< Eva Angel
from Die Köninge der Nacht
Notes |
Pseudonyms |
- Eva Engel
- Eve Engel
- Iva Angel (?)
- Katia Rose
- Nadia Ghandi
- Susan Canelly
- Susan Cannelly
Films |
- …wenn die Möse juckt... wird hemmungslos gewichst Dir. Harry S. Morgan

- 3 contre une enculée alternative title for Trois contre une enculée

- Black is Black Dir. Joachim Lawson
- La Clinica degli abusi sessuali alternative title for Klinik fur Fotzendehnung (as Susan Canelly)
- Clonazione 2001, Dir. Marcus Dolby (plays the clone)
- Colon Encounters alternative title for Millennium Sex

- Commesse facili

- Debora 21 - Supergirls im Rausch der Perversion alternative title for Supergirls im Rausch der Perversion (as Susan Canelly)
- Des Femmes d'Influence Dir. Fabien Lafait

- Dino's First Class 7 - die Könige der Nacht alternative title for Die Könige der Nacht (as Susan Canelly)
- Dominatrix alternative title for Venus

- La Dottoressa del pisello 2000, Dir. Giancarlo Bini as Carly Bean
(as Katia Rose)
- Euro Ass Sluts alternative title for Regina di cuori
(as Iva Angel)
- Exclusive Models Relaxed c. 2001, Dir. Gabriel Pontello
(as Susan Canelly (Susan Cannelly in opening credits))
- Extra Stark 6
- Fotzen Therapie 2000, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Nadia Ghandi)
- Fotzen-Therapie alternative title for Fotzen Therapie
(as Nadia Ghandi)
- Gebets-Schwestern Dir. Mario Salieri and others
- Geile Filmdiva alternative title for Commesse facili

- Hard Ride Bordell 2000, Dir. Gabriel Pontello (as Susan Canelly)
- L'Homme Soumis 1999, Dir. Fabien Lafait
- Hot Business alternative title for Commesse facili

- Io la monaca di Monza 2000, Dir. Giancarlo Bini as Charlie Been

- Junge Schlampen... arschgedehnt 2000, Dir. Harry S. Morgan (as Eve Engel)
- Klinik fur Fotzendehnung 2000, Dir. Gabriel Pontello (as Susan Canelly)
- Die Könige der Nacht 2001, Dir. Gabriel Pontello (as Susan Canelly)
- La Maniaca di Monza alternative title for Io la monaca di Monza

- Masturbation - Wenn die Mose juckt, wird hemmungslos gewichst! alternative title for …wenn die Möse juckt... wird hemmungslos gewichst

- Matressen alternative title for Spirito libero

- Medical News - Go For It alternative title for La Dottoressa del pisello
(as Katia Rose)
- Millennium Sex 2000, Dir. Morris Magli

- La Monaca di Monza alternative title for Io la monaca di Monza

- Le More sono più troie
- Onid Studio 10 - Hard Ride Bordell alternative title for Hard Ride Bordell (as Susan Canelly)
- Perverse Fotzenexzesse im Frauenhaus alternative title for Die Könige der Nacht (as Susan Canelly)
- Die perversen Triebe der Frau Schlüter alternative title for Klinik fur Fotzendehnung (as Susan Canelly)
- Pompini all’Italiana
(? as Eva Engel)
- Pool Piraten alternative title for Exclusive Models Relaxed
(as Susan Canelly (Susan Cannelly in opening credits))
- La Poupée qui dit oui alternative title for Clonazione (plays the clone)
- Pussy Stretching Clinic alternative title for Klinik fur Fotzendehnung (as Susan Canelly)
- Qui' trombano tutti alternative title for Supergirls im Rausch der Perversion (as Susan Canelly)
- Regina di cuori 2000?
(as Iva Angel)
- La Rose et le fouet 2001, Dir. Patrick Deauville
- S.I.V. Sexe internet virus alternative title for Millennium Sex

- La Sauvage Dir. Chris Austin
(as Eva)
- Die Schwanz-Nonnen von Monza alternative title for Io la monaca di Monza

- Spirito libero Dir. Morris Magli

- Supergirls im Rausch der Perversion 1999, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti (as Susan Canelly)
- Supergirls im Spermarausch alternative title for Supergirls im Rausch der Perversion (as Susan Canelly)
- Supergirls in a Frenzy of Perversion alternative title for Supergirls im Rausch der Perversion (as Susan Canelly)
- Született Szajha alternative title for Regina di cuori
(as Iva Angel)
- Tiger 107 - die perversen Triebe der Frau Schlüter alternative title for Klinik fur Fotzendehnung (as Susan Canelly)
- Trois contre une enculée c. 2000, Dir. David Caroll

- Venus 2000, Dir. none credited

- Las Violentas del sexo Dir. Ringo
- X-Ray 33 - Klinik fur Fotzendehnung alternative title for Klinik fur Fotzendehnung (as Susan Canelly)
- ZartHart alternative title for Hard Ride Bordell (as Susan Canelly)
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