< Charly Spark
from Handbag
Notes |
- French, b. 1968, small mole below left breast, magazines: Bizarre 6, Piss Parade 6, Maximum Perversum 18 (VEF thread)
Pseudonyms |
- Charlene Spark
- Charlie Neal
- Charlie
- Charlie Sparks
- Charlie Spark
- Charline Sparks (?)
- Charly Sparcks
- Charly News
- Charly Sparxx
- Charly Sparks
- Charly
- Charly Sparx
- Corinne (?)
- Julia
- Lisa
- Lisa-Marie
- Terry McGregor
- Veronique Frejus
Films |
- 20 ans génération salope 2000s
- 20 ans génération salopes alternative title for 20 ans génération salope
- 4 moules frites
- Les Affamés en gang bang 1994, Dir. Prof. Lazetoupe
- Allô Nurses 6 1999?, Dir. Stan Lubrick
(in scene 3)
- L'amateur Français 3 - Vive les mûres, elles assurent 2013 (as Charly Sparxx)
- Anal Défonce Holiday 1994, Dir. Toni Angelo
- Anal Holidays alternative title for Anal Défonce Holiday
- Anal Ladies late 1980s, Dir. Dino (??)
- Ausländerbehörden Report 1995, Dir. none credited

- Bad Ass Bitches alternative title for Play Hard
(as Lisa-Marie (introduced as Lisa), with very different hairstyle from her usual)
- Belles à jouir n° 7 1990s, Dir. Laetitia
- Best of Simona Valli alternative title for Inside Simona Valli (as Charly Neal)
- Betty's Life c. 1995, Dir. Sandrine Vincenot, although given as Mario Salieri in SAP artwork
(uncredited ?)
- Bis die Heide Wackelt! 1990s
- Bites dures pour femmes mûres 2 Dir. Laetitia
- Biz-Riz c. 1998, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti
(as Charlene Spark)
- Bizarre Fotzen-Hexen alternative title for Pussy Trainer (as Charlene Spark)
- Briefe einer Sklavin c. 1995, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Julia, plays Chefin von Claudia Bossy)
- Brillanti 1995, Dir. Carolyn Monroe

- Carnet Secret d`une Nymphomane 1994, Dir. J.J. Mezori
- Charlie s'offre à toi! 1995, Dir. Gérard Menoud (as Charlie)
- Cindy Power and Friends (as Charlene Spark)
- Le Clos des plaisirs 1994, Dir. Gabriel Pontello
(as Charlie (or as Anita Holdier, Sandy Foster, Lisa, Manuela Dantis or uncredited))
- Club der Perversen alternative title for Le Clos des plaisirs
(as Charlie (or as Anita Holdier, Sandy Foster, Lisa, Manuela Dantis or uncredited))
- Club di Scambio alternative title for Le Clos des plaisirs
(as Charlie (or as Anita Holdier, Sandy Foster, Lisa, Manuela Dantis or uncredited))
- Cochonnes et matures alternative title for Matures et cochonnes
(as Charly Sparks)
- Cock Cats 1990s
(as Charlene Spark)
- Le copain de ma fille 2012, Dir. Fabien Lafait (as Charly Sparks)
- Les Cougars se font livrer à domicile 2012, Dir. Fabien Lafait (as Charly Sparks)
- Culos golosos alternative title for Play Hard
(as Lisa-Marie (introduced as Lisa), with very different hairstyle from her usual)
- Culs gourmands alternative title for Play Hard
(as Lisa-Marie (introduced as Lisa), with very different hairstyle from her usual)
- Débauche à la Martinique 2 1990s, Dir. Laetitia

- Débauche à la Martinique 7 Dir. Laetitia
- Debora 16 - Sex Society alternative title for Sex Society (as Charlene Spark)
- Dechirement anal c. 1994 (for VHS), Dir. Paul Festus

- Désirs lesbiens 1998, Dir. Erick Brignol (as Charlie Spark)
- Diamanti
- Diamanti alternative title for Brillanti

- Do It Yourself
- Dolly Buster the Lady Publisher 4 - Tunnel of Ecstasy alternative title for Tunnel of Ecstasy

- Dreckige Spiele - perverse Lust am Exzess alternative title for Handbag (as Charlene Spark)
- é, kart bien les cuisses Dir. Laetitia
- L'École de Laetitia 2 1994, Dir. Laetitia
- L'Éducation de Coralie 1996, Dir. Lorenzo Pellegrino
(as Charlie)
- Electra 27 - Shameless alternative title for Shameless (as Charlene Spark)
- Elixir de plaisir c. 1998, Dir. Michel Mex
- En Famille alternative title for Umiliazioni in famiglia (as Terry McGregor)
- Erotika 1995, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri (?)

- Exhibitions anales 9 1995, Dir. Laetita
- Extra Stark 1
(scene from Made By Fist and?)
- Extrem Exzess vom Chef befohlen alternative title for Sex Society (as Charlene Spark)
- Faust Fucker - Die Faust im Arsch alternative title for Faust Fucker 6: Die Faust im Arsch
(as Charlie)
- Faust Fucker 6: Die Faust im Arsch 1994, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Charlie)
- Fellations-Intromissions-Ejaculations 15 1994, Dir. Laetitia
- Fume c'est du belge c. 1994
- Gina Wild - Ich will euch ALLE alternative title for Gina Wild - Ich will euch ALLE - Gang Bang für Gina Sjetz wird's schmutzig 5

- Gina Wild - Ich will euch ALLE - Gang Bang für Gina alternative title for Gina Wild - Ich will euch ALLE - Gang Bang für Gina Sjetz wird's schmutzig 5

- Gina Wild - Ich will euch ALLE - Gang Bang für Gina Sjetz wird's schmutzig 5 2000, Dir. Harry S. Morgan

- Les Gros seins d'une salope alternative title for Power Inside
(as Charly Di)
- Handbag 1990s, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti (as Charlene Spark)
- Heiße Grotten ... mit Natursekt gelöscht 1996, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Veronique Frejus)
- Histoires cochonnes 1993, Dir. Alain Payet as John Love
(as Charlie)
- Hot Diamand alternative title for Diamanti
- Hot Diamond alternative title for Brillanti

- L'Infirmière fistée
- Les Infirmières de Laetitia 4 1996, Dir. Laetitia
- Les Infirmières de Laetitia 5 1997, Dir. Laetita
- Inside Simona Valli 1994, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri (as Charly Neal)
- Intimité violée par une femme n° 23 1994, Dir. Laetitia (? as Corinne ?)
- Italia Anal: Anal Défonce Holiday alternative title for Anal Défonce Holiday
- J'aime mon père
- Kein Spiel für kleine Gören alternative title for Tunnel of Ecstasy

- Kleine geile Teufelchen alternative title for Made By Fist
(as Charlene Spark)
- Lady Anita F. 41 - Handbag alternative title for Handbag (as Charlene Spark)
- Laetitia Chez Toi 3 alternative title for Intimité violée par une femme n° 23 (? as Corinne ?)
- Laetitia et ses infirmières 2004, Dir. Laetitia
(as Charly)
- Lettres d'une esclave alternative title for Briefe einer Sklavin
(as Julia, plays Chefin von Claudia Bossy)
- Ma mere mon beau-pere et moi 2010, Dir. Olivier Lesein (as Charly Sparcks)
- Ma patronne préfère les jeunes 2015, Dir. Fabien Lafait (as Charly Sparks)
- Made By Fist c. 1995, Dir. Enzo Munari
(as Charlene Spark)
- Matures & Cochonnes alternative title for Matures et cochonnes
(as Charly Sparks)
- Matures et cochonnes 2009, Dir. Christian Lavil
(as Charly Sparks)
- Mes femmes de rêves alternative title for Sexual Network - Geheimcode Superfrau
(as Charly News)
- Ne le dites pas à ma fille 2007, Dir. Fabien Costes (? as Charline Sparks?)
- Nur für Profis
- Obsession 10 - Pussy Trainer alternative title for Pussy Trainer (as Charlene Spark)
- On a échangé nos mères 4 2013, Dir. Max Antoine (as Charlie Sparks)
- Orgasmus ohne Ende 1995, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Charly)
- Le Petit fripon 8 Dir. Laetitia
- Pipeuses enculées
- Play Hard 1994, Dir. Moli, but actually Alain Payet
(as Lisa-Marie (introduced as Lisa), with very different hairstyle from her usual)
- Un Poing c'est tout! No. 2 1996, Dir. Emile Dan Lepan
- Power Inside 1996, Dir. Ian Nicols as Jan Nicols
(as Charly Di)
- Private Cult - Komm in meine Möse 2005
- Pussy Trainer 1990s, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti (as Charlene Spark)
- Quitte ou double 1992
- Sandwich Extreme 15

- Secret Diary of a Nymphomaniac alternative title for Carnet Secret d`une Nymphomane
- Serial Cougars 2012 (as Charly Sparxx)
- Sex Society c 1999, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti (as Charlene Spark)
- Sex society un gioco di gruppo alternative title for Sex Society (as Charlene Spark)
- Sexual Network - Geheimcode Superfrau c. 1996, Dir. Ralf Scott
(as Charly News)
- Shameless c. 1998, Dir. Gabriel Pontello as Gabriela Ponti (as Charlene Spark)
- Special anal 26 Dir. Laetitia
- Sun Radio alternative title for Power Inside
(as Charly Di)
- Teenies ohne Grenzen 1990s, Dir. Dino (cover)
- Teenies Without Limits alternative title for Teenies ohne Grenzen
- Teeny extrem c. 1997

- Teeny Exzesse 34: Orgasmus ohne Ende alternative title for Orgasmus ohne Ende
(as Charly)
- Teeny Exzesse: Orgasmus ohne Ende alternative title for Orgasmus ohne Ende
(as Charly)
- Time Demon 1996, Dir. Richard J. Thompson
- Tunnel of Ecstasy 1999, Dir. Dolly Buster

- Umiliazioni in famiglia 1996, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri, in some versions given as Sandrine Vincenot (as Terry McGregor)
- Vieilles sévères frustrées et mal baisées défoncées par des jeunes de cité 2014, Dir. Fabien Lafait
- Voll in die Fresse 2006
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