< Deborah Wells
from Pussy's Talking
Notes |
- Hungarian, b. November 25, 1968, lizard-tattoo on back of left calf (later appearances), magazines: Videostar Intim 3 (1991), Videostar Intim 1 (1993), Videostar Intim 3 (1993)
Pseudonyms |
- Beata
- Beata Bitvai
- Béata
- Beata Vacek
- Beata Lund
- Beate Bitvai
- Beate
- Beatha Bitoune
- Debera Wells
- Nicole Budvar
- Noëlla
- Noëlle Budvar
- Noëlle O'Hores
- Vivian O'Hara (for VIP Erotik and VTO)
Films |
- 120 Days of Anal alternative title for 120 Giornate di sodoma
- 120 Days of Sodom alternative title for 120 Giornate di sodoma
- 120 Giornate di sodoma 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
- 144 Contatto diretto Dir. Walter Carrera
- A grande Festa alternative title for Papagalli
(as Beata)
- AAA Cercasi cazzi grossi Dir. Walter Carrera
- Adolescenza perversa 1994, Dir. Mario Salieri

- The Adventures of Misty McKain Volume Two 1992, Dir. Peter Kay as Remington Steel
- Le Affariste alternative title for Matrimonio d'interesse

- Al Capone alternative title for La Calda vita di Al Capone
(plays the judge's wife)
- L'Albergo della paura c. 1995, Dir. Alex Martini

- Amadeus Mozart 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(plays Carlotta von Fallenstein)
- L'Ambasciatore 1993, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri

- The Ambassador alternative title for L'Ambasciatore

- El Amor de Gabriela alternative title for Inside Gabriella Dari

- Amours alternative title for Sarajevo
- Amours Italiens alternative title for Sarajevo
- Anal Agent Kowalski c. 1995, Dir. Christophe Clark as Christof Clark
(as Beata)
- Anal Delights (as Vivian O'Hara)
- Anal Intensif alternative title for Anal Agent Kowalski
(as Beata)
- Anal Palace alternative title for 120 Giornate di sodoma
- L'Ange de la vengeance 1994, Dir. Carolyn Monroe

- Angel's Vengeance alternative title for L'Ange de la vengeance

- Angelica Bella's Basta Skjut 1996
- L'Angelo della dominazione
- L'Angelo della vendetta alternative title for L'Ange de la vengeance

- Animal Instinct alternative title for Matrimonio d'interesse

- Aphrodisaque alternative title for Aphrodisiaca
- The Aphrodisiac alternative title for Aphrodisiaca
- Aphrodisiaca 1998, Dir. Leopoldi di Medici
- Arabica alternative title for Arabika
(plays Roberta)
- Arabika 1992, Dir. Mario Salieri
(plays Roberta)
- Ardente Marianne 1992, Dir. Michel Ricaud
(as Béata (on DinoVision screen and French box cover, as Deborah Wells on DinoVision cover))
- The Art of Sex 1998 for comp, Dir. probably various
- Assassinio sul Danubio 1995, Dir. Max Bellocchio

- Assicuratrice di cazzi alternative title for La Socia

- Assicuratrice di cazzi 2 alternative title for La Socia 2
- L'Auberge des 1000 viçes alternative title for La Taverna dei mille peccati
- Le Avventure di Turpex 1: sesso alchemico 1994, Dir. Joe Gagliano as Jo' Gagliano (plays Rubber)
- Bad Girl alternative title for Stupro anale (uncredited)
- La baiseuse alternative title for Laguna erotica
- Bananen Sandwich 1993, Dir. Gerard Hauser, Kaito Remamoto (as Vivien O’Hara, uncredited onscreen)
- Belle Angelica Bella alternative title for Una Pornodiva con i tacchi a spillo
(as Minou, Alice Serra, Miranda or uncredited in the DBM release)
- Best of Angelica Bella alternative title for Angelica Bella's Basta Skjut
- Les "Best of" Marc Dorcel 2 1994, Dir. Michel Ricaud
- Le Betisier du X
- Black Dream 1990s, Dir. Mario Salieri
- La Bocca 1 1995, Dir. Andrea Lucci as Andrè Lucienne

- La Bocca 2 1995, Dir. Andrea Lucci as Andrè Lucienne

- Das Böse - Sie wollen Dein Blut alternative title for Dracula

- Der Botschafter alternative title for L'Ambasciatore

- Budapest Clips 1990s, Dir. Michele Setola

- La Calda vita di Al Capone 1995, Dir. Antonio D'Agostino as Richard Bennet
(plays the judge's wife)
- Calde masturbazioni femminili
- La Cameriera, la modella, e la… 1998, Dir. Alex Perry
- La Casa 1994, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri

- Casa da gioco per signora 1995, Dir. Edoardo Sala (Eduardo Salva)
- Il Castello privato di Madame O alternative title for Vue sur Maison Close (as Noëlle Budvar)
- Cat-Woman
- La chienne du Danube alternative title for Assassinio sul Danubio

- CIA - Confessions Intimes Amateurs 3 c. 1996, Dir. no data

- Clark Entertainment 6 - Anal Agent Kowalski alternative title for Anal Agent Kowalski
(as Beata)
- La Clinica della vergogna alternative title for Cronaca nera 3, La clinica della vergogna

- Clip Italian Show 1 c. 1997, Dir. Mario Steno

- Clip Italian Show 2 c. 1997, Dir. Mario Steno
(non-sex 'hostess')
- Clip Italian Show 3 Dir. Mario Steno
- Il Condominio delle mogli infedeli 1992, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri

- Confessioni anali 1998, Dir. Giorgio Grand as Canyon Grand

- Confidati con me alternative title for Una Pornodiva con i tacchi a spillo
(as Minou, Alice Serra, Miranda or uncredited in the DBM release)
- Corpi venduti c. 1994, Dir. Sergio Cristaldi

- Crime of Depravity alternative title for Délit de séduction
(plays Corinne, the female cop)
- Cronaca nera 2, Diritto d'autore 1994, Dir. Mario Salieri (as Florance Bouge or Nadine Sourot or mis-credited as Simona Valli)
- Cronaca nera 3, La clinica della vergogna 1994, Dir. Mario Salieri

- Cugine viziose 1995, Dir. Frank Simon

- Da madre in figlia
- DBM XXX 10 - Money Hunting alternative title for La Veuve de Buda-Fesse

- DBM XXX 13 - My Way alternative title for La Porno dottoressa
(uncredited, but as Beate on DBM cover)
- DBM XXX 19 - Bad Girl alternative title for Stupro anale (uncredited)
- DBM XXX 9 - A Star is Born alternative title for Una Pornodiva con i tacchi a spillo
(as Minou, Alice Serra, Miranda or uncredited in the DBM release)
- La Déesse de l'enfer alternative title for Divina commedia, prima parte

- Délices italiens alternative title for Il Condominio delle mogli infedeli

- Délit de séduction 1993, Dir. Michel Ricaud
(plays Corinne, the female cop)
- La Dernière vamp alternative title for L'Ultima vamp

- DinoVision 14 - Papagalli alternative title for Papagalli
(as Beata)
- DinoVision 32 - Marianne On Tour alternative title for Ardente Marianne
(as Béata (on DinoVision screen and French box cover, as Deborah Wells on DinoVision cover))
- Diritto d'autore alternative title for Cronaca nera 2, Diritto d'autore (as Florance Bouge or Nadine Sourot or mis-credited as Simona Valli)
- Dirty sisters alternative title for L'Incesto
- Diva Deborah Wells alternative title for Inside Deborah Wells
- Divina commedia, prima parte 1994, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri

- Donne in concorso (Monia Lai) Dir. Lorenzo Onorati as Lawrence Webber
- Dracula 1994, Dir. Mario Salieri

- Dracula XXX alternative title for Dracula

- Dream Girl 1991, Dir. John Francis
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Tanja)
- Ekstase zu Dritt 19 1994 (as Vivian O'Hara)
- Electronic Climax
- Electronic Climax alternative title for Sperma in die Fresse
- Entre Femmes: Le Best of No. 3 1999, Dir. Michel Ricaud, Marc Dorcel, Serge de Beaurivage
- Erkenntnis im Jenseits alternative title for Divina commedia, prima parte

- Erotic Dreams alternative title for Sogni

- Erotic Dreams Volume 1 1992, Dir. Hans Moser (non-sex)
- Erotic Rondò alternative title for Les Malices de Caterina
(plays Flora, Alessio's girlfriend)
- Erotic Rondo alternative title for Les Malices de Caterina
(plays Flora, Alessio's girlfriend)
- Erotismo ad alta quota 1 alternative title for Heidi 4: Mösleins Bergwelt
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Erotismo ad alta quota 2 alternative title for Heidi 5: Heidi und die lustigen Spritzbugen der Berge
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Erotismo ad alta quota 3 alternative title for Heidi 6: Heidi lässt sie alle jodeln
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Gli esami orali delle collegiali 1 1999, Dir. Riccardo Schicchi
(plays 'la direttrice')
- Gli esami orali delle collegiali 2 1999, Dir. Riccardo Schicchi
(plays 'la direttrice')
- Les Esclaves du sexe Ottomans alternative title for Osmanische Sexsklavinnen
(as Linda Fermont, Monika Sladenkov, Petra Lavand, Nathalie Tomaczik or uncredited)
- Euro Gals Vol. 9: Murder on the Danube River alternative title for Assassinio sul Danubio

- Excès Italien alternative title for Sesso, drogua & rock n' roll
- Exxtreme Part 6 alternative title for Private Moments 1 (as Beata Bitvai)
- Der Feind zwischen deinen Schenkeln alternative title for Sarajevo
- Feuchte Katzen c. 1990, Dir. Moli
(as Beate?)
- Fièvre Dir. Mario Salieri (scene from Il Mistero del convento)
- Fievre italienne alternative title for Fièvre (scene from Il Mistero del convento)
- La Figa di tutti alternative title for La Veuve de Buda-Fesse

- Foolproof 1994, Dir. Stuart Canterbury
- Foto per signora alternative title for Photos Passions
(as Noëlla (as Beatha Bitoune in some releases))
- French Hustlers alternative title for Ardente Marianne
(as Béata (on DinoVision screen and French box cover, as Deborah Wells on DinoVision cover))
- From Hungary with Love 90s, Dir. ?

- Il Frutto del peccato alternative title for La Veuve de Buda-Fesse

- Fucking Holidays 1990 or earlier, Dir. Moli
- Furie animale alternative title for Foolproof
- Gebets-Schwestern Dir. Mario Salieri and others
- Geheimnis einer Nonne alternative title for Secrets of the Abbey
- Geheimnisse einer Nonne alternative title for Il Mistero del convento

- Geil auf Leder alternative title for Rêves de cuir
(as Noelle O'Hores, plays the maid)
- Geiles Mädchenpensionat alternative title for Vue sur Maison Close (as Noëlle Budvar)
- Gierige Lesben 3 1992
- The Girls of Sarah Young 1 Dir. Hans Moser Jr.
- The Girls of Sarah Young 2 Dir. Hans Moser Jr. (extended version of scene on Girls of Sarah Young 1)
- The Goddess Of Love, Part 11
(scene from Private Moments 1)
- Grand' Hotel alternative title for Souris d'Hôtel (as Noëlle Budvar)
- Grease Me, Tease Me 1991, Dir. Gérard Hauser
(as Vivian O'Hara)
- Grosse monture alternative title for Clip Italian Show 1

- Gruppen Szex a Lánykollégiumban alternative title for Gruppenszex a Leány Kollégiumban
(plays the professor, non-sex)
- Gruppenszex a Leány Kollégiumban mid-1990s, Dir. Christophe Clark
(plays the professor, non-sex)
- Hard Cinema 1990s, Dir. Michele Setola

- Hard Cut 14 early 1990s
- Hard Cut 2 early 90s, Dir. Peter Kay as Remington Steel
- Hardcore Ghost 2 - The Return alternative title for Hardcore Ghost: The Return
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Doris)
- Hardcore Ghost: The Return 1991, Dir. John Francis
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Doris)
- Heat Wave (Anal Delights) 1991
- Heavy Petting 1992, Dir. John Francis & Gerard Hauser
(as Vivian O'Hara)
- Heidi 4: Mösleins Bergwelt 1992, Dir. Jürgen Baumann / Gunter Otto
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Heidi 5: Heidi und die lustigen Spritzbugen der Berge 1992, Dir. Gunter Otto
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Heidi 6: Heidi lässt sie alle jodeln 1993, Dir. Gunter Otto
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Heidi Hola Teil 6 – laßt sie alle jodelen alternative title for Heidi 6: Heidi lässt sie alle jodeln
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Heidi und die lustigen Spitzbuben der Berge alternative title for Heidi 5: Heidi und die lustigen Spritzbugen der Berge
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Heidi, Heida 2 alternative title for Heidi 4: Mösleins Bergwelt
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Heidi'X 4: Le Pont des soupirs alternative title for Heidi 4: Mösleins Bergwelt
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Heidi'X 5: Avalanches d'orgasmes alternative title for Heidi 5: Heidi und die lustigen Spritzbugen der Berge
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Heidi'X 6: Les Valseuses Alpines alternative title for Heidi 6: Heidi lässt sie alle jodeln
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Herrin der Ringe Dir. Dino
(scene from Anal Agent Kowalski)
- Holy Bitches 2 alternative title for Sacrees salopes 2
- Horny Orgy
- Hot Cock Busters alternative title for Die Spermabullen
(as Beata Lund)
- Hot Cousins alternative title for Cugine viziose

- Hot Cunts, Hard Cocks (as Vivian O'Hara)
- The Hot Life of Al Capone alternative title for La Calda vita di Al Capone
(plays the judge's wife)
- Hot Model 1991, Dir. John Francis (as Vivian O'Hara)
- Hot Shots of Angelica Bella

- Hótéhénke 1993, Dir. Kovi

- Hotel Fear alternative title for L'Albergo della paura

- Hottest Show on Earth 1991, Dir. George Mustafi (non-sex)
- The House alternative title for La Casa

- The House of Crooked Women alternative title for Il Condominio delle mogli infedeli

- House of Terror
- Huren des Krieges alternative title for Mamma
(plays Enrica Daldo)
- I Gigolo Dir. Ugo Ross
- Im Bett mit Sibylle 1 1992, Dir. Werner Brinkmann, as W.Brinkmann, & Gerard Hauser (as Vivian O'Hara)
- In ogni posto, in ogni momento ?, Dir. Alex M. Dry as A. M. Dry
- L'Incesto 1995, Dir. Christophe Clark as Christoph Clark
- Incubi Dir. Joe Gagliano
- Inside Angelica Bella alternative title for Inside Gabriella Dari

- Inside Deborah Wells 1994, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri
- Inside Gabriella Dari 1992, Dir. Davide Contessa as Nicky Ranieri

- Jade alternative title for Prive di scrupoli
- Jeux d'amour alternative title for Casa da gioco per signora
- Klinik der Schande alternative title for Cronaca nera 3, La clinica della vergogna

- Laguna erotica 1990, Dir. Carlo Vallone
- The Last Vamp alternative title for L'Ultima vamp

- Leather Dreams alternative title for Rêves de cuir
(as Noelle O'Hores, plays the maid)
- Leather Video Dreams alternative title for Rêves de cuir
(as Noelle O'Hores, plays the maid)
- Legends Deluxe Anthology 2010
- Lesbian Dreams
- Lolita Spezial 5 1993

- La Louve Italienne alternative title for Inside Deborah Wells
- Lussuria di donna 1992, Dir. Mario Bianchi as Mark Donegan

- La Maison Close alternative title for La Casa

- La Maison Close Italienne alternative title for La Casa

- La Maison de tous les plaisirs alternative title for La Casa

- Make Me An Offer 4 alternative title for Offertes à tout 4

- Les Malices de Caterina 1994, Dir. Alessandro Perrella as Alex Perry
(plays Flora, Alessio's girlfriend)
- Mamma 1997, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli
(plays Enrica Daldo)
- La Marchesa deglu Uccelli alternative title for Heidi 6: Heidi lässt sie alle jodeln
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Frau Dehmel)
- Marianne
- Marianne on Tour alternative title for Ardente Marianne
(as Béata (on DinoVision screen and French box cover, as Deborah Wells on DinoVision cover))
- Marlène la belle de sexe 1997

- Matrimonio d'interesse ?, Dir. given as Deborah Wells but probably Max Bellocchio

- Maxs Best of 1988-1994 2000
- Il Meglio di Deborah Wells
- Meine Cousine war die Erste alternative title for Adolescenza perversa

- Memories of a LIfetime alternative title for Tutta una vita (as Beata)
- Micsoda cica! alternative title for Pretty Girl
(plays Loulou's bi-sexual friend, Lea)
- Il Mistero del convento 1993, Dir. Mario Salieri

- Una Moglie in Vendita alternative title for Selen Video Magazine 2 - Una Moglie in Vendita

- La Moglie schiava 1996, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri

- Moment to Moment alternative title for In ogni posto, in ogni momento
- Money Hunting alternative title for La Veuve de Buda-Fesse

- Mozart alternative title for Amadeus Mozart
(plays Carlotta von Fallenstein)
- My Way alternative title for La Porno dottoressa
(uncredited, but as Beate on DBM cover)
- Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 1 1991, Dir. Mario Salieri

- Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 2 1991, Dir. Mario Salieri

- Napoli-Paris Hot on the Trail Part 1 alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 1

- Napoli-Paris Hot on the Trail Part 2 alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 2

- Napoli-Paris Part One alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 1

- Napoli-Paris Part Two alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 2

- Nero 1994, Dir. Sergio Sebastiani
- Nicsak, ki kefél még? alternative title for Fucking Holidays
- Night Cruising 1991, Dir. John Francis
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Francine)
- Nirvanal 1998, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli as Frank Simon

- Nirvanal Project alternative title for Nirvanal

- No Limits - Teenage Dreams Vol. 11: Sexy Games alternative title for Sexy Games
(as Vivian O'Hara)
- No Limits - Wild Party Vol. 10: Grease Me, Tease Me alternative title for Grease Me, Tease Me
(as Vivian O'Hara)
- No Limits - Wild Party Vol. 17: Sandwich Party alternative title for Sandwich Party (as Vivian O'Hara)
- Non Stop Spritzen 15
- Nuits blanches alternative title for La Moglie schiava

- Obsessions italiennes alternative title for Sogni d'estate a riccione
- Offertes à tout 4 1994, Dir. Michel Ricaud, Sandrine Vincenet and Marc Paris

- Opera Quarta alternative title for La Moglie schiava

- Orgasmo Haus alternative title for La Casa

- Orgias de Amadeus Mozart alternative title for Amadeus Mozart
(plays Carlotta von Fallenstein)
- Osmanic Sexslaves alternative title for Osmanische Sexsklavinnen
(as Linda Fermont, Monika Sladenkov, Petra Lavand, Nathalie Tomaczik or uncredited)
- Osmanische Sexsklavinnen 1991, Dir. Ruth Wood (given as Moli)
(as Linda Fermont, Monika Sladenkov, Petra Lavand, Nathalie Tomaczik or uncredited)
- Panico
- Papagalli c. 1992, Dir. Dino
(as Beata)
- Papagallos alternative title for Papagalli
(as Beata)
- Il Paradiso delle giovani lesbiche
- Passion alternative title for Passioni
(as Beata)
- Passion à Venise alternative title for Passioni a Venezia

- Passion in Venedig alternative title for Passioni a Venezia

- Passion in Venice alternative title for Passioni a Venezia

- Passioni 1991, Dir. Mario Salieri
(as Beata)
- Passioni a Venezia 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato

- Passions tourmentées alternative title for Mamma
(plays Enrica Daldo)
- Peccati di culo 1996, Dir. Canyon Grand

- Perversions 1990s, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri
- Perversions italiennes alternative title for Inside Gabriella Dari

- Perverted Virgins alternative title for Adolescenza perversa

- Phallus in Pussyland 1992
(as Vivian O'Hara)
- Photos Passions 1991, Dir. Michel Ricaud
(as Noëlla (as Beatha Bitoune in some releases))
- Plainte Contre X 2: les vices du ministre alternative title for Cronaca nera 2, Diritto d'autore (as Florance Bouge or Nadine Sourot or mis-credited as Simona Valli)
- Plainte Contre X 3: les vices du docteur alternative title for Cronaca nera 3, La clinica della vergogna

- La Porno dottoressa 1995, Dir. Christophe Clark
(uncredited, but as Beate on DBM cover)
- Una Pornodiva con i tacchi a spillo 1994, Dir. Christophe Clark
(as Minou, Alice Serra, Miranda or uncredited in the DBM release)
- Il Presidente alternative title for Scandalo
(plays la stagista)
- Pretty Girl 1994, Dir. Alessandro Perella as Alex Perry
(plays Loulou's bi-sexual friend, Lea)
- Prima 9: Assassins - Marina-Pacific alternative title for Assassinio sul Danubio

- Prisonnière du vice alternative title for Storie di ordinaria follia

- Prisonnières du vice / Prisoners of Vice alternative title for Storie di ordinaria follia

- Private Affairs 8 1990s, Dir. Hans Moser as Sascha Alexander (as Beata Bitvai)
- Private Moments 1 1991, Dir. Sarah Young (as Beata Bitvai)
- Private Video Magazine 24 1995

- Prive di scrupoli 1997, Dir. Giancarlo Mancini
- Il Profumo di una moglie alternative title for From Hungary with Love

- Pussy's Talking 1991, Dir. John Francis
(as Vivian O'Hara, plays Alexandra)
- Puszta Teenies 1990s, Dir. Moli
- Puszta-Pussies 1990s, Dir. Moli
(as Beate)
- Puszta-Pussies: Hotter than Pepper alternative title for Puszta-Pussies
(as Beate)
- Puttane alternative title for Offertes à tout 4

- Ragazze squillo alternative title for L'Ultima vamp

- Rêves de cuir 1991, Dir. Francis Leroi
(as Noelle O'Hores, plays the maid)
- Rêves de cuir 2 1993, Dir. Francis Leroi

- Riti amatoriali alternative title for U elle aime (as Béata)
- Roma Connection 1991, Dir. Mario Salieri
- Rotte e sfondate 1995, Dir. Mario Bianchi as Mark Donegan

- Un Sabato Italiano 1995?, Dir. Lorenzo Onorati as Lawrence Webber
- Sacrees salopes 2 1999, Dir. Jean-Michel Diablo
- Sandwich Party 1991, Dir. Gerard Hauser (as Vivian O'Hara)
- Sarah and Friends 1 (scenes from Hard Cut 2)
- Sarah and Friends 11 alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 2

- Sarah and Friends 14 alternative title for Inside Gabriella Dari

- Sarah and Friends 15 (as per Roma Connection)
- Sarah and Friends 16 alternative title for Tutta una vita (as Beata)
- Sarah and Friends 17 alternative title for Il Condominio delle mogli infedeli

- Sarah and Friends 18 alternative title for Arabika
(plays Roberta)
- Sarah and Friends 19 alternative title for Sogni d'estate a riccione
- Sarah and Friends 20 alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 1

- Sarah Young Directors Cut Special Edition 1 alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 2

- Sarah Young Directors Cut Special Edition 10 alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 1

- Sarah Young Directors Cut Special Edition 4 alternative title for Inside Gabriella Dari

- Sarah Young Directors Cut Special Edition 5 alternative title for Sarah and Friends 15 (as per Roma Connection)
- Sarah Young Directors Cut Special Edition 6 alternative title for Tutta una vita (as Beata)
- Sarah Young Directors Cut Special Edition 7 alternative title for Il Condominio delle mogli infedeli

- Sarah Young Directors Cut Special Edition 8 alternative title for Arabika
(plays Roberta)
- Sarah Young Directors Cut Special Edition 9 alternative title for Sogni d'estate a riccione
- Sarah Young's Erotic Dreams Volume 1 alternative title for Erotic Dreams Volume 1 (non-sex)
- Sarah Young's Private Affairs 8 alternative title for Private Affairs 8 (as Beata Bitvai)
- Sarah Young's Private Moments Volume 1 alternative title for Private Moments 1 (as Beata Bitvai)
- Sarah's Girls Part 1 alternative title for The Girls of Sarah Young 1
- Sarah's Girls Part 2 alternative title for The Girls of Sarah Young 2 (extended version of scene on Girls of Sarah Young 1)
- Sarajevo 1994, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri
- Scandal alternative title for Scandalo
(plays la stagista)
- Scandale alternative title for Scandalo
(plays la stagista)
- Scandalo 1999, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli (as Frank Simon in some versions)
(plays la stagista)
- Le Schiave Turche del sesso alternative title for Osmanische Sexsklavinnen
(as Linda Fermont, Monika Sladenkov, Petra Lavand, Nathalie Tomaczik or uncredited)
- Die Schmiede der Stars - 20 Jahre Magma 2008
- Die schwanztollen Besamer alternative title for Les Visiteuses (as Beata)
- Secret of a Nun alternative title for Il Mistero del convento

- Secrets of the Abbey Dir. Mario Salieri
- I Segreti di Luana Borgia Dir. Riccardo Schicchi
- Selen - Rituale der Lust alternative title for Cronaca nera 3, La clinica della vergogna

- Selen histoires secretes alternative title for Selen Video Magazine

- Selen histoires secretes alternative title for Selen Video Magazine 2 - Una Moglie in Vendita

- Selen Video Magazine 1996, Dir. Selen, Michele Vespa

- Selen Video Magazine 2 alternative title for Selen Video Magazine 2 - Una Moglie in Vendita

- Selen Video Magazine 2 - Una Moglie in Vendita 1996, Dir. Selen & Luca Brando

- Sesso e soldi per Deborah Wells 1990s
- Sesso, drogua & rock n' roll 1994, Dir. Sergio Sebastian
- Sex à porter 1990s, Dir. Mark Donegan (as Debora Wells)
- Sex Italie 1 alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 1

- Sex Italie 2 alternative title for Napoli-Parigi, linea rovente 2

- Sex Porter alternative title for Sex à porter (as Debora Wells)
- Sex Slaves alternative title for Osmanische Sexsklavinnen
(as Linda Fermont, Monika Sladenkov, Petra Lavand, Nathalie Tomaczik or uncredited)
- Sex Vacations Dir. Nicholas Moore

- Sex, drugs & rock n' roll alternative title for Sesso, drogua & rock n' roll
- Sexe, Haine et Passion ?, Dir. Alex Martini
- Sexe, haine et passion alternative title for L'Albergo della paura

- Sexual Obsessions 1 alternative title for Le Avventure di Turpex 1: sesso alchemico (plays Rubber)
- Sexwahn 1992, Dir. John Francis, Gerard Hauser (as Vivian O'Hara)
- Sexy Games 1991, Dir. Gérard Hauser
(as Vivian O'Hara)
- Der Skandal alternative title for Scandalo
(plays la stagista)
- La Socia Dir. Carlo Vallone

- La Socia 2 Dir. Carlo Vallone
- Soeurs incestueuses alternative title for L'Incesto
- Le Sognatrici alternative title for Sogni

- Sogni 1994, Dir. Joe Gagliano (as Jo' Gagliano) and Benny West

- Sogni d'estate a riccione 1992, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri
- La Soubrette Italienne alternative title for Nero
- Souris d'Hôtel 1991, Dir. Michel Ricaud (as Noëlle Budvar)
- Lo Specchio dei desideri anali
- Sperma in die Fresse 1990s, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
- Die Spermabullen 1991, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Beata Lund)
- Spiegel der Angst alternative title for Tutta una vita (as Beata)
- A Star is Born alternative title for Una Pornodiva con i tacchi a spillo
(as Minou, Alice Serra, Miranda or uncredited in the DBM release)
- Storie di ordinaria follia 1999, Dir. Silvio Bandinelli as Marco Trevi

- Stupro anale Dir. Arno Malavis (Christophe Clark?) (uncredited)
- Suceuses c. 1996, Dir. Andrea Nobili?
(BJ only)
- Summer Dreams alternative title for Sogni d'estate a riccione
- La Taverna dei mille peccati 1995, Dir. Riccardo Schicchi as Derek Worth
- Il Testamento 1994, Dir. Joe Gagliano (as Jo' Gagliano) and Benny West
(plays Linda Houston)
- Die Töchter des Botschafters alternative title for Corpi venduti

- Tradimento e seduzione alternative title for Laguna erotica
- Tutta una vita 1992, Dir. Mario Salieri (as Beata)
- U elle aime 1992, Dir. Michel Ricaud (as Béata)
- L'Ultima vamp 1994, Dir. Alessandro Perrella as Alex Perry

- The Ultimate Vamp alternative title for L'Ultima vamp

- La Vénus bleue 1993, Dir. Michel Ricaud
- Die versklavte Ehefrau alternative title for La Moglie schiava

- The Very Best of Vivian 1993
- La Veuve de Buda-Fesse 1994, Dir. Christophe Clark

- Videostar intim 11 (as Vivian O'Hara)
- La Vie Torride de Al Capone alternative title for La Calda vita di Al Capone
(plays the judge's wife)
- Villa Venturi alternative title for Il Testamento
(plays Linda Houston)
- I Visitatori - Sex Romance alternative title for Les Visiteuses (as Beata)
- Les Visiteuses 1994, Dir. Alain Payet (as Beata)
- Viva Italia 2 alternative title for Adolescenza perversa

- Viva Italia! alternative title for Tutta una vita (as Beata)
- Vlad Tepes: The Legend of Dracula alternative title for Dracula

- VMi Erotik Volume 1
- Les Voraces alternative title for L'Ambasciatore

- Vue sur Maison Close 1991, Dir. Michel Ricaud (as Noëlle Budvar)
- Wet Cats alternative title for Feuchte Katzen
(as Beate?)
- Der Wille des Paten alternative title for Roma Connection
- Wizzard of Dolls 1991, Dir. John Francis (as Vivian O'Hara, plays Luise)
- Wrong Bet 1991, Dir. John Francis (as Vivian O'Hara)
- The Young One SLY Collection 1. alternative title for Private Moments 1 (as Beata Bitvai)
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