< Dina Pearl
from Pirate 28 magazine
Notes |
- Hungarian. b. May 23, 1974, magazines: Cica 63, Teenage Sex 80, Teenage Sex 81, Magma Teeny Magazin 2, Pirate 28, Private 126, Cumshot Spezial 10, Personal 36
Pseudonyms |
- Alexandra
- Alexandria
- Andrea Feyez
- Andrea Boier
- Andrea X.
- Andrea Fayes (a mis-spelling?)
- Andrea
- Andréa Fejes
- Andy
- Andy Kamp
- Anita Resta
- Annika
- Arabella
- Diana Perl
- Diana Pearl
- Diane Pearle
- Dina Perl
- Gloria del Monte
- Marina Perla
- Monika Dombrowski
- Natasha Love
- Paola Bocca
- Pavla
- Pina
- Pina Colada
- Steffi
- Susanne
Films |
- Le 10 Top di Diva Futura Fans Club Dir. Riccardo Schicchi (as Andy)
- 100% Rocco
- Die 3 Wilden alternative title for The 3 Wilds

- The 3 Wilds 1997, Dir. Chris Austin

- A csodatévõ aranyhal 1997, Dir. Kovi
- Amazing Sex alternative title for Fantasmi al castello

- Amleto - per amore di Ofelia 1995, Dir. Franco Lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
(plays a laundry girl)
- Amorous Liaisons alternative title for Sex Emergency
- L'Amour de Laure 1996, Dir. Christophe Clark

- Amplesso Dir. Andrea Lucci
- Anal Paprika alternative title for Paprika
(as Marina Perla)
- Analgeile Teenies 1994
- Die Anmacherinnen, Teil 1: Die Klassenfahrt 1996, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Andrea Fejes)
- Die Anmacherinnen, Teil 2: Die Autopanne 1996, Dir. Harry S. Morgan?
(as Andrea Fejes)
- Around the World - Yachtfieber alternative title for Yachtfieber (as Heddi or Sylvia)
- Assassinio sul Danubio 1995, Dir. Max Bellocchio

- Die Autopanne alternative title for Die Anmacherinnen, Teil 2: Die Autopanne
(as Andrea Fejes)
- Babba Natale Dir. Morris Magli
(as Dina Perl)
- Baby Pussys 1995, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Monika Dombrowski)
- Le Bambole del Führer alternative title for Le Ragazze del Führer
(as Marina Perla)
- Bauer Piepenbrink 1990s
(as Andrea)
- Bauer Piepenbrink ...und seine triebigen Töchter alternative title for Bauer Piepenbrink
(as Andrea)
- Berlin 1944 alternative title for Le Ragazze del Führer
(as Marina Perla)
- Billard Queue in Arsch und Mose 1995, Dir. Claudine Chantalle (as Andrea World)
- Blondinen bevorzugt gefickt!
- Blow Up alternative title for Blow-Up
(as Natasha Love)
- Blow-Up 1998, Dir. Joe d'Amato as Raf de Palma
(as Natasha Love)
- Böse Mädchen 7 c. 1998
(as Susanne (post enhancement))
- Buttman's Rolling Cheeks 1998, Dir. John Stagliano
- Calcio scommesse alternative title for Scommessa fatale

- Car Fashion c. 1995, Dir. Christophe Clark as Christof Clark
(as Arabella)
- Castings 17 alternative title for Castings X 17
(as Andrea, July 1993, Budapest)
- Castings X 17 1999, Dir. Pierre Woodman
(as Andrea, July 1993, Budapest)
- The Cat and the Fox alternative title for Il Gatto e la volpe (as Eva Buongiorno or uncredited)
- Le Château des fantasmes alternative title for Fantasmi al castello

- La chienne du Danube alternative title for Assassinio sul Danubio

- Cindy Carrera Perversion Pur - Wet Water Worlds alternative title for Wet Water Worlds
(les only)
- Clark Entertainment 26 - Open Games alternative title for Open Games (as Arabella)
- Clark Entertainment 27 - Car Fashion alternative title for Car Fashion
(as Arabella)
- Clark Entertainment 28 - Dinner for Sex alternative title for Dinner for Sex
(as Aarabella (typo for Arabella))
- The Coming of Nikita 1995, Dir. Patrick Collins
- Concupiscence 1997, Dir. Paul Forguette
(as Andréa Fejes?, plays Cadeau No. 1)
- Confessioni anali 1998, Dir. Giorgio Grand as Canyon Grand
(as Evelyne Darr or Giuditte Leroy or uncredited)
- Cyberix 1997, Dir. John B. Root (plays Andrea)
- A Dangerous Day 1996, Dir. Oliver Czech (as Diana Perl, plays Maria)
- DBM XXX 39 - ÖKM Sex Triathlon alternative title for ÖKM Sex Triathlon (as Marion)
- Decameron Tales 2 alternative title for Decameron X - 2

- Decameron X - 2 1995, Dir. Franco Lo Cascio as Luca Damiano

- Decamerone 2 alternative title for Decameron X - 2

- Depravate 1995, Dir. A. M. Dry
- Diamonds 1996, Dir. Oliver Czech (as Diana Pearl?)
- Dinner for Sex 1995, Dir. Christophe Clark as Christof Clark
(as Aarabella (typo for Arabella))
- Dinner for Two c. 1998, Dir. SX Kowalski

- Disco Live und geil: Im Züri sind sie Nächte heiss alternative title for Zürich Live: Teil 6

- Disco Teenies c. 1997

- Disco Teenies 2 c. 1997, Dir. Lenroc

- Disco Teenies 3 c. 1997, Dir. Lenroc

- Il Dottore le prova tutte Dir. Max Bellocchio
- The Dream c. 1997, Dir. Carolyn Monroe
- Dream Girl c. 1996 (as Andy Kamp)
- Dream Girl Nr. 1 alternative title for Dream Girl (as Andy Kamp)
- Dream Hotel alternative title for Dream Girl (as Andy Kamp)
- Duras, tiernas y suaves alternative title for Teenies: Zart und hart
(presumably as Andrea)
- The Erotic Adventures of Zorro alternative title for Zorro
(as Baby Penn, Sue Olly, Sylvia Petrovna, Olivia Verdun or Monique Blair)
- Erotic Dreams of Lady D alternative title for I Sogni della principessa
- Erotico Veneziano 2000, Dir. Andrea Lucci
(as Andrea Feyez)
- El Esame del erotismo
- Les Escapades Amoureuses d’une British Lady alternative title for I Sogni della principessa
- Euro Angels Hard Ball 10: Depraved Intent alternative title for Euro Angels Hardball 10: Depraved Intent

- Euro Angels Hardball 10: Depraved Intent 2000, Dir. Christophe Clark

- Euro Gals Vol. 9: Murder on the Danube River alternative title for Assassinio sul Danubio

- Euro Hardball 10 alternative title for Euro Angels Hardball 10: Depraved Intent

- European Beauty's (as Dina Perl)
- Exxxtreme Teenyhunt 9 alternative title for Teenies extrem 145
- Familie Flodder 4 1997, Dir. Lenroc?

- Familien Schlampen c. 2001, Dir. Dino
(as Denise Haley, Mona Monaco or Alison Style)
- Fantasmi al castello 1996, Dir. credited to Joe d'Amato

- Fantasy Island 1997, Dir. Oliver Czech (as Diana Pearl, plays Mary)
- Faust und Anal - Exzesse junger Teenies c. 2006 (original c. 1996), Dir. none credited

- Fetish & Magic 2002, Dir. Kovi

- Fetish Academy 2002, Dir. Kovi

- Fièvres alternative title for Sahara (plays Ali's wife)
- Flirt mit der Wollust alternative title for Tropical Heat
- Flug 69 c. 1998

- Fotzen privat alternative title for Depravate
- Freche Biester: Versaut, verfickt, einfach geil!
(as Babette, Rita, Rebecca or Silke)
- Fuhrer's Dolls alternative title for Le Ragazze del Führer
(as Marina Perla)
- Il Gatto e la volpe 1997, Dir. Carolyn Monroe (as Eva Buongiorno or uncredited)
- Geile Fruchtchen alternative title for Mein erstes Mal
- Geile Mäuse 1995 (as Andrea X.)
- German Cherry Poppers 1 c. 1996, Dir. none credited (as Steffi)
- Giovani vedove assatanate alternative title for Jeunes veuves lubriques
- The Girl Takes a Ride alternative title for Taxi Lady

- Hamlet - per amore di Ophelia 1 alternative title for Amleto - per amore di Ofelia
(plays a laundry girl)
- Hamlet For the Love of Ophelia alternative title for Amleto - per amore di Ofelia
(plays a laundry girl)
- Hamlet X 1995, Dir. Luca Damiano

- Hamlet, pour l'amour d'Ophélie alternative title for Amleto - per amore di Ofelia
(plays a laundry girl)
- Haunted Love 2001, Dir. Anita Rinaldi
(plays the ghost's friend)
- High Octane 6 2002, Dir. Herve Bodilis as Patrick Handsome
(as Alexandria, Alexandra in end-credits)
- Holiday - In & Out 2001

- Hot Girls, Hard Sex 1997, Dir. ?
- I Want To Fuck You On Board 2003

- Inner Circle c. 1995
(scene from Seitensprung (Twilight 24?))
- Italian Perversion 1996, Dir. Walter Carrera
(as Paola Bocca, pre-enhancement)
- Jamais sans Nikki 2000, Dir. Daniel Holton
- Jay La Belle: Der Kronzeuge alternative title for Der Kronzeuge
(as Pina Colada)
- Jay La Belle: Hot Witness for the Prosecution alternative title for Der Kronzeuge
(as Pina Colada)
- Jeunes et sauvages alternative title for The 3 Wilds

- Jeunes veuves lubriques 1995, Dir. Christophe Clark
- Jeux décadents alternative title for Ladri e gentiluomini - Donne gioielli e culi belli
- The Joy Club alternative title for Le Ragazze del Führer
(as Marina Perla)
- Junge Frauen extrem 82 alternative title for Teenies extrem 145
- Junge Frauen extrem 83 alternative title for Teenies extrem 146
- Kampfgeschwader 00-Sex

- Kaptn Sack an Deck! - Orgasmus auf schwankenden Planken alternative title for Privat Club 30: Kaptn Sack an Deck (as Anita)
- Kauto Sex Stin Ammo c. 1995, Dir. Lakis Lalos

- Der Kronzeuge 1990s, Dir. Ralf Scott
(as Pina Colada)
- Ladri e gentiluomini - Donne gioielli e culi belli 1990s, Dir. Franco Lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
- Lady D alternative title for I Sogni della principessa
- The Last Italian Whore alternative title for Paprika
(as Marina Perla)
- Lick it Up! alternative title for Jeunes veuves lubriques
- Lil' Women 1 alternative title for Die Anmacherinnen, Teil 1: Die Klassenfahrt
(as Andrea Fejes)
- Lil' Women 15: Sorority Rush alternative title for Teeny Internat

- Lil' Women 2 alternative title for Die Anmacherinnen, Teil 2: Die Autopanne
(as Andrea Fejes)
- The Love Spectrum alternative title for A csodatévõ aranyhal
- Lust Era 5 - Teens (as Mandy, Olinka or Tina)
- Die Mädchen vom Lande 1999, Dir. Ferdi (F. Hillman)?
(as Andrea)
- Mai dire basta alternative title for Russian Rhapsody 2 - Operation: Double Penetration
- Make Up 2001, Dir. Anita Rinaldi
- Mandy's Tagebuch Teil 2 - Die Geschichte geht weiter 2003
- Marchette anali alternative title for Paprika
(as Marina Perla)
- Master Sex number 1 1995, Dir. Lasse Braun
(as Annika)
- Mein erstes Mal
- Die Melkmädchen 1995
(as Andrea X.)
- Metamorfosi 1990s, Dir. Eugenio De Lorenzi (uncredited)
- Mit Ficksaft abgefüllt alternative title for Young Emotion
- Monique & Katalin: Yachtfieber alternative title for Yachtfieber (as Heddi or Sylvia)
- Il Morbido culo di Laura alternative title for L'Amour de Laure

- Novelle Maliziose (Di Bernarde Assai Vogliose) alternative title for Decameron X - 2

- Nur für Profis
- Obsession 32 - Dinner for Two alternative title for Dinner for Two

- ÖKM Sex Triathlon 1995, Dir. Dino (as Marion)
- ÖKM Sex-Triathlon alternative title for ÖKM Sex Triathlon (as Marion)
- Online 1990s, Dir. SX Kowalski
- Open Air Teenies c. 1995, Dir. Sarah Mind
(as Claire Davis or Sarah Tresh)
- Open Games 1995, Dir. Christophe Clark as Christof Clark (as Arabella)
- Operation Sex alternative title for Saloon Kiss (Le Troie del III Reich)
(as Marina Perla)
- Opetana seksem alternative title for Visioni di sesso

- Orgasmes sur le Danube alternative title for Orgasmi sul Danubio blu
- Orgasmi sul Danubio blu 1995, Dir. Alessandro Perella as Alex Perry
- Paprika 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Marina Perla)
- Paprika: the Last Italian Whore alternative title for Paprika
(as Marina Perla)
- Passioni & Prigioni alternative title for Passioni e prigioni
- Passioni e prigioni 1995, Dir. Max Bellocchio
- Passport to Ecstasy alternative title for Seitensprung (as?)
- Penitenziario femminile 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato (as Marina Perla)
- Pensione Villa Paradiso 1990s, Dir. Max Bellocchio
(as Gloria del Monte)
- Les Perversions de Nikita alternative title for The Coming of Nikita
- Il Pesce magico alternative title for A csodatévõ aranyhal
- Pick-up alternative title for Pickup
(as Andrea Boier)
- Pickup 1995, Dir. 'Franc Frizi'
(as Andrea Boier)
- Pirate Fetish Machine 4: The Sexterminators alternative title for The Sexterminators

- Porno Villa 1 c. 1993, Dir. 'Franc Frizi' (Hans Billian?)
(as Andrea Boier)
- Le Pornololite di Diva Futura 2 1995, Dir. Riccardo Schicchi (as Andy)
- Pralle Hintern Aufgebohrt alternative title for Le Seduzione
(as Gloria del Monte)
- Prendimi... dietro alternative title for Teenies extrem 145
- Prima 12: Prisoners of Passions alternative title for Triangolo mortale

- Prima 9: Assassins - Marina-Pacific alternative title for Assassinio sul Danubio

- Privat Club 30: Kaptn Sack an Deck 1994, Dir. Willi Schuster (as Anita)
- Private Castings X 17 alternative title for Castings X 17
(as Andrea, July 1993, Budapest)
- Private Castings X 17 - Maria de Sanchez the Power of Spanish Sex alternative title for Castings X 17
(as Andrea, July 1993, Budapest)
- Private Dynamite 2001

- Private Games Dir. Max Bellocchio (as Diana Pearl)
- The Private Life of Maria Bellucci 2007

- Private Lust Treasures 4 2002, Dir. Frank Thring and others
(scene from Private Video Magazine 18)
- Private Stories 10 1996, Dir. Joe Wallach, Torelli, Jane Waters, Peter Backman, Max Steiner

- Private Triple X 1 alternative title for Triple X 1

- Private Triple X 3 alternative title for Triple X 3
(as Andrea)
- Private Video Magazine 16 1994
(as Andrea)
- Private Video Magazine 17 1994

- Private Video Magazine 18 1995

- La Professoressa di lingue 2000, Dir. Enzo Gallo as Steve Morelli (plays Anna)
- Queen of Elephants 2: Sahara alternative title for Sahara (plays Ali's wife)
- Quella figona di... Simona 1995, Dir. Lawrence Webber

- Le Ragazze del Führer 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Marina Perla)
- Les Rêves de Malcom alternative title for I Sogni di Malcom (as Andrea Fayes)
- Ribu Casting 23 1997 (as Marion)
- Rocco e le storie tese 2 1997, Dir. Rocco Siffredi
(as Pavla)
- Rocco's True Anal Stories 1 1998, Dir. Rocco Siffredi (as Pavla)
- Rock 'n Roll Rocco 2: Backstage Pass alternative title for Rocco e le storie tese 2
(as Pavla)
- Rotzfreche Anmacherinnen Teil1 : Die Klassenfahrt alternative title for Die Anmacherinnen, Teil 1: Die Klassenfahrt
(as Andrea Fejes)
- Russian Rhapsody 2 - Operation: Double Penetration 1997, Dir. Roy Alexandre
- Sahara 1998, Dir. Joe d'Amato (plays Ali's wife)
- Sahara - Eine Fata Morgana wird wahr alternative title for Sahara (plays Ali's wife)
- Sahne Muscheln 1995, Dir. 'Franc Frizi' (as Andrea Boier)
- Saloon Kiss (Le Troie del III Reich) 1995, Dir. Joe d'Amato
(as Marina Perla)
- Sandwich Club 2 1990s
- Santo Domingo Connection 2001, Dir. Kovi

- Scandalosa Gilda Dir. Alberto Orsini (as Anita Resta)
- Scharf gespritzt 1994
- Schwanz geil 1996 (as Andrea)
- Scommessa fatale 1990s, Dir. Bud Calzone (Max Belloccio?)

- The Secret of Madam X alternative title for I Segreti di Madame X
(as Gloria del Monte)
- Secret Service Boobs alternative title for Der Kronzeuge
(as Pina Colada)
- Seduction alternative title for Le Seduzione
(as Gloria del Monte)
- Le Seduzione 1994, Dir. Alex Martini
(as Gloria del Monte)
- I Segreti di Madame X 1997?, Dir. Alex Martini
(as Gloria del Monte)
- Seitensprung 2013, Dir. Julia Reaves (as?)
- Sesso in Agenzia Dir. Kovi

- Sex Emergency c. 1996, Dir. Kovi
- Sex Penitentiary alternative title for Penitenziario femminile (as Marina Perla)
- The Sexterminators 2002, Dir. Kovi

- Sextra 13 - Open Air Teenies alternative title for Open Air Teenies
(as Claire Davis or Sarah Tresh)
- Sexy Life c. 1999, Dir. Andrea Lucci as Andrea Lucienne (as Andrea Fayes)
- Simona - Turbamento di un minorenne c. 1995, Dir. Lawrence Webber (non-sex and extremely brief cameo)
- Simona la porcona Dir. Lawrence Webber (uncredited)
- Sodome & Fantômes alternative title for Haunted Love
(plays the ghost's friend)
- Sogni bagnati 2001, Dir. Michael Bernini
- I Sogni della principessa 1998, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano
- I Sogni di Malcom Dir. Lorenzo Pellegrino (as Andrea Fayes)
- Il Sogno alternative title for The Dream
- Sperma Saufen alternative title for Open Air Teenies
(as Claire Davis or Sarah Tresh)
- Squadra d'Assalto alternative title for Kampfgeschwader 00-Sex

- Suor ubalda 2 c. 2004, Dir. Morris Magli

- Super Max's Magazine 8 ? (as Andrea Csepke)
- Taulards pour excès sexuels alternative title for Passioni e prigioni
- Taxi Lady late 1990s, Dir. Kovi

- Teen Service alternative title for Teeny Service (plays Teen Waitress)
- Teenies dures & douces alternative title for Teenies: Zart und hart
(presumably as Andrea)
- Teenies extrem 145 1996, Dir. none credited
- Teenies extrem 146 1995
- Teenies: Hart und zart alternative title for Teenies: Zart und hart
(presumably as Andrea)
- Teenies: Zart und hart 1995, Dir. Moli
(presumably as Andrea)
- Teens: Pickup alternative title for Pickup
(as Andrea Boier)
- Teeny Internat 1996, Dir. Moli

- Teeny Internat: Lil Women 15 alternative title for Teeny Internat

- Teeny Service 1995, Dir. Moli (plays Teen Waitress)
- Tennis Teens 1994
- Tennis Teens - Wer gewinnt bei den German Open? alternative title for Tennis Teens
- Tennis Teens Shaved 1995
- Tennis-Teens alternative title for Tennis Teens
- Teresas Finest: Geile Mäuse alternative title for Geile Mäuse (as Andrea X.)
- Tessie 2001, Dir. Giancarlo Bini

- The Thief, the Girl & the Detective Dir. Oliver Czeh
- Tödlich geil alternative title for Triangolo mortale

- The Tower 1995, Dir. Pierre Woodman
(as Andrea, pre-enhancement)
- Triangolo mortale c. 1997, Dir. Max Bellocchio

- Triple X 1 1995, Dir. Pierre Woodman, Peter Backman and Francois Clousot

- Triple X 3 1995, Dir. Peter Backman, Pierre Woodman, Alain Payet as John Love
(as Andrea)
- Tropical Heat 1997, Dir. Donna Vargas
- Turbamento di un minorenne alternative title for Simona - Turbamento di un minorenne (non-sex and extremely brief cameo)
- Twilight 24 alternative title for Seitensprung (as?)
- Venise interdite alternative title for Erotico Veneziano
(as Andrea Feyez)
- Versaute Familienfeier alternative title for Familien Schlampen
(as Denise Haley, Mona Monaco or Alison Style)
- Villa Desire alternative title for Pensione Villa Paradiso
(as Gloria del Monte)
- La Villa du Désir alternative title for Pensione Villa Paradiso
(as Gloria del Monte)
- Viper 5 - Inner Circle alternative title for Inner Circle
(scene from Seitensprung (Twilight 24?))
- Visioni di sesso 2002, Dir. Anita Rinaldi

- Visions alternative title for Visioni di sesso

- Viziose 1995, Dir. Alex Martini (as M. Dry)
- The Wager alternative title for Scommessa fatale

- Wet Dreams alternative title for Sogni bagnati
- Wet Water Worlds 1995
(les only)
- The Whoring Game Dir. Andre Lucienne and Cristiano Pascoli (as Diane Pearle (in US release))
- Wo gehobelt wird... c. 2000, Dir. Danny Winter

- X Hamlet alternative title for Hamlet X

- X-mas Gang Bang alternative title for Babba Natale
(as Dina Perl)
- Yachtfieber 1995, Dir. 'Franc Frizi' (as Heddi or Sylvia)
- Young Emotion c. 1998, Dir. SX Kowalski
- Zorro 1996, Dir. Mario Bianchi as Nicholas Moore
(as Baby Penn, Sue Olly, Sylvia Petrovna, Olivia Verdun or Monique Blair)
- Zorro - Spitz wie sein Degen alternative title for Zorro
(as Baby Penn, Sue Olly, Sylvia Petrovna, Olivia Verdun or Monique Blair)
- Zürich Live: Teil 5 c. 1997, Dir. no data

- Zürich Live: Teil 6 c. 1997, Dir. 'Dany Steel'

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