< Dolly Golden
from Infirmières de Nuit
Notes |
- French, b. August 28, 1973
Pseudonyms |
Films |
- 12 Coups de Minuit 2000, Dir. Marc Dorcel

- 12 Strokes to Midnight alternative title for 12 Coups de Minuit

- 4 Cory Koryntu alternative title for Four Fucking Daughters

- 4 Filles de leur Père alternative title for Four Fucking Daughters

- 4 Fucking Daughters alternative title for Four Fucking Daughters

- 40 Ans Bourgeoise & Fistée c. 1996 (DVD 2006), Dir. Patrice Cabanel
- Abdul El Muriad 1999, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri

- Die Abschluß Klasse III 1998, Dir. probably Fernando H.

- Les Actrices 2000, Dir. Patrice Cabanel

- Affaires de famille alternative title for Family Affair
- Affari di famiglia 2000, Dir. Giancarlo Bini

- Affari in Famiglia alternative title for Affari di famiglia

- Akte Personal 2000s (pre-makeover)
- Amsterdam-Paris Sex Connection 1996, Dir. Helen Duval? (camera Doc Falcon)

- Amsterdam/Paris Connection alternative title for Amsterdam-Paris Sex Connection

- Anal Games Dir. Ralf Scott

- Anal Q alternative title for Le Point Q
- Anal Syndikat alternative title for Black Magic Women

- Ante futura 1997, Dir. Ian Nichols
- L'Appel du sexe alternative title for Affari di famiglia

- Argento di fiele 2001, Dir. Ricky Grimaldi
(plays Anna Visconti)
- L'Ascenseur 1997, Dir. Alain Payet as John Love

- L'Ascensore alternative title for L'Ascenseur

- Astersex alternative title for Hotdorix

- Le Attrici porno alternative title for Les Actrices

- Autostopp-Fotzen c. 1998, Dir. none credited

- Best Of Secrétaires 2010
- Biricchine alternative title for Sottopaf et Saccapine font leur cinéma !

- La Bite ne fait pas le moine 2002, Dir. Christian Lavil
- Black Magic Women 1997, Dir. Ralf Scott

- Body Business 1997, Dir. Michael D'Angelo
- Böse Mädchen 11
(as Dolly)
- Bourgeoisie Violée 1997, Dir. Xavier-Michel Lefoy

- Brivido Caldo alternative title for Verfickte Kurzgeschichten Teil 3 (as Clodette or uncredited on screen)
- Bucorama Antonella amore mio
- Chaos Now 2001, Dir. Chris Austin
- Color of Extasy 1990s, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti
- Colors of Extasy alternative title for Color of Extasy
- Como se hizo... La Pandilla X en el Festival Erótico de Barcelona alternative title for The Sex Factory - Festival erótico de Barcelona

- Compagne di scuola 1996, Dir. Mario Steno
- Il Corpo alternative title for Démesure
- Costa Sperma 2002, Dir. none credited (uncredited)
- Croupe du monde 98 1998, Dir. Alain Payet

- Cum Suckers 2004

- Dalila: Chattes et Diamants alternative title for Black Magic Women

- Dalila: Prostitution à domicile alternative title for Wanted - Bad or Alive

- Dangerous Bond alternative title for Legame pericoloso (plays Sandrine)
- Démesure 1998, Dir. Bruno Aissix
- Désir fatal 2001, Dir. Serge de Beaurivage

- Désir fatal collector alternative title for Désir fatal

- Les Désirs de Pétra 1997?, Dir. Ralf Scott
- Die Diebin 2000, Dir. Jack Crawler

- DinoVision 36 - Take That alternative title for Take That

- Disco Teenies c. 1997

- Disco Teenies 3 c. 1997, Dir. Lenroc

- Dolly and the Anal Whores alternative title for Dolly Poupée Anale
- Dolly Poupée Anale 2000?, Dir. Dolly Golden
- Doppi piaceri anali alternative title for Anal Games

- Dzikie szalenstwa alternative title for Chaos Now
- Educating Joy 2000, Dir. Jürgen Wolf as Jorgen Wolf

- Education anale d'une ingénue c. 1996, Dir. no data
(as Dolly)
- Electra 36 - Goliath & Minithai alternative title for Goliath & Minithai
- Electra 4 - Funny Big Tits alternative title for Funny Big Tits
- Gli Esami anali delle liceali alternative title for Skandal im Mädcheninternat!

- Euro Bimbette 1996, Dir. Bob Rinaldi

- Exhibitionisten 2 - Open Air alternative title for Fremde Augen

- Exhibitions 1999 1998, Dir. John B. Root

- Exhibitions X alternative title for Exhibitions 1999

- Les Expertes du plaisir alternative title for Die Diebin

- Familie Flodder 5 1997
(as Dolly, plays Tennis-Spielerin)
- Family Affair 1997, Dir. Carolyn Monroe
- Fantastica Maurizia Dir. Andrea Lucci

- La Femme du Pecheur 2 alternative title for La Moglie del pescatore II

- Femmes sodomites 8 1990s, Dir. Laetitia
- Femmine pericolose Dir. Steve Morelli
- Il Festival delle trombate italo spagnole alternative title for Nacho en el Festival Erotico de Barcelona (striptease only)
- Festival der Stars ?, Dir. Moli
- La Fête à Gigi 1999, Dir. Alain Payet

- Le Fétichiste 1999, Dir. Alain Payet

- Feuer Frei c. 1998, Dir. John Barrymore (is what it says on the DVD cover)
(as Dolly B.)
- Fick Engel Dir. Dino (scene from After Burner)
- La Fièvre au corps 1999, Dir. Helen Duval and Roy Alexandre

- Fist Uro 4 1990s
- Folles nuits de Christina alternative title for La Lunga notte di Cristina

- Four Fucking Daughters 1998, Dir. Ralf Scott

- Four Sex Rooms 2000, Dir. Maria Bianco, Jose Maria Ponce, Narcis Bosch, Dani Rodriguez
(plays Prostituta)
- Freche kleine traummädchen 1996, Dir. Harry s. Morgan

- Fremde Augen c. 1997, Dir. Kaito Remanoto as Kaito

- French Milfs 2012
- Frenquences anales
- Fric & Sexe alternative title for Argento di fiele
(plays Anna Visconti)
- Funny Big Tits 1996, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti
- Geheimniss G - Punkt alternative title for Le Point Q
- Giovani Prostitute
- Goliath & Minithai c. 1998, Dir. Danny White
- Heisse Spiele 2 2006, Dir. none credited (as Dolly)
- Helen contre Helen alternative title for When Helen Meets Monique
- Helen scopa Monica alternative title for When Helen Meets Monique
- Het som salsa alternative title for Vivir follando
- Hotdorix 2000, Dir. Alain Payet

- Hotel 4 Passes alternative title for Four Sex Rooms
(plays Prostituta)
- Hotel Troyal alternative title for Four Sex Rooms
(plays Prostituta)
- Humiliée alternative title for Il Tiranno

- Illusions 1998, Dir. Alain Payet

- In Your Dreams alternative title for Wanted - Bad or Alive

- Incest - obsessao proibida alternative title for Non guardarmi! Osessione morbosa
- Les Infirmières de Laetitia 1996, Dir. Laetitia (as Samy)
- Les Infirmières de Laetitia 2 1996, Dir. Laetitia
- Les Infirmières de Laetitia 3 alternative title for Les Infirmières de Laetitia (as Samy)
- Infirmières de Nuit 1990s, Dir. Alain Payet as John Love

- L'Initiation de Joy alternative title for Educating Joy

- L'Innocence pervertie alternative title for L'Innocenza Violata

- L'Innocenza Violata 1997, Dir. Alex Martini

- La Inocencia violada alternative title for L'Innocenza Violata

- Intimité violée par une femme n° 30 c. 1996, Dir. Laetitia
(as Samy)
- Die Jahrtausend-sunde alternative title for 12 Coups de Minuit

- Jeux vicieux 1999, Dir. John Barrymore
- Koyack 1999, Dir. Mario Bianchi as Nicholas Moore
- Legame pericoloso 1996, Dir. Steve Morelli (plays Sandrine)
- Legame pericoloso alternative title for Femmine pericolose
- Legends Deluxe Anthology 2010
- Lessons of Lust alternative title for Educating Joy

- Lieutenant Kojack alternative title for Koyack
- El Limbo y los culos segun - José 2000s, Dir. Dani Rodriguez

- La Lunga notte di Cristina 2001, Dir. Mauro Conti

- Mad Sex mid-late 90s, Dir. Kaito

- Madame 2006, Dir. Jörn Wolf (Jürgen Wolf)
- Madame... Donne immorali alternative title for Madame
- Das Mädchen Internat 5 alternative title for Skandal im Mädcheninternat!

- Mäklarens erbjudanden alternative title for Die schwanzgeile Maklerin
(as Michelle, Nadine, Sylvie, Beatrice or Catarin)
- Malicia en la oficina alternative title for Malizia in Ufficio

- Les Malicieuses alternative title for Malizia in Ufficio

- Malizia in Ufficio 1997, Dir. Alex Martini as Alex. M. Dry

- Max 2 2001, Dir. Fred Coppula and Ian Scott
(archive footage from part 1)
- Max: Mettilo nel culo alternative title for Max: Portrait d'un serial-niqueur
(one of 'les passeports')
- Max: Portrait d'un serial-niqueur 2000, Dir. Fred Coppula
(one of 'les passeports')
- Maximal Sex ?, Dir. Fred Coppula
- Med peklom in rajem alternative title for El Limbo y los culos segun - José

- Mega Shots No. 1

- Mein ganz privates Tagebuch (as ?)
- Mein Vater, seine Geliebte & Ich! alternative title for L'Innocenza Violata

- Midnight Dreamer alternative title for 12 Coups de Minuit

- Miss Anal 4 Dir. Barbara Doll
- Moeilijke meiden alternative title for Schwer erziehbare Mädchen
- La Moglie del pescatore II 1995, Dir. Giancarlo Bini

- Monella di provincia 1999, Dir. Enzo Gallo as Steve Morelli
- Nacho en el Festival Erotico de Barcelona 2000, Dir. Severino and Narcis Bosch (striptease only)
- La Ninfomane alternative title for Black Magic Women

- No Stopping It! Morbid Obsession alternative title for Non guardarmi! Osessione morbosa
- Non guardarmi! Osessione morbosa 1999, Dir. Ricky Grimaldi
- Nora zabava alternative title for Vivir follando
- Olivia del Rio - Anal Sex Queen alternative title for Rainha do sexo anal
- Onda Erotica 1990s, Dir. Ralph Scott
(as Jenny Mustang, Helena Forges, Serena Hastack, Monica Belfiore, Lena Gomitch or Luisa Ninei)
- Onora il padre 2000, Dir. Monica Timperi as Frank Simon
- La Pandilla X en el Festival Erótico de Barcelona alternative title for The Sex Factory - Festival erótico de Barcelona

- The Panty Thief alternative title for Le Fétichiste

- Papa, der ist aber alternative title for Affari di famiglia

- Paris-Amsterdam Capitales Du Sexe alternative title for Amsterdam-Paris Sex Connection

- Passion de Guerre alternative title for Passioni di Guerra
- Passioni di Guerra 1998, Dir. Ricky Grimaldi
- Pervenches ou les risques du métier 1999, Dir. Christian Lavil
- Perverse Affären alternative title for Passioni di Guerra
- Plaisirs fantomesques alternative title for El Limbo y los culos segun - José

- Le Point Q 2000, Dir. Alain Payet
- PornoGiganten 1998, Dir. Jack Crawler
- Private Gold 25 alternative title for When the Night Falls

- The Private Life of Bettina 2002

- Private Odyssey 2001 2001

- Private XXX 9 2000, Dir. Antonio Adamo, Kovi, Jean-Yves le Castel, Nic Cramer

- Profession Infirmières de Nuit alternative title for Infirmières de Nuit

- Le Projet Blair Bitch 1999, Dir. Véronique Lefay and Tom Richardson

- Prostitution a domicilio alternative title for Wanted - Bad or Alive

- Die Pure Geilheit alternative title for Take That

- Una Puttana per 4 Vecchi Depravati alternative title for Les Tontons tringleurs

- The Q Spot alternative title for Le Point Q
- I Racconti anali di Coralie Dir. J.J.Mezori
- Rainha do sexo anal 1997, Dir. ?
- Rap Integral - version hard 2003, Dir. François Régis, Antonin Denis (music videos)
(non-sex, duo with rapper Driver)
- Rapimento Diabolico alternative title for Black Magic Women

- Rapporti anali a Villa Mazzini alternative title for Ante futura
- Sacrée famille alternative title for Affari di famiglia

- Schwanz geil 1996 (as Dolly)
- Die schwanzgeile Maklerin 1990s, Dir. Moli
(as Michelle, Nadine, Sylvie, Beatrice or Catarin)
- Schwer erziehbare Mädchen
- Schwer erziehbare Mädchen alternative title for Skandal im Mädcheninternat!

- La Scuola delle perversità alternative title for Skandal im Mädcheninternat!

- The Sex Factory - Festival erótico de Barcelona 1999, Dir. Conrad Son

- Sex Me 2000, Dir. Christophe Mourthe
- Sextest alternative title for Sextet
(plays Carla)
- Sextet 1997, Dir. John B. Root
(plays Carla)
- Silence on baise No. 1 1996, Dir. Laetitia
(as Samy)
- Skandal im Mädcheninternat! 1998, Dir. Ferdinand Hillman as Fernando H.

- Sodoverdose 2
- Les Soeurs indignes 2002, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli
- Solteras y Cachondas alternative title for Sottopaf et Saccapine font leur cinéma !

- Sorcières en amour alternative title for Streghe in amore

- Sottopaf & Saccapine alternative title for Sottopaf et Saccapine font leur cinéma !

- Sottopaf et Saccapine font leur cinéma alternative title for Sottopaf et Saccapine font leur cinéma !

- Sottopaf et Saccapine font leur cinéma ! 2001, Dir. Alain Payet as John Love

- Stramme Kolben 1996, Dir. Gabriel Pontello

- Streghe in amore c. 1997, Dir. Mario Steno

- Striscia... la coscia 1999, Dir. Mario Bianchi as Nicholas Moore (plays Dolly)
- Take That c. 1996, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti

- Il Tenente Koyack alternative title for Koyack
- Il Tiranno 1999, Dir. Jack Crawler

- Les Tontons tringleurs 2000, Dir. Alain Payet

- Toute une vie de plaisirs alternative title for Una Vita in Vendita
(clip from L’innocenza violata)
- Der Tyrann alternative title for Il Tiranno

- Valerie & Sandrine: Hurtful Connection alternative title for Femmine pericolose
- Verboten ! Akte Personal alternative title for Akte Personal (pre-makeover)
- La Verdadera historia de un semental alternative title for Max: Portrait d'un serial-niqueur
(one of 'les passeports')
- Verfickte Kurzgeschichten Teil 3 (as Clodette or uncredited on screen)
- Verfickte Töchter alternative title for Four Fucking Daughters

- Der verrückte Professor alternative title for Feuer Frei
(as Dolly B.)
- The Very Best of Madalina Ray
- Veteranos penetradores de anos alternative title for Les Tontons tringleurs

- Viagro Dir. Jack Crawler
- Violeuse d'Intimité alternative title for Intimité violée par une femme n° 30
(as Samy)
- Violeuse d'Intimité 4 alternative title for Intimité violée par une femme n° 30
(as Samy)
- Una Vita in Vendita 2002, Dir. Andrea Nobili
(clip from L’innocenza violata)
- Una Vita in Vendita - Backstage
- Vivir follando 2000, Dir. José Maria Ponce
- Wanted - Bad or Alive 1998, Dir. Ralf Scott

- When Helen Meets Monique Dir. Peter Elsen
- When the Night Falls 1997 (2001 for DVD), Dir. Jürgen Woolf

- Wild 'n' Wet 1998, Dir. Helen Duval & Roy Alexandre

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