< Fanny Steel
from Haar Spalter
Notes |
- Romanian, b. December 16, 1977, magazines: Pleasure 141
Pseudonyms |
- Aliah
- Biggi
- Clarissa Wilde
- Fanny Lazar
- Fanny Fun
- Fanny Hill
- Fanny
- Fanny Sue
- Funny
- Funny Steel
- Funny Sanders
- Monica Stahl
- Monique Delage
- Monique Steel
- Sandra
Films |
- Die 8. Sünde 2002, Dir. Alain Payet (though Moli is credited)
(as Fanny)
- Le 8ème péché capital alternative title for Die 8. Sünde
(as Fanny)
- Die Abschluß Klasse III 1998, Dir. probably Fernando H.
(uncredited, non-sex)
- Das Anal Internat 1996, Dir. Franz Goldau (as FHG) (as Funny Sanders)
- Das Anal-Internat alternative title for Das Anal Internat (as Funny Sanders)
- Augenblick - geil verrückte Fickabenteuer aus aller Welt 1997, Dir. none credited
(uncredited; miscredited as Kikki Dee in opening sequence)
- Augenblick 1 alternative title for Augenblick - geil verrückte Fickabenteuer aus aller Welt
(uncredited; miscredited as Kikki Dee in opening sequence)
- Augenblick! alternative title for Augenblick - geil verrückte Fickabenteuer aus aller Welt
(uncredited; miscredited as Kikki Dee in opening sequence)
- Baller-Mann-Ficker c. 2001, Dir. none credited (as Marcia, Gaby, Jasmin, Angela or uncredited on cover)
- Best of Dru Berrymore 1 alternative title for D.R.U. (Durchtrieben.Rassig.Ultrageil)

- Best of Dru Berrymore 2 alternative title for Herr Doktor meine Pflaume juckt

- Blackout: Wo waren wir letzte Nacht 2003 (as Fanny)
- Blutjunge Fickschlampen
- Bumsfidele Handwerker alternative title for Hot on the Job
(as Francine or Kim)
- Busen Wunder c. 2001, Dir. Dino (given as Gino Rivolta on the cover) (as Monique Delage)
- Call Boys in Deutschland 1 c. 2001

- Car Napping alternative title for Die Rivalin (? as? uncredited?)
- La Casa della Troie alternative title for Villa Amoroso (as Monique Delage)
- Chaos inklusive alternative title for Traumurlaub - chaos inklusive!
(as Fanny)
- Classic Superstars Daniela Rauscher (as Funny Steel)
- Cocomania
(scene from Villa Amoroso)
- Le Collegiali lo Prendono in Culo alternative title for Turn Küken
- Coverstar 1: Rammel-Runden 1 1997, Dir. Lollo Sugar
- Coverstar 3: Pregnant Baby 1998, Dir. Lollo Sugar
(as Lisa Heldmann, Ivonne Berger or Jane Easton; les-only)
- D.R.U. (Durchtrieben.Rassig.Ultrageil)

- Dino's First Class 23 - Busen Wunder alternative title for Busen Wunder (as Monique Delage)
- Dino's First Class 24 - Call Boys in Deutschland 1 alternative title for Call Boys in Deutschland 1

- Disco Teenies 2 c. 1997, Dir. Lenroc

- Disco Teenies 3 c. 1997, Dir. Lenroc

- Dominante Unterweisung c. 2002, Dir. Kaito
(as Fanny)
- Donne del III Reich alternative title for Uniform-Schlampen
- Dott. Stranamore lezione n.3 alternative title for Dr. F. Otze 3
(brief, non-sex)
- Dr. F. Otze 3 1998, Dir. ?
(brief, non-sex)
- Drecksau 2000, Dir. Kaito
(as Julia van De Neuken on Magma website)
- Drecksau - perverse kleine Schweinchen alternative title for Drecksau
(as Julia van De Neuken on Magma website)
- Drecksau 1 alternative title for Drecksau
(as Julia van De Neuken on Magma website)
- Drecksau 6 c. 2000, Dir. Mike Ziege & Kolonne Wirrwar

- Electra 17 - Fourplay alternative title for Fourplay
(as Monique Delage)
- Electra 26 - Very British alternative title for Very British
(as Fanny Lazar)
- Erotic Streetlife 24: Rendezvous with Buddy 1996, Dir. Buddy
- Gli Esami anali delle liceali alternative title for Skandal im Mädcheninternat!

- L'Eta' della perdizione c. 1998, Dir. 'Zoom'
(as Funny Hill?)
- Exklusiv Tattoo 4 2003, Dir. none credited
(as Monique Delage)
- Fallen Angel 2002, Dir. Ferenc Hopka
(as Funny, in glasses and a judge's wig)
- Fallen Angels alternative title for Fallen Angel
(as Funny, in glasses and a judge's wig)
- Familie Flodder 3 1997
(as Fanny, plays 1 Schauspielerin (first actress))
- Familie Flodder 5 1997
(as Funny, plays Ehefrau (wife))
- Fick Ahoi! 1998
(as Clarissa Wilde)
- Fick mein Loch, du Bengel alternative title for L'Eta' della perdizione
(as Funny Hill?)
- First Class Vol. 3 1996

- Flirt mit der Wollust alternative title for Tropical Heat
- For You Only 1 - Mach's mit mir alternative title for Mach's mit mir
- For You Only 4 - Ich blase bis du kommst alternative title for Ich blase bis du kommst
(BJ/masturbation only)
- Fourplay c. 1997, Dir. Francis Goldmeadow
(as Monique Delage)
- Freistoss ins Arschloch alternative title for Sex Attack Berlin 9: Freistoss ins Arschloch
- Fuck Ahoy! alternative title for Fick Ahoi!
(as Clarissa Wilde)
- Fuck WG 2003

- Fun 4 Helen (Episode II) alternative title for Fun 4 Helen 2
(as Fanny Fun)
- Fun 4 Helen 2 Dir. Sjoerd Van Meersbeek
(as Fanny Fun)
- Fütterungs-Zeit für süsse Ferkel alternative title for Fütterungszeit für süsse Ferkel

- Fütterungszeit für süsse Ferkel

- Gangster-Schlampen c. 2003

- Garces ultimes alternative title for Fun 4 Helen 2
(as Fanny Fun)
- Garden Party (as?)
- Gartenparty alternative title for Garden Party (as?)
- Der geile Pornodreh
(as Monique Steel)
- German Cherry Poppers 1 c. 1996, Dir. none credited (as Sandra)
- Girly Marén 1 (as?)
- Haar Spalter alternative title for Sex Support
(as Fanny Base)
- Heiße Lehrmädchen c. 2000, Dir. none credited

- Helen's Hot Babes 1990s (late), Dir. Helen Duval
(as Funny)
- Herr Doktor meine Pflaume juckt

- Hot on the Job Dir. no director credited
(as Francine or Kim)
- Ich bin der Boss (as Fanny Hill)
- Ich blase bis du kommst 1999, Dir. 'Lollo Sugar'
(BJ/masturbation only)
- Indoor Excess 1997, Dir. Jack Fleetwood
(as Monique Delage)
- Inondami tutta alternative title for Rain Man
(as Monique Delage)
- Internat dla dziewczat alternative title for Das Mädchen Internat
(non-sex, as Funny Steel)
- Inzest in der Familie - zärtliche Geschwister c. 2002
- Jung und willig c. 1999, Dir. Benno Bautz

- Junge Frauen extrem 94 alternative title for Teenies extrem 157 - Naturgeil
- Kinky Teens 3 c. 1998, Dir. none credited
- Lady Anita F. 35 - Rain Man alternative title for Rain Man
(as Monique Delage)
- Der Lotto - King "Anal" c. 1999, Dir. no data

- Mach's mit mir 1998, Dir. 'Lollo Sugar'
- Mädchen Casting c. 2002, Dir. Tom Luis

- Mädchen Casting: Girls Casting alternative title for Mädchen Casting

- Das Mädchen Internat 1998, Dir. Ferdinand Hillman as Fernando H.
(non-sex, as Funny Steel)
- Das Mädchen Internat 2 alternative title for Die Sekte
- Das Mädchen Internat 5 alternative title for Skandal im Mädcheninternat!

- Magma Spezial: Natursekt alternative title for Natursekt (as Fatma)
- Malavita alternative title for Die Rivalin (? as? uncredited?)
- Der Mann aus dem Wald c. 1996, Dir. Backey Jakic? (as Monique)
- Meine Sekretärin, das geile Loch alternative title for Fourplay
(as Monique Delage)
- Michelle Casting 4

- Der Millionär im Arsch alternative title for Der Lotto - King "Anal"

- Mit der Kamera dabei c. 2000, Dir. Benno Bautz

- Moeilijke meiden alternative title for Schwer erziehbare Mädchen
- Mösen-Toaster: Teenies auf der Sonnenbank 2002, Dir. Moli (as Funny)
- Natursekt 1996 (as Fatma)
- Nippel Sauger 2001, Dir. Dino (as Monique Delage)
- Non c'è pace fra le mie tette alternative title for Nippel Sauger (as Monique Delage)
- Not-geil alternative title for Notgeil: Horny Like Hell

- Notgeil: Horny Like Hell c. 2000, Dir. Benno Bautz

- Onid Studio 25 - Nippel Sauger alternative title for Nippel Sauger (as Monique Delage)
- Orgasmen-Inferno
(as Monica Stahl)
- Orgasmeninferno alternative title for Orgasmen-Inferno
(as Monica Stahl)
- Orgias de verano alternative title for Traumurlaub - chaos inklusive!
(as Fanny)
- Parkdeck Sex alternative title for Call Boys in Deutschland 1

- Perverse kleine Schweinchen alternative title for Drecksau 6

- Perverse Spiele c. 1998, Dir. no data
- Pissende Schulmädchen 3
- Primo giorno di collegio alternative title for Das Mädchen Internat
(non-sex, as Funny Steel)
- Primo giorno di collegio 2 alternative title for Die Sekte
- Rain Man 1996, Dir. SX Kowalski
(as Monique Delage)
- Die Rauch die spinnt wohl! 1990s, Dir. ?
(as Funny (and as a blonde))
- Real Big Boobs 2 Dir. Andy Klein (as Aliah)
- De Rivale alternative title for Die Rivalin (? as? uncredited?)
- Die Rivalin 2001 (? as? uncredited?)
- Saubermann's Töchter 1990s (? in a blonde wig)
- Schlampen-Report: Herr Doktor meine Pflaume juckt (Exzesse in der Frauenklinik) alternative title for Herr Doktor meine Pflaume juckt

- Der Schleicher c. 1998 (b/g)
- Der Schleicher - Frivolen Fotzen auf den Fersen alternative title for Der Schleicher (b/g)
- Schwer erziehbare Mädchen
- Schwer erziehbare Mädchen alternative title for Skandal im Mädcheninternat!

- Schwester Mandy bitte zur Visite! c. 2001
- Scopami al prive c. 1995
- La Scuola delle perversità alternative title for Skandal im Mädcheninternat!

- Seitensprung auf Ibiza alternative title for Treulose Tomaten

- Die Sekte Dir. ?
- Sex Attack Berlin 9: Freistoss ins Arschloch c. 2002, Dir. none credited
- Sex Support c. 1996, Dir. Eddy Vegas
(as Fanny Base)
- Sex-Skolan alternative title for Das Mädchen Internat
(non-sex, as Funny Steel)
- Skandal im Mädcheninternat! 1998, Dir. Ferdinand Hillman as Fernando H.

- Die Sklaven-Händlerin (nude only)
- De Slaven handelaar alternative title for Die Sklaven-Händlerin (nude only)
- The Sneaker Vol. 1 alternative title for Der Schleicher (b/g)
- Der Sohn meiner versauten Freundin alternative title for Nippel Sauger (as Monique Delage)
- Ein Sommertagstraum 2002, Dir. Klaus Goldmann as Moli (as?)
- Sonja das Urinschluck-Wunder 2000, Dir. no data
- Spann-O-Mann: Achtung, Sperma! Rutschgefahr! 1997, Dir. Carlo Klein (as Fanny)
- Spann-O-Mann: Er lauert überall alternative title for Spann-O-Mann: Achtung, Sperma! Rutschgefahr! (as Fanny)
- Der Spanner Teil 2

- SpannoMann: Achtung, Sperma! Rutschgefahr! alternative title for Spann-O-Mann: Achtung, Sperma! Rutschgefahr! (as Fanny)
- Spermasüchtige Teenie-Säue 2002

- Spritzfotzen 1996, Dir. Moli
- Street & Panty Klistier 10
- Street & Panty Pisser 1 c. 1999
- Street & Panty Pisser 2 c. 1999
- Street & Panty Pisser 5 (as a blonde)
- Street & Panty Pisser 6
- Street & Panty Pisser 7
- Street & Panty Pisser 8 c. 2001
- Teenies extrem 157 - Naturgeil c. 1996, Dir. none credited
- Teenies extrem 189 1998 (as Dolores?)
- Teenies extrem 189 - Dolores alternative title for Teenies extrem 189 (as Dolores?)
- Tiger 28 - Fuck WG alternative title for Fuck WG

- Tiger 9 - Villa Amoroso alternative title for Villa Amoroso (as Monique Delage)
- Tom's Teeny Action 3 1996, Dir. Tom
- Total verfickt 1999, Dir. Chris Austin (as Fanny)
- Traumurlaub - chaos inklusive! 2003, Dir. Attila as Attila Czibere
(as Fanny)
- Treulose Tomaten 2000

- Troiaaa! Leccamela mentre mi scopa! alternative title for Perverse Spiele
- Tropical Heat 1997, Dir. Donna Vargas
- Turn Küken 1998, Dir. Ferdinand Hillmann?
- Uniform Girls c. 1997, Dir. Kaito Remanoto as Kaito
(as Fanny Sue)
- Uniform-Schlampen c. 2000
- Untergrund Fotzen c. 2000, Dir. 'Garcia del Torro'
(as Fanny)
- Uromania 7 2001
(as Funny)
- Uromania 8 2002, Dir. no data (as Biggi)
- Verdammt zur Sünde Dir. Backey Jakic
- Versaute Disco Fotzen c. 1996, Dir. none credited

- Very British 1997, Dir. SX Kowalski
(as Fanny Lazar)
- Villa Amoroso (as Monique Delage)
- Voll bis zum Anschlag 1996, Dir. Franz Goldau (as FHG) (as Funny)
- Wenn der Klempner Zweimal kommt c. 2002, Dir. none credited

- Wet Girl 7 - Sonja das Urinschluck-Wunder alternative title for Sonja das Urinschluck-Wunder
- X-Ray 70 - Exklusiv Tattoo 4 alternative title for Exklusiv Tattoo 4
(as Monique Delage)
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