dir. Harry S. Morgan (as Conny)
- Inselhure 1988, Dir. Wendy Olsa Mendell (as W.O.M.)
- Jeanny 1987, Dir. W. O. M.

- Maximum Perversum 7: Sex-Superlativ alternative title for Sex-Superlativ!
- Nurses of the Men's Ward alternative title for Die Spritzstation
(as ? plays a nurse)
- Orgasmus Insel 1988, Dir. Wendy Olsa Mendell (as W.O.M.)
- Die Orgasmusinsel 1988, Dir. W.O.M.
- Die Orgasmusinsel "Canarienvögelei" alternative title for Die Orgasmusinsel
- Privat Club 3 - Bizarre Hausfrauen alternative title for Privat Club 3: Bizarre Hausfrauen

- Privat Club 3: Bizarre Hausfrauen 1990, Dir. Harry S. Morgan

- Der Schmutz Fotograf 1989, Dir. Wendy Olsa Mendell (as W.O.M.)
- Sex Watergate "Perverser Filz" 1987, Dir. W.O.M.
- Sex-Sklavin - "Die Tochter der O" 1988, Dir. W.O.M.

- Sex-Superlativ! 1988, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
- Die Spritzstation 1988, Dir. Michael Schey
(as ? plays a nurse)
- Die total versaute Fernseh-show 1989, Dir. W.O.M.

- Tour de sex
- Unschuldig - Pervers verführt 1987, Dir. none credited (uncredited, BJ only)
- Video Sex-Mafia 1987, Dir. Wendy Olsa Mendell (as W.O.M.)
- Die Video Sex-Mafia - Ein Videothekar sieht rot alternative title for Video Sex-Mafia
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